Best Young Chef

Chapter 258

After listening to the women's teasing, Chen Sisi realized that he was still actively holding Zhao Zilong's hand. As soon as her pretty face turned red, she quickly released Zhao Zilong's hand and sent him an apologetic smile.

"Well, Sisi's face is red."

Chang Jiao saw that her wonderful eyes were bent into crescent shape and said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? We're just seeing each other for the second time." After hearing this, Chen Sisi was both happy and angry. He was so shy that he stamped his little foot and hummed angrily.

Zhao Zilong was stunned by her pure little daughter's flattery.

Most of the women he met were women. Tian Tian, Wang Yan and Liu Xiaoxiao were unmarried girls, but they had already stepped on the society, with less innocence and more reality.

But in front of them, they are like a group of lovely elves, with pure girl feelings on them, just like the gurgling water in the mountains. Without any pollution from love, they look clear to the bottom.

When people see Chen Sisi's flattery, they can't help trying to tease again.

But at this time, Zhao Qingqing, who had bet with Chen Sisi before, blinked her eyes and asked her with some doubts: "wait, you just said You are For the second time? "

Zhao Qingqing is the most intelligent of all the women.

After listening to Chen Sisi's casual words, she was shocked. She frowned at Chen Sisi and then turned to Zhao Zilong. She couldn't believe it.

"Yes, the last time we met at the stall, he invited us to breakfast. Later, when he sent us to school, I taught him to dance in the street." Chen Sisi said without any disguise.

"Ah, after a long time, it turns out that you are cheating. People really think you are charming. Just with that little fresh idea, they hang on to this handsome boy, and they worship you for a while."

"That's right. You're cheating. You can't keep your bets."

"Yes, little girl, I want to cheat us. There's no way!"

All the girls around Chen Sisi, you say a word, I say a word, the face is full of angry color.

"Well, you know, at that time we bet that there was no limit on whether I knew him or not. Our bet is that as long as I can ask him to dance with me, even if I win, do you want to cheat me? "

Chen Sisi not only dances well, but also has super intelligence and eloquence. With only one understatement, she stunned everyone. They looked at each other one by one and didn't know how to respond.

"That Although you win, we always feel a little unwilling. "

Zhao Qingqing said with red lips, and a trace of unconventionality flashed over her pretty face.

"Although it's a bet, it's just a little joke between our sisters. If you think it's unfair, this bet will stop. Don't let it affect our mood of playing. "

Listen to her words, Chen Sisi is ready to argue, but see Zhao Zilong is winking at her. She took a deep breath of his meaning with a broad smile.

Seeing that Chen Sisi was so generous, the women felt a little embarrassed.

All of them are rich or expensive, and they are not short of money at all. The reason why they provoked Chen Sisi was just playing among little girls and satisfying their vanity.

"Si Si is right. In fact, in the final analysis, we really didn't think about it. We lost the bet this time. I think we should fulfill the bet and help her bear all the expenses of the trip. "

Ji Feifei is a quiet and reasonable one among all the women. Good family education makes her have responsibility and courage, even in such a complex environment, she resolutely made the right choice.

"Of course, if you don't want to, I will bear the expenses on my own." Ji Feifei's face is calm, and her pink lips are slightly open and close, showing an elegant oriental classical beauty.

"Yes, we give up. We don't have much money anyway."

"Sisi is right. If it affects everyone's mood of playing, it's not good. This time, we've lost the bet. We just hope we won't be slaughtered too hard. "

All the women turned to look at Chen Sisi with expectant eyes.

"Don't worry. I don't want to go shopping outside. It's nothing to buy things out of such a long way, but the key is how to take them back. I don't want to drag them back "

Chen Sisi pursed his red lips and gave Zhao Zilong a grateful look.

Under the guidance of Zhao Zilong, Chen Sisi successfully solved the problem. She not only got what originally belonged to her, but also showed her tolerance, which aroused strong repercussions in her companion's heart.

"In fact, it's nothing. Just buy it if you like."

"That is, we can't afford to lose. You don't have to save us money."A group of pure little girls chirped, just like a group of little skylarks.

"You guys are so cute."

Zhao Zilong was attracted by these lovely little lollies.

"Well, where are we small?"

"Yes, don't look down on us."

"Hee hee, sister Sisi is the eldest of our sisters. She is only two months away from the age of 18. Strictly speaking, she is almost an adult

"Just in front of us, there is a handsome man who is loved by everyone. It's better to let this handsome man help you, and let your precocious girl film become a woman directly."

A group of little Laurie teased recklessly, which made Zhao Zilong laugh bitterly.

"By the way, handsome, where are you going?"

Chen Sisi stares at Zhao Zilong and makes a delicate voice.

"I have something to go to Yuning. What about you?"

Zhao Zilong pursed his mouth and asked them with a smile.

"It's a coincidence that you're going to Yuning, too. So are we." After hearing this, Shen Xiufang's eyes brightened, and Zhao Zilong's eyes were full of strange excitement.

In front of these young girls, although the heart is simple, they also have a subconscious pursuit of beautiful things. On the way to Yuning, Zhao Zilong, a handsome boy, accompanied him. All of them were happy.

"You are seat 17, I am seat 18. It seems that we are sitting together." At this time, Chen Sisi took Zhao Zilong's ticket and made a surprise sound.

"Really, it's Zhao Zilong's blessing to travel with all the beauties, and to sit with the dancers makes me eager for this trip." Zhao Zilong said with a smile.

His words were full of praise and expectation, and gave them a compliment, which made these young girls very happy and sweet, and their affection for Zhao Zilong also increased again.

When the bus finally arrived, Zhao Zilong mixed up in the group of young girls in uniform and attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd again. They are beautiful men, beautiful women, I do not know how many people envy.

When getting on the bus, Zhang Qian grabs his side again and asks him in a persistent tone: "Hello, handsome boy, are you going to Yuning city to earn money or to enjoy nightlife?"

Yuning is a famous flower capital in China, where night life is extremely rich. It is known as the golden mountain in the eyes of women and the paradise in the eyes of men. Women come here mostly to earn money, men come here mostly to enjoy.

With the development of the times, the status of women is getting higher and higher, and the demand is growing. More and more female customers come to nightclubs to find men. Some handsome and powerful men also choose to join the ranks.

Since the first sight of Zhao Zilong, Zhang Qian has been fascinated by this handsome young man. But because Chen Sisi got ahead, she had no chance to contact him, so she found a reason to approach him.

At the same time, she also wanted to take the opportunity to inquire about the real purpose of Zhao Zilong's visit to Yuning city. If he wants to earn money in Yuning city with his handsome appearance, his impression in her heart will be greatly reduced.

Zhao Zilong did not answer her question directly, but let her want to go.

During the bus break, Zhao Zilong helped the group of little Laurie to look at their bags, while they went to the toilet in groups to wash and make up. They all have no memory. For a while, they need to take cleanser, for a while, they need to take sunscreen. Even Zhang Qian came over and asked him to help with the sanitary napkin, which made Zhao Zilong very busy.

After arriving in Yuning City, the women reluctantly separated from Zhao Zilong and took a sightseeing bus to enjoy the scenery of the flower capital. Zhao Zilong takes out his mobile phone and dials the blue enchantress.

"Cluck, little brother, you are finally here. Your car will arrive in five minutes. You will wait there for a moment. My sister will take you to have afternoon tea." As soon as the phone was connected, the charming voice of the blue enchantress rang.

"Well, how do you know I'm coming?" Zhao Zilong hears speech Zheng Zheng to ask a way.

"I don't understand. My sister and you have something in mind?" The blue enchantress Jiao smiles, the voice reveals to tease the meaning: "the elder sister signs a document first, have what problem to see a face to say later."

Zhao Zilong was about to say something, but the blue enchantress dropped a word and hung up the phone, which made him angry: it's too impolite. I'm really angry.

He sat in the shade outside the coach station and began to look at the beautiful city.

The degree of construction here is much higher than that in Yangzhou, and the exotic tree species are more tropical.

Just then, a new Mercedes Benz came and stopped in front of him. Then after the door was opened, a slender and round jade leg appeared, and then a beautiful figure appeared.

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