Best Young Chef

Chapter 166

"Hum, Yang Zhentian, I want you to die in my hands."

Liu Zhongyang took a deep breath and crossed his hands to form a big fist.

The Qi and blood of his whole body gathered here, and the power of his whole body gathered in it, which made the surface of the big fist soar with the energy light wave, and then it began to burn like a flame.


Seeing that the owner of the house was about to be attacked by the enemy, the cries broke out one by one. The members of the Yang family looked at the scene in horror, some of them couldn't believe their eyes.

Zhao Zilong holds Yang Jing's hand tightly and looks at the scene nervously and stupidly. His face is full of sadness. He sighed faintly in his heart: is I've worked so hard, but I failed in the end?

When the members of the Yang family were in despair, the invading enemy could not help cheering excitedly.

At this time, Liu Zhongyang was like a dragon slaying warrior. In the surprise eyes of his companions and the angry eyes of the enemy, he swung his strongest punch in his life and hit the center of the bloody cocoon.

"The Yang family will perish here!"

Liu Zhongyang's eyes were burning and his whole body was shining.

"It's far from you!"

At this moment, a powerful voice sounded.

Blood cocoon turbulence, which stretched out a blood light big hand, lightning like grasp his big fist. With the continuous tightening of Xueguang's big hands, Liu Zhongyang's big fists made a burst of crackling sound of bone fracture.

Liu Zhongyang looked at his broken fists and twisted arms in disbelief, and his eyes looked a little silly. Compared with the physical injury, the spiritual injury from heaven to hell seems to be more intense.

Liu Zhongyang, who originally wanted to be a hero, was like a dead dog crawling under the feet of the enemy, which he could not bear. He gathered the strength of his whole body and rushed to Yang Zhentian with his body.

Yang Zhentian just a very casual kick, then will kick Liu Zhongyang's head.

The milky white brain and the bright red blood sprayed everywhere, making the scene bloody. Seeing this disgusting and cruel scene, Zhao Zilong suddenly felt his stomach spasm and wanted to vomit.

Yang Zhentian's limbs spread out, and his bony joints crackled. The bloody cocoon retracted into his body under the turbulence. At the next moment, the burly figure finally appeared in front of the public.

In the light of blood, he was baptized by the eyes of the people like the God of war.

"Master?" Seeing this scene, Lu Dongfang's eyes suddenly brightened.

Just when he was distracted, the rainbow that had never been able to cross his defense line broke through the air and went away. In a twinkling of an eye, it was cut in front of Yang Zhentian. Just when everyone was nervous, Yang Zhentian stretched out a white finger and shot it in the void. The dazzling rainbow went back along the original road at a faster speed.

Not far away in the forest sounded a cry of panic, and then a white shadow broke away, the curling figure like a fairy, flashing all kinds of graceful, straight make people see straight.

After seeing Yang Zhentian's recovery from his injury, even ye Qiushui, the first master of the Duan family, was injured and fled. Those who invaded the Yang family were as pale as ashes, and those who betrayed the Yang family were even more desperate.

Under the rise of this and that, Yang Hai and they burst out with astonishing momentum.

Seeing the head of the family rising up and injuring the enemy's first master at one stroke, they began to encircle and suppress the enemy in an all-round way.

When Yang Zhen saw the situation, he wanted to escape, but he was hit by a brick thrown by Yang Zhentian and fell down. Liu Zhongshi rushes on crazily to avenge his brother, but Yang Zhentian kills him.

It was narongniang who showed amazing footwork at this critical moment. She is like a pink butterfly, dancing across the battlefield, towards the nearest wall.

"Old man, although the woman has a good figure, she is very evil. Put her down quickly and don't let her reveal the secret. " Zhao Zilong turns his head and shouts to Yang Zhentian.

Yang Zhentian carried the brick and pondered for a long time. Finally, he sighed and slowly put it down.

"Let her go. In fact, she is a poor person." Yang Zhentian looked at her back more and more far away, and finally disappeared outside the courtyard wall, issued a complex sigh.

"Well, I didn't expect that old man was still a sentimental seed." Zhao Zilong pretended to sigh.

His words just finished, but Yang Zhentian slapped him on the head. The bully, who had been murderous before, showed his love: "smelly boy, dare to make fun of me, don't you smoke?"

"Cut, now it's niucha. Don't forget that you were lying there just now. If I didn't help you, you don't know if you can wake up." Zhao Zilong pursed his mouth and exclaimed triumphantly.

"Zilong, how can you talk to uncle?" Yang Jing took his hand and exclaimed angrily.

"Aren't you chasing Xiao Wei? How did you get mixed up with this girl again?" Yang Zhentian looks at Zhao Zilong, turns to look at Yang Jing, and asks Zhao Zilong."Uncle, we are comrades in arms. Do you understand?" Zhao Zilong hears speech to have no good spirit ground to shout a way.

"If that's the case, I'll be relieved." Yang Zhentian patted Zhao Zilong's head, turned and walked toward the battlefield: "you're smart. If it's really bad for me, I won't break your butt."

Yang Zhentian first came to Yang Hai and LV Dongfang, checked their injuries, comforted them, and sent them back to rest. Then he came to the captured enemies.

Yang Zhentian, as a hero in the world, has his own dignity with clear rewards and punishments.

For the Duan family members who infiltrated the Yang family, they all folded their arms and abandoned their Kung Fu. For those who betrayed the Yang family, their five limbs were broken and thrown into the crocodile pool for food.

The iron bars of the Yang family fell on the limbs of the enemies and traitors one by one. The sound of broken bones and the scream of killing pigs made the people around them feel frightened.

The reason why Yang Zhentian did this was to give others a warning and set an example.

It's just that Zhao Zilong's cruelty made him feel a little cold.

As a child growing up in the countryside, he is used to the plain and peaceful life. Even if there are some people in the village who make a fight, the most they can do is to slap them in the face and kick them. They are as likely to break their bones as they are.

As for the meritorious people who took part in the war, they were given a bonus of 100000 yuan each, and they could go to the Yangs' estate in the provincial capital for three days. The news made everyone shout long live.

Wine can be drunk, food can be eaten, women can find, this is a good day. In the eyes of these people who lick blood all day long, life in the world has to be so natural and unrestrained.

After dealing with the minions, Yang Hai called all the existing members of the Yang family to the middle hall for a family meeting. Zhao Zilong was not qualified to participate in the meeting, so he was dragged to the backyard of the house by Yang Jing.

In the elegant land with red flowers, willows and green, and gurgling streams, they were holding two big watermelons and eating them there. The bright red juice flowed down the cheek and looked very embarrassed.

The beauty in front of him and the beauty around him make Zhao Zilong forget his previous painful memory for a while. He crazily nibbled at the watermelon in his hands, hoping that the sweetness of the fruit could soothe his heart.

After all, Zhao Zilong, a child who grew up in the countryside!

Although he is lustful and greedy, he is still a kind and simple boy.

For Yang Wei's sake, he is willing to risk his life to come to the Yang family to help cure her illness and deal with many intrigues. However, I can't bear to see so many people being broken and thrown into the crocodile pool.

"Wow, my watermelon is so sweet and refreshing!"

Yang Jing stretched out her pink tongue to lick the juice from the corner of her mouth and cried happily.

"My one is sweet!"

Zhao Zilong pursed his mouth and exclaimed unconvinced.

"My sweet, my sweet..."

Yang Jing pursed her red lips and complained to Zhao Zilong.

Unfortunately, the mobile phone rang untimely at this time, and Zhao Zilong straightened up angrily. When Yang Jing saw his angry appearance, she couldn't help but smile and said, "let another villain bully me. God is watching."

"I'll see what God can do to me if I don't answer the phone."

Just as Zhao Zilong felt his blood gushing, another mobile phone rang again. What shocked him even more was that the voice of Blue Maple rang out in the Vertu mobile phone that he had never used.

"Little villain, get out of here and get on the phone right away, so that I can beat you to calm down." LAN Feng's voice is just like her image, sexy and beautiful.

Although it's just a ring tone, Zhao Zilong can't resist not answering the phone. Under the mischievous eyes of Yang Jing, Zhao Zilong left her and got through the phone.

"Little villain, just chatting with Meimei, didn't even answer the phone?" After connecting the phone, before Zhao Zilong could speak, the sweet voice rang again.

"What are you talking about? I'm the invincible, super pure little gentleman in the universe. Do you think I'm just like you?" Zhao Zilong curled his lips and said casually.

"Cut, don't be careless here. If it wasn't for Lao Tzu, you would have taken that little girl down on the grass." Blue Maple sneer, a trace of disdain in the voice.

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong looked at the grass under his feet and looked around. He couldn't help but start to be stunned. Although she did not know how she knew what was going on here, Zhao Zilong believed that she had an eye liner in Yang family.

"How's it going?"

The Blue Maple is just like a demon. Even Zhao Zilong blushes after hearing his outspoken words.

Yang Jing, like a cunning fox, comes to Zhao Zilong's ear to eavesdrop. As a result, she heard a lot of unpleasant words, and she was so angry that she pinched out plum blossoms in the soft meat under Zhao Zilong's rib.

"Elder sister, what do you want to say? If you tease me like this again, can you believe that I will push you down next time?" Angry, Zhao Zilong made a threat to the phone.The last exchange was in Lanfeng's hometown. Zhao Zilong said that he was careful in every word.

But at this time, hundreds of kilometers apart, she naturally couldn't reach herself. In addition, she just got close to the Yang family, so Zhao Zilong immediately had the confidence, and even began to make fun of LAN Feng.

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