"Why, Wang Yan, how did you come back?"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Zilong sat up and said with a smile.

"When I came in just now, I seemed to see someone shaking at the door, so I came here to test. I didn't expect that you are so brave. I'm in the Institute with the director, and you dare to fool around. "

Wang Yan looked at Zhao Zilong angrily, and the thin pink lips curved in an arc.

"I didn't mean to..."

Zhao Zilong wanted to explain, but she didn't listen at all.

"I don't care. You go up every day when you see a woman. You're a shameless and obscene turnip." Wang Yan, with a small mouth, saw Zhao Zilong's eyes full of anger.

"I didn't..."

"I say you have it, you have it."

Wang Yan called to him angrily.

"Since you say yes, I'm not polite."

Seeing her unreasonable, Zhao Zilong pounced on her and pressed her to the bed.

"Well, what do you want to do?"

Wang Yan was crushed by him and turned pale.

"Didn't you say I would go up when I saw a woman?"

He said angrily, tearing her clothes open with his big hands.

"No, don't..."

"Zhao Zilong, you bastard!"

"Get out of here You stinky man. "

Although Zhao Zilong tried her best, she could not survive.

In the face of his rude action, Wang Yan could not help crying.

Looking at her thin shoulders constantly stirring, like a pear blossom with rain, Zhao Zilong couldn't help getting angry. He had been excited by Wang Yan's words before, and almost took her first time by force.

"I'm sorry, it's me."

Zhao Zilong scratched his head and got up from her.

"You beast, I hate you."

Wang Yan pushed him away and ran back to the room with a crying voice.

When she was changing clothes next door, Liu Xiao came back to wash her face.

"It's getting late. Let's go."

Zhao Zilong felt guilty for what happened just now, but Liu Xiaoxiao didn't know what happened just now. He took Zhao Zilong by the arm and walked out of the health center.

"Now we are going to your site. What are you going to do for me?" Liu Xiaoxiao is a girl in the county. She is not only elegant in speech, fashionable in dress, but also charming.

"Come on, what would you like to eat?"

Zhao Zilong turned to her and asked.

"I want to eat happy food!"

Liu Xiao powder lips a nu, toward Zhao Zilong smile.

"Happy food?"

When Zhao Zilong heard the speech, he was stunned.

"I have just experienced the greatest happiness in my life. Only happy food can keep me happy." Liu Xiaoxiao is also a young man of literature and art. When he talks, there is always something called elegance dancing.

"No problem, give it to me!"

Zhao Zilong thought a little and agreed happily.

Originally, Liu Xiaoxiao was just joking, but Zhao Zilong solemnly agreed, which surprised her. She blinked her big watery eyes and her face was full of expectation.

At noon, more and more people are eating.

Zhang Yinfeng, director of the health center, had already occupied a table. Liu Xiaoxiao sat down next to the director and chatted with her with a smile. Zhao Zilong went to the toilet and delayed for a while.

Meili's sister-in-law is a little busy, but she can't deal with her husband's third brother. It was not until Zhao Zilong came that the tension in the kitchen was relieved.

Zhao Zilong's dexterous hands are just like magic. Seasoning, garnishing, oiling, coloring, stir frying and other processes are in good order. Even the beautiful sister-in-law, who has been cooking for a long time, sighs that she is not as good as herself.

It's worth mentioning that his Dao skill is uncanny and unpredictable.

Under the rapid shaking of steel knife, different vegetables are cut into different shapes, such as sweet potato as strip, wax gourd as block, beans as diagonal slice and so on. In particular, sweet potato silk, each is half a millimeter, not thick or thin, the whole body is uniform, looks like a work of art as crystal clear.

Zhao Zilong and Meili's sister-in-law serve the dishes instead of frying dishes. Everything is in order.

Unfortunately, with the arrival of the meal, the number of people in the restaurant not only did not decrease, but also increased a lot. A lot of good women rushed over to have a meal to make a profile investigation of yesterday's events.

When they see that the restaurant has not been smashed, and even the old tables and chairs have been replaced with new plastic seats, they can't help talking together in a low voice, and sometimes they turn to the kitchen.

Women gossip, the village women more gossip, the village's most gossip old woman!

Dozens of women sat in the restaurant talking, and the sound almost lifted the house up.Just at this moment, Wang Yan from the health center came. She changed into a brand-new Plaid Dress. Her lower body was a light gray leggings, and with light yellow boots, she looked very attractive.

Although she put on some light makeup, still can't cover up her tiny red eyes.

"Wang Yan, what's the matter with you?"

Careful Zhang Yinfeng pulled her to her side and asked softly.

"I'm fine. I'm just blinded by the sand."

Wang Yan lowered her head unnaturally and said in a low voice.

Zhang Yinfeng took a deep look at her and said nothing more.

At this time, Zhao Zilong came with a big tray. When he saw Wang Yan's resentment, he felt something bad in his heart.

"Director Zhang originally wanted three kinds of rice, but I just learned three new kinds of rice, so I decided to invite three for free." Zhao Zilong said with a smile.

"Zilong, you are too eccentric. You have something to taste for free. Why do you only invite the nurses in the health center, but don't give it to your aunt?" Seeing this, Chen Qiulan raised her voice and said to Zhao Zilong.

"That's the reason why he flatters the nurses because he sees them looking beautiful. You are too old to catch that boy's soul. "

Liu Yindi, Wang Liuzhu's daughter-in-law, was also a noisy guest. After hearing this, she cried with a grin. As soon as her words came out, all the women around her burst out laughing.

"What are you talking about? Zilong is still a child. Don't teach others badly." After hearing this, Chen Qiulan blushed and gave her a blank look.

"Don't make fun of me, aunts. I'll tell you the truth. I have some pain in my back. I want to ask three doctors to have a look at it, so I specially made a rare meal to please them. "

Zhao Zilong was flushed by a large group of old women. He could not help explaining.

when the three people in the health center listened to these dirty jokes, they felt novel and exciting. They could not help but blush and smile.

"Qiulan sister-in-law, you are from the power supply station. Why don't you send us electricity all the time? We can't make a meal, so we have to come here to eat." Zhang Yinfeng, director of the Institute of health, was so excited by everyone that she opened her mouth to Chen Qiulan.

"It's not my fault. It's the power that was cut off when the transformer was replaced in the village."

Chen Qiulan smiles and says to Zhang Yinfeng with some grievances. Their conversation distracted everyone's attention, and Zhao Zilong's eyes returned to the three.

"This sweet meal is for the beautiful nurse Wang Yan. I don't think you are happy, so I made it for you to taste. I promise you'll be happy and happy after you eat it. "

Zhao Zilong smiles at her and presents a plate of bibimbap with honey and jam.

"Thank you

Although Wang Yan hated his rudeness, she gave her thanks in a low voice. Under Zhao Zilong's fierce gaze, she stretched out her orchid finger and gently scooped up a spoonful of rice and put it into her mouth.

The sweet rice is soft and fragrant, and it melts at the mouth. The fresh and sweet food goes down the throat, just like the gentle sunshine dispelling the cold, which makes Wang Yan's face stretch out unconsciously.

The sweet taste swept through her body, making her feel a kind of inexplicable comfort. She savored the taste of happiness, the whole person was intoxicated.

When people around saw that Wang Yan, who was originally sad, was intoxicated and happy after eating the sweet meal, they were surprised.

"This pineapple rice is for the happy nurse Liu Xiaoxiao. Its taste is sour and sweet, delicate and refreshing. It carries a kind of happiness factor. After you eat it, you will turn into a happy angel."

Zhao Zilong said with a smile and sent the fruit rice with half a pineapple.

"Wow, how beautiful!"

There are oranges, corn, pine nuts, cherries and so on in the food filled with pineapple. The colorful things are combined together, and the visual effect alone has captured the women in front of us.

"Zhao Zilong, I never thought that food could be so romantic!"

Liu Xiaoxiao's charming eyes are about to drip water. She smiles sweetly at Zhao Zilong, picks up the spoon and puts the rice into her mouth. With the gentle chewing, the sweetness of the fruit, the aroma of pine nuts and the acidity of cherries come out completely, conquering her taste buds with an unprecedented delicious feeling.

The wonderful feeling touched her heart and made all the cells in her body jump. That refreshing, that delicious, finally condensed into a feeling, that is Happy!

Seeing the exaggerated expression on Liu Xiaoxiao's face, all the women around her are envious.

"Zilong, what's my name?"

Zhang Yinfeng saw that the second daughter was so intoxicated that she couldn't help casting her expectant eyes at him.

"It's called nostalgic rice. Director Zhang must have many things to remember. If the taste of this rice can make you feel nostalgic, it proves that it's successful."

Zhao Zilong said, holding up the last plate and delivering the sweet rice with wax gourd, bitter gourd, pumpkin and six kinds of medicinal materials to Zhang Yinfeng."Nostalgia? It's a good name. I'll try it. "

After hearing this, Zhang Yinfeng smiles and puts a spoonful of rice into her mouth.

A mellow fragrance rippling, which also with a wisp of inadvertent bitterness, which made her subconsciously frown. The bitterness stretches straight to the heart, and the setbacks and pain of the past come one after another.

The bitterness dissipated, the aroma began to diffuse, and a strong sense of home flashed through her mind.

With Zhang Yinfeng's attentive taste, this nostalgic meal perfectly exerts its aphrodisiac effect, which makes her think bitterly and sweetly in a moment, travel all over the world, and taste the mystery of this meal.

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