Best Young Chef

Chapter 277

Every morning, they would go out for a walk hand in hand. At noon, Zhao Zilong cooked delicious food for her. In the evening, they went swimming on the beach. It was a very pleasant day.

It's a pity that happy times always go so fast.

On the afternoon of the third day, Zhang Jin called to tell him that everything in the table area of the guest house in another country was ready and that he was waiting for him to come back to preside over the overall situation, which indicated that Zhao Zilong had to go back.

Zhang Yi pours into his arms and refuses to speak for a long time, but two lines of clear tears slowly flow down. When Zhao Zilong tried to comfort her, she put out her little hand to cover Zhao Zilong's mouth and didn't let him speak.

"Don't try to persuade me. I know everything."

Zhang Yi pursed her red lips and whispered to him, "although our days together are short, you bring me too much happiness. I just can't adapt to the days without you."

"The food you cook is so delicious and the words you say are so sweet. You are the lucky star of my life."

Feeling the reluctance in her voice, Zhao Zilong pursed: "don't be so sensational. It's just the beginning. We'll spend more time together in the future. I'm afraid you'll annoy me then."

"No, I won't. Even if you want me to marry you now, I won't hesitate to agree." Zhang Yi listened to Zhao Zilong's words, can't help but work up red lips to act coquettishly toward her.

"Marriage alone is nothing, if you can give me another seven or eight children, it would be more perfect." Seeing that her mood had improved, Zhao Zilong couldn't help squinting and joking.

"I hate it. Do you think people are sows? There are still seven or eight. Even if I was born, can you afford it? " After listening to his unreliable words, Zhang Yi could not help beating his chest with a powder fist.

"Don't worry, I'm trying to make money!" Zhao Zilong smiles and says to Zhang Yi, "just like what is said on TV, five words come from the sky That's nothing

"Well, you can boast. You are not a boaster, are you? I remember you didn't like to talk much in middle school. How did you become a chatter now? " Zhang Yibai took a look at him and exclaimed without good temper.

"Hey, there's something wrong with what you said. In fact, I still don't say much now, but when I'm with you, there are always endless love words."

Zhao Zilong gave a bad smile and said to Zhang Yi with his strong language ability.

"By the way, you should have summer vacation soon. Will you go home then?" Zhao Zilong suddenly thought of a thing, holding Zhang Yi's little hand, looking forward to asking her.

"Originally, I wanted to go to see the world in the big city with Li Sanyan and work part-time for another month to experience the hardships of life. But now that I have you, I will not go. I will go back with you. "

After listening to Zhao Zilong's words, Zhang Yi grabbed Zhao Zilong's neck and said with a sweet smile.

"Well, that's right. Although Changfeng county is remote, it has good air, good human nature and cool climate. I think it's better for you to go back for the summer vacation. "

"As for working, I can help you. My farm estate in Zhaojia village is about to open. You can experience it there, or you can go to the guest house of the township government. "

"At that time, you don't have a fixed position. You can do whatever you want. Your salary is twice that of ordinary employees. What do you think?" Zhao Zilong gave her a kiss on her pretty face and asked with a smile.

"Zilong, you are so kind to me."

Zhang Yi leaned on Zhao Zilong's shoulder and exclaimed excitedly.

"If we have time, we'll have another reunion with our classmates. We'll sit together and have a good chat. We'll talk about our ideals and our old love. It's certainly a pleasant thing to come here." Zhao Zilong suggested.

"Well, well, after you mention it, I'm eager to have the summer vacation soon." After listening to Zhao Zilong's words, Zhang Yi's face was excited and her eyes were full of expectation.

If you think about it, you will be able to spend the summer vacation in two months, and then you can be with Zhao Zilong again. The restlessness that originally haunted Zhang Yi's mind has been swept away, and all that remains is expectation and excitement.

Zhao Zilong took her to school and left in a taxi. Zhang Yi looked happy and hopped toward the school. Just after entering the school gate, tranquility, Li Sanyan and Zhao Botao welcomed them.

"Hello, Zhang Yi, where have you been in the past two days? You haven't been seen and your mobile phone hasn't been turned on. People thought you two were kidnapped." Li Sanyan, a straightforward man, came forward and took him by the arm.

"By the way, when I mention Zhao Zilong, I think of one thing. Some people say that when he came to you last time, he came by Mercedes Benz 600, which is a luxury car with millions of dollars. Think about the last time when he had a meal in the seafood restaurant, he paid more than 2000 yuan for his meal, so he must be the legendary local tyrant, right

Li Sanyan listened to this words not from in front of a bright, pull Zhang Yi's arm, chirped.

"Yes, I think these days, my local tyrant boss will take you to linger in the senior club, mingle in the celebrity dance, and make friends with the stars?" Zhao Bo Tao can't help but ask with wide eyes."Hee hee, you want to know. No comment."

Zhang Yi said with a smile and turned to the dormitory.

Seeing that she was so bad, people were so angry that they scolded her traitors and forgot her friends.

However, Zhang Yi was stopped by ran bailing when she passed by the gate of Taekwondo department.

When she asked for Zhao Zilong's whereabouts, Zhang Yi asked her with a smile, "that's my boyfriend. Why do you ask me for his contact information? Do you want to be a junior or a green tea whore?"

Seeing that she refused to cooperate, ran bailing dropped a cruel word and left angrily.

Looking at her far away back, Zhang Yi's face flashed a glimmer of satisfaction. At this time, her mobile phone rang. She thought it was Zhao Zilong and happily took out her mobile phone.

Just to his surprise, Shen Yiyi from the modeling department called. After connecting the phone, there came a cold voice: "Zhang Yi, where did you take Zhao Zilong?"

"Shen Yiyi, where are you trying prisoners?"

On hearing this, Zhang Yi couldn't help being angry.

"During tomorrow's sports meeting, there will be a model show in the performance part. If you want to show yourself on stage, please answer my question immediately." Shen Yiyi's attitude softened slightly.

"I really want to show myself, but I want to keep my boyfriend. If you want to threaten me to take Zhao Zilong from me, you are very wrong. "

Zhang Yi sneered, with a strong voice.

"Don't be so sensitive. In fact, I don't want to take Zhao Zilong away from you. I just want to invite him to join our modeling department." Shen Yiyi said slowly after pondering a little.

"You don't need to explain. I have my own judgment." Zhang Yi pursed her lips and said faintly, "I'll quit the modeling department now and let those shows go to hell."

After that, Zhang Yi hung up the phone and went to the dormitory without hesitation. Not far behind the trees, Shen Yiyi's figure flashed. Looking at Zhang Yiyuan's back, she could hardly see the extreme.

At this time, Zhao Zilong was on his way to the airport. He didn't know that the beauties in the modeling department and Taekwondo department were struggling to find themselves. He even asked Zhang Yi about his whereabouts.

In order to get back as fast as possible, he decided to fly.

When he heard that there was a plane to Yangzhou at 6:30 pm in the provincial capital, he took a taxi directly to the airport. It was his first time to take a plane, and it was strange to see the giant moving on the spacious runway.

As he didn't book the ticket in advance, he bought it at full price.

After he bought the ticket at the front desk, he provided his ID card.

Then there was waiting, security check and waiting again, which made Zhao Zilong a little anxious. Finally got on the plane, watching the tall stewardess walking back and forth, his voice was sweet and greasy, which made him very excited.

The stewardess on the plane saw that Zhao Zilong was beautiful and smiling. She could not help looking at him consciously or unconsciously. Especially a stewardess who looks like a porcelain doll, his eyes are hot and full of provocation.

The plane flew high up, thousands of meters high, at a speed of 900 kilometers per hour.

Thinking that he would be home in more than an hour, Zhao Zilong was overjoyed.

After more than an hour's flight, the color of the day gradually darkened. At the beginning of the light, the plane finally landed at Yangzhou airport. When the plane stopped at the hatch, Zhao Zilong got off the plane in line.

When he was ready to get out of the hatch, the porcelain doll suddenly flashed from one side. She pretended not to see Zhao Zilong, and inadvertently bumped into him. When Zhao Zilong helped her, he held her firmly.

Then she pretended to apologize to Zhao Zilong and put a paper ball into his hand. Zhao Zilong smiles knowingly, says goodbye to her, gets off the plane and opens the paper ball in a remote corner.

A beautiful line of handwriting was written on the paper ball, asking Zhao Zilong to meet at KFC outside the airport. There is not only a mobile phone number, but also the name of the porcelain doll.

"It's going to open tomorrow. Isn't it inappropriate to fool around again tonight?" After reading the handwriting on the paper ball, Zhao Zilong had a little doubt in his mind.

But at the thought of her tall figure, Zhao Zilong was still itching.

Because in the eyes of men, the stewardess represents the best beauty, such an opportunity can not be missed.

He came to KFC, found a seat with good view, sat down and ordered two cokes. After sitting down, Zhao Zilong turned on his mobile phone and sent a short message according to the mobile phone number.

Tell Yan Feifei that she has arrived and ask when she will arrive.

The other party did not return the message, but directly dialed his phone: "Hello, handsome boy, help me order a gelatinous beef rice, two fresh milk ice cream, I'll be there in a minute."

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