Best Young Chef

Chapter 192

"It's in the drawer in front of you. Take it yourself."

Han Yu pursed her red lips and cried out without being angry.

On the way back, Han Yu's face is straight. She refuses to talk about how Zhao Zilong teases her, which makes Zhao Zilong feel indifferent. He opened the drawer in front of the co pilot and saw that it was full of bright red tickets.

Zhao Zilong, like an old rich man in Shanxi Province, took out a pile and set his legs there. He counted out two hundred pieces at a time and put them into his trouser pocket. The rest of them were put back.

"I can't see that you are still a little money fan."

See Zhao Zilong bare arm, face comfortable, Han Yu can't help but curl his mouth.

"I can't help it. I'm afraid of poverty. I have to seize the opportunity to make money." Zhao Zilong grinned, and his face was full of cunning: "besides, we deserve it. If we don't take it for nothing, right?"

"It's unreasonable to bully people and even ask for money."

Seeing Zhao Zilong's greedy appearance, Han Yu pursed her red lips and said without good spirit.

"Hey, this is what you promised in advance. Don't cheat."

After hearing this, Han Yu reaches out her little hand to fight, but Zhao Zilong flashes to one side ahead of time.

The car stopped at the entrance of Zhaojia village. Originally, Zhao Zilong wanted her to send her to the fish pond. But Han Yu refused, and Zhao Zilong had to open the door and jump down.

Just as Zhao Zilong was about to turn and leave, the window rolled down.

"Hey, tell me honestly, did you help the two patients in the county hospital to cure them last time?" Han Yu shouts at Zhao Zilong, showing an expectation on her pretty face.

"Yes, what's the problem?"

Zhao Zilong blinked and asked her back.

"Can you tell me how you treated it?"

Han Yuwen pursed her red lips and asked him with interest.

"In view of your bad attitude today, I refuse to answer. When you make me happy, I'll tell you. " Zhao Zilong gave a bad smile and turned to the direction of the fish pond.

"Stinky boy, I hate you to death." Han Yu called angrily at his back.

After Han Yu was released, Zhao Zilong was in a good mood.

After he gets through Du Qingsi's phone, he tells her the news of Wansheng Hanyu.

Knowing that Han Yu had eaten in Zhao Zilong, Du Qingsi was not only happy but also jealous. Only when Zhao Zilong promised to accompany her in the county in the near future did she smile happily.

After hanging up the phone, he went to the fish pond to chat with Wu fen for a while, and then had dinner with his father.

After dinner, he went to Wang Yixian and continued to strengthen the true meaning of Tai Chi. It is hoped that the vitality and the true meaning of Tai Chi can be integrated more thoroughly, and the success can be focused on the eyes, so as to practice the legendary Tai Chi eyes.

Zhao Zilong spent the next few days in peace.

The grass in front of the thatched cottage is still green, the business of the restaurant is still hot, the decoration progress of the farm manor is orderly, the canteen of the township government is highly praised, and the external transformation is also in progress at the same time.

Every few days, Yang Wei would come from the provincial capital to meet Zhao Zilong in Zhaojia village. They are just like Cowherd and weaver girl. Although they love each other hard, they still enjoy it.

Yang Jing does not seem to have a fixed task in her family. She comes with Yang Wei as a bodyguard every time. Every time she scolds her, Yang ziqiao will avoid her.

But Zhao Zilong knew that she must have suffered a lot in her heart.

So every time after Yang Wei fell asleep, he would accompany Yang Jing.

Seeing that Zhao Zilong did not forget her old love, Yang Jing felt very satisfied. But instead of making out with Zhao Zilong, she took him by the big hand and found a forest to spread his skill of flying needles.

Zhao Zilong's eyesight is excellent, his arm strength is strong enough, and his strength is strong enough. With his energy, he has no disadvantage. Only after learning from Yang Jing several times, Zhao Zilong has been able to shoot at the target ten meters away.

Although his hit rate has yet to be improved, Yang Jing is shocked by his strong learning ability. You know, it took her three months to learn how to shoot a 10 meter target.

There is good news from Feng Yongcun. After the identification of the Health Bureau, when fan Jianguo handed over the canteen to Zhao Zilong, there were not only a lot of expired condiments, but also some laxatives in the oil.

After the police intervened in the investigation, they soon found out the truth.

In order to save cost and make more profit, fan Jianguo bought expired condiments to make working meals.

In addition, at the gate of the township government, after being humiliated by Zhao Zilong, he deliberately retaliated by mixing laxatives into the oil, hoping to plant Zhao Zilong and drive him away.

To this end, the township government sued the canteen members headed by fan Jianguo. After the court judgment, fan Jianguo was sentenced to one year's imprisonment for the crime of injuring others, and handed over 120000 yuan of stolen money for years of illegal profits.The rest of the members of the canteen, though not directly involved in the planting, knew that the seasoning had expired, but still used it for a long time. They were sentenced to three months' imprisonment, fined 3000 yuan per person, and publicly apologized to the township government.

After the announcement of this incident, it caused strong repercussions in Dukou township.

Some people hate fan Jianguo and even use expired condiments to cook for them without conscience. Others appreciate Zhao Zilong. If it wasn't for him, people in the township government would still be eating fan Jianguo's unhealthy food.

In a word, this is definitely a good thing for Zhao Zilong.

After the situation in the canteen of the township government stabilized, there was Zhang Jin sitting there, and everything was OK. Zhao Zilong only goes around twice a day. He doesn't need to do anything at all.

Considering that the staff of the township government never forget the fruit rice, and they can't stay here all the time, Zhao Zilong, after pondering a little, gritted his teeth and passed on the practice of fruit rice to Zhang Jin.

His generous approach not only made Zhang Jin feel his trust and decided to work with him wholeheartedly, but also made the staff of the township government feast their stomachs, killing two birds with one stone.

After settling all this, Zhao Zilong became a real shake off shopkeeper.

It's a wonderful day to walk around the farm manor every day, go to the canteen of the township government, or go to the restaurant to join in the fun and tease beautiful women.

Although the sun is shining, there are always places where it can't shine.

Although Zhao Zilong's life is pleasant, it is also unsatisfactory.

In the face of Li Dabao's investigation and Luo Dabing's repeated provocations, Zhao Zilong felt as disgusted as eating a fly. Zhao Zilong was in a dilemma.

Every time he found Li Dabao following him or observing himself talking to Jin Yingying, he would be secretly annoyed. To this end, he will always find a chance to sneak into Wang Hongfang's office and force her to a small room to vent her anger.

Hum, if you want to get hold of me, I will give you a green hat!

As for Luo Dabing, he challenged Zhao Zilong several times, but he didn't accept it. Every time he challenges Zhao Zilong, Zhao Zilong will date Di Shenghua to find the feeling of revenge.

One evening, after the township government got off work, di Shenghua, who was looking forward to comforting him, called Zhao Zilong to the office. After that, Zhao Zilong left her office unconsciously.

Just as he was about to pedal his bicycle home, the iron faced Luo Dabing stopped him.

Luo Dabing didn't make an appointment as usual this time, but the fighting spirit in his eyes was burning like fire!

Zhao Zilong understood that he had no way back this time!

At this time, Luo Dabing was very angry, his face was very blue, just like a God.

He looked at Zhao Zilong coldly without saying a word, but his eyes were full of naked fighting spirit.

Zhao Zilong saw that he could not retreat and knew that he could no longer keep a low profile. He took a deep breath, threw the bicycle aside, turned and headed for a forest next to the township government.

Since you want to fight, then fight, just hope you don't lose too ugly!

After becoming stronger, Zhao Zilong had great confidence in his fighting power. It's just that Wang Yixian taught him to keep a low profile. Moreover, when he first came to the township government, he would attack the Minister of armed forces, which would not only make it difficult for Di Shenghua and Wang Hongfang, but also make it difficult for them to do so. Therefore, Zhao Zilong has always chosen to be patient.

Although Luo Dabing challenged him several times before, the hostility was still controlled within a certain range. But today, he didn't hide his murderous spirit. He could see that he already knew what happened between them.

In this case, Zhao Zilong decided to decide this matter with Luo Dabing in a man's way.

He walked in front of him, followed by Luo Dabing. Neither of them spoke, but they thought the same.

At this time, the night has come, the forest is dark, but their eyes are flashing a strange light.

They stood still in the woods five meters apart and looked at each other in silence for a long time. Luo Dabing took a deep breath and took the lead in saying to Zhao Zilong, "we have a fight. If you win, I will give up Di Shenghua, or you will give up!"

"In fact, it's not the right way to pursue love by gambling. I don't agree with it." Zhao Zilong listened to his words and said slowly with a bitter smile.

"That's my business. You don't have to worry about it. Take the move."

Luo Dabing snorted coldly, and his right fist came over like thunder.

He was born in the army, and his long years of practical experience made him strong. At this time, he was like a tiger in the shape of a dragon, and his fist was like a mountain. He was so powerful that he rolled towards Zhao Zilong.

His fist was as heavy as a kilo, making a piercing sound in the air.

Zhao Zilong showed the power of Tai Chi, and formed a soft atmosphere between his body and body, weakening his boxing. His fists were caught in seven circles with both hands, and his fists were strangled.

Although they only tested one move, they both felt the strong fighting power from each other.

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