Best Young Chef

Chapter 269

Seeing this, the young man was slightly stunned. Then he sighed: "I can't see that this boy is really fierce. He doesn't want to deal with the 60 or 70 little gangsters with his bare hands, does he?"

But he said that Wang Zhan's investment in stocks was a mess, and he even borrowed high interest goods. The loan repayment date is coming, he originally wanted to sell the goods at a high price to repay the money, but he didn't want the plan to fail unexpectedly.

On the one hand, he sent people to pay attention to Zhao Zilong's whereabouts; on the other hand, he gathered his brothers to prepare for the attack. He will not only deal with Zhao Zilong, but also squeeze some oil from him.

Since the five nails sent out reported the situation once half an hour ago, there has been no news since. Especially when Wang Zhan actively contacted them, he was surprised to find that there was no signal on his mobile phone.

Through inquiry, other brothers' mobile phones didn't have a signal, which made Wang Zhan feel bad. He tried to send some brothers out to inquire about the situation, but there was still no news.

It must be a big force that can make him lose contact with his brother and block this warehouse. If Lanling club wants to vent its anger for Zhao Zilong and let it go to deal with itself, it can naturally do this.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhan's face flashed a trace of despair.

He looked at the cold warehouse and felt as if it had become a dead place.

Just as his patience gradually disappeared and he wanted to take all the brothers to leave from the back door, the brother guarding the door suddenly cried excitedly: "big brother, someone is coming outside!"

"Oh, how many? What's the guy with you? "

Wang Zhan's face changed and he cried to his brother.

He had already decided that it was Lanling club. When he heard someone coming, Wang Zhan was very nervous. If the blue spirit club uses too much power, he will have to run away.

"There's only one. The boy looks white and thin, like a girl. He has nothing on his hands, and it's like going on a hike with his hands on his back. " The brother said with a smile.

"What, how is that possible?" Hearing this, Wang Zhan couldn't help but lie down at the crack of the door.

When he saw that Zhao Zilong was the only one who came, a sneer flashed on his face: "I haven't come to you yet, but you've sent me to the door. It's true that there's a way in heaven. If you don't go, there's no way in hell. You can break in."

"Open the door for me and let the boy in."

Wang Zhan waved his big hand and cried to his brothers, "I dare to break Lao Tzu's fortune. I don't know what to do. We'll tie him up later, and we'll have to stab him to pieces. "

Hearing this, the strong men with big arms, round waists and tattoos all laughed.

"That's great. I like to go through the back door, hehe."

"It's said that it's the face of the blue enchantress. If you say that we've fallen in love with him, it's equivalent to indirectly touching the body of the great beauty. Hehe." Under the laughter of the crowd, his face was full of obscenity.

Pa Pa!

Leisurely footsteps sounded outside, and then a white faced, slender figure appeared in front of the crowd. Seeing that the comer was so beautiful made them even more itchy.

When Zhao Zilong entered the warehouse, his eyes narrowed as he looked at the dark people in front of him.

Although his combat power is amazing, he still lacks actual combat experience. It's the first time for him to deal with so many people alone. What's more, these people all look ferocious and have fierce eyes, which makes him a little nervous.

"Boy, you dare to ruin my fortune. Today I want you to have a taste of life rather than death." Wang Zhan was full of hate and didn't say much. He sent someone to deal with Zhao Zilong.

Four strong men, armed with machetes, steel pipes, hammers and other lethal weapons, pounced on Zhao Zilong. He flashed over and let the machete coming from the front, and his right leg swept out suddenly, breaking the man's legs.

Then he speeded up and ran into the arms of a strong man holding an iron pipe, which made his chest crack. I don't know how many bones were broken. He grabbed the steel pipe in the man's hand and bent the hammer holder's arm. The last one saw that Zhao Zilong was so brave that he dared not wield his machete again.

Five seconds!

Just five seconds!

Zhao Zilong showed off three strong men with his bare hands, which made everyone arrogant. Those who were still smiling could not laugh any more, and their faces were full of panic.

Even Wang Zhan didn't think that Zhao Zilong had such terrible energy in his body.

The last one shivered backward. Zhao Zilong picked up the hammer on the ground and threw it out. He hit the man's lower part of the abdomen accurately and smashed his successor to pieces.

The man covered his hands and rolled wildly on the ground, whining in his mouth!

In addition, the injured three did not escape bad luck, Zhao Zilong each mended a steel pipe, the bottom of the bad things were smashed, can no longer walk. His Thunderclap means, frighten public a burst of palpitation."Life is not like death, you put forward, I will fulfill your wish." Zhao Zilong stroked the iron bar in his hand and sneered at Wang Zhan: "if you dare to move my people, I want you to live better than death!"

"Don't be afraid, brothers. There's only one person he can fight. More than 60 of us can drown him with one mouthful of saliva. Let's go together. Who can show that boy? I'll give him 100000! "

In the face of Zhao Zilong's insidious and vicious, Wang Zhan was frightened and couldn't help stirring up the crowd to shout.

When several murderers heard that there was a reward of 100000 yuan, they rushed to Zhao Zilong. Sixty or seventy people surrounded Zhao Zilong in the center, and the guy in his hand kept calling him away.

The steel tube in Zhao Zilong's hand has super strength under the blessing of vitality.

Whether it's a machete, a hammer, or the bones of the murderers, the steel pipe in his hand will break in two. Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep bee.

Zhao Zilong in the crowd, the hands of the steel pipe every time out, can play a vacancy. When he got excited, he snatched a steel pipe and swung his hands frequently, which made them cry and howl.

Those who attack Zhao Zilong are as black as waves. Zhao Zilong is an island in the ocean. No matter how the enemy attacked, I remained steadfast, instead of hitting the waves into bubbles.

For everyone who was released by Zhao Zilong, the thing below was exploded.

Some of the people who were knocked down by their companions managed to avoid a disaster, but they were trampled on by their companions or killed directly. Those who got away with it were replaced by Zhao Zilong, breaking their youth.

At this time, Zhao Zilong is just like a fighting machine that does not know fatigue!

The steel pipe in his hand swung frequently, and the enemy was killed one by one. Sometimes the steel tube in Zhao Zilong's hand directly hit the enemy's second son, and even hit him more than two meters high, then fell straight down.

Not only was their second child beaten up, but they also lost their lives.

Seeing that Zhao Zilong was so brave, more than 60 subordinates were beaten by him, and more than half of his brothers fell to the ground. Wang Zhan's face was uncertain, and he finally made a decision.

He lifted a bag from his feet, took out a pistol from it, loaded the bullet, and slowly raised his hand to aim at Zhao Zilong. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, he could see nothing.

A smart boy, seeing that Zhao Zilong is so brave, is ready to take the opportunity to slip away with Wang Zhan. When he saw the boss take out the pistol, his face could not help showing a trace of excitement.

Unfortunately, the eldest brother's gunshot did not ring in time, his head suddenly burst open.

The powerful sniper gun blew his head to pieces, just like a broken west red stone.

"Ah, the boss is dead. Let's run."

Seeing this, the little brother let out a cry.

When they heard this, they were all scattered and fled.

Zhao Zilong refused to let them go. His body accelerated abruptly, and his steel pipe swept their legs. A few guys who ran a little farther were all released by Zhao Zilong with flying sticks and hammers.

Just listen to the sound of beep beep beep, the remaining 20 people all legs in the stick, fell to the ground, issued a scream. Each of them held his legs, shrunk and looked at Zhao Zilong with frightened eyes.

But Zhao Zilong, like the God of death coming from hell, didn't pay any attention to their begging for mercy, wailing, or looking at their eyes. Instead, he relied on the steel pipe to hit Zhonggong and blow up their guys one by one.

In less than half an hour, more than 60 people fell to the ground!

More than 60 members of the family have also been smashed!

The two sugarcane thick and thin steel pipes in his hands were slightly bent.

The original group of lively, coquettish and vigorous guys have all become rootless insects and handless flies. In addition to Wang Zhan who was killed, there were seven other guys who were trampled to death by themselves.

These guys are all local ruffians and hooligans. They usually do all kinds of evil. I don't know how many good women have been ruined. At this time, Zhao Zilong blew up their bad guy and saved many innocent women.

Looking at the pain of those guys in front of him, Zhao Zilong's anger finally got a perfect vent. He threw two steel pipes to the ground, making a clear sound.

After completing the target task, Zhao Zilong slowly came to the front of Wang Zhan.

His head was blown to pieces, red and white. It looked shocking. The pistol in his hand fell to one side, which made Zhao Zilong's eyes shrink.

Zhao Zilong looked around and saw a bright light flashed by at a tower in the southeast. He knew that it should be the sniper sent by the blue witch to protect himself, which made him secretly grateful.

Previously, if this person did not kill Wang Zhan, once that crazy guy used a pistol to shoot himself, he would be seriously injured. Although our combat power is strong, we can't defeat the hot weapon of gun.Thinking of this, Zhao Zilong was in a cold sweat.

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