Best Young Chef

Chapter 282

"Zilong is good to all of us. We should also think about him."

With a sigh, Chen Xiulian continued: "he has worked hard to support the township hostel. He is not only running a relationship, but also taking risks. He has to bear the burden of eating and drinking for more than 30 of us

"If we don't say anything else, we'll make a comparison with the guys in Piaoxiang building: our salary is higher than theirs, the food is better than theirs, and the more important thing is that our boss is more benevolent than Luo Piaoxiang. We must cherish this blessing."

"We can't waste all the seafood, but we need two less dishes tomorrow to make up for today's overspending. Do you have any suggestions?" Chen Xiulian said, turning to look at everyone.

"Of course, I don't have any opinions. Hehe, sister Xiulian is reasonable in her management. We all agree with you." Zhang Jin and they all know that Chen Xiulian is smart and shrewd, and they dare not provoke her.

Outside the door, Zhao Zilong sees everything in front of him and looks at Chen Xiulian differently.

Although he was successful in his business, the business of the township guest house was booming. But he also realized that there should be a management talent here to help him manage, so as to keep the business booming and increase the profits.

At this time, Zhao Zilong was overjoyed to see that Chen Xiulian actually played the role by herself.

Zhao Zilong came in and had dinner with Zhang Jin. They talked and laughed with each other. The atmosphere was very lively. After dinner, everyone began to clean up the venue, while Zhao Zilong and Chen Xiulian came to the yard.

"Zilong, you can't always be a shopkeeper like this." Chen Xiulian sighed and took the lead in saying, "money is earned in hand, but it will slip away from her fingers if she is not careful."

"Don't underestimate these daily expenses. If you tighten your hand a little, you can save 8000 yuan a month. A few days ago when you were away, they ate and drank every day after they were busy. They didn't even have a standard working meal. "

"After deliberation, I set a standard for them under your banner: the overall standard for working meals per month is 7000 yuan, equivalent to about 200 yuan per person per month."

"If it exceeds this standard, it should be spread according to the head." Chen Xiulian said here, with a smile on her face: "after such a restriction, the cost of working meals has been saved by nearly half."

Hearing this, Zhao Zilong was shocked: Chen Xiulian's move can save more than 80000 yuan a year, which is not a small amount, equivalent to three or four times of Chen Xiulian's annual income.

"Thank you, sister-in-law!" Zhao Zilong took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Thank you, if you are shameless, I have already taken you as my second husband." Chen Xiulian smiles and holds Zhao Zilong's hand: "for you, I am willing to do anything!"

"Good sister-in-law, I've been blessed to meet you in my life."

Zhao Zilong took her hand and said with a smile, "since they all call you the chief steward, you'd better be my chief steward. In the future, you will not only help me manage the money, but also manage all the affairs here. "

"Zhang Jin is in charge of the kitchen. You are in charge of Finance and daily affairs." Zhao Zilong smiles and says to Chen Xiulian, "I'll tell him later that you must cooperate well."

"I'm just graduating from high school. If I can be a housekeeper, don't make trouble for my sister-in-law here." Hearing this, Chen Xiulian couldn't help saying no.

"What's the matter with high school graduation? Don't I graduate from high school, too?" Zhao Zilong refused to give up, and continued to persuade him: "if you are so proficient in money management, you must not be bad in management."

"If you don't have a score in mind, you can take time to go to the farmhouse in the village, talk to Li Shujin Yingying, and ask him about some management problems. I'm sure you can be inspired."

Zhao Zilong took her soft hand, felt the heat, and said with a smile.

"Do you think I can carry such a heavy burden as a woman When Chen Xiulian listened to his words, her pretty face showed a complex color, including excitement, fear and loss

"Of course, no problem. I'll delegate power to you. Just let it go. No matter what the problem is, I will support you behind your back." Zhao Zilong holds her in his arms and kisses her crystal earrings.

"Well, I'll try. If you don't do it well, you can't blame your sister-in-law." Chen Xiulian nodded, hooked Zhao Zilong's neck, and said.

"Surely you can do it well. I believe in my sister-in-law's ability. You've helped me so much. I'll give you a surprise at the end of the year. "

"The surprise at the end of the year is far away. I want a surprise from you now." Chen Xiulian whispers to Zhao Zilong.

After their appointment, Zhao Zilong went back to the village by bike in advance.

He came to the entrance of the village, put his bicycle in a hiding place, and sat on a big stone, staring at the night. The business of CMB is booming, and with the management of Chen Xiulian, it will certainly be able to go to a higher level.

Because he was in a good mood, he felt that the quiet rural scenery was particularly beautiful.He picked up a stone and threw it out, making a string of floats on the water, as if he had found the fun of his childhood. Just as he was enjoying himself, the sound of a bicycle came not far away.

Zhao Zilong deliberately hit another drift, pointing out the direction for Chen Xiulian. She threw the bike into the dark grass and ran to the river.

In the dark, two people's breathing more and more quickly, gradually turned into two groups of fire.

Rural life and urban life are two extremes. The former is like a girl sketching from life in the mountains, whose back is green and quiet; the latter is like a stripper, whose every smile is full of charm.

Yuning city is a city that never sleeps. It is full of money and noise. It is warm and hot, but there are undercurrents under its bright appearance. Although Dukou township is located in barren area, it has a simple and quiet folk custom.

At this time, Zhao Zilong was lying on the cool Boulder, enjoying the rare tranquility. His seven orifices were psychic and his mind was electrified. His whole mind was in a state of high-speed operation.

Scenes of the past, and scenes of the future, all flickered in his mind. He summed up the past and looked forward to the future. For the first time, he made a small plan and evaluation of his life.

When he thought through those things, he felt calm and open-minded, and the whole person got a kind of great freedom. His limbs stretched out and his whole body relaxed, as if all things in heaven and earth merged into one.

This mysterious state lasted for more than six hours. He didn't wake up until the fish belly white appeared in the East. His body is strengthened by aura, his mood is naturally washed, and he feels that his mind is connected and healthy.

He stood up and moved his limbs. The joints of his body made a crackling sound, which was a sign of vital energy.

Zhao Zilong gave a bad smile and went to the fish pond humming yindang ditty.

With the distance getting closer and closer, the tall building gradually appeared in front of us.

Under the sunshine, the farm manor stands like a giant in the east corner of Zhaojia village, which is particularly magnificent. The surrounding trees and grass are like a natural oxygen bar.

In the manor, Uncle Li is instructing the waiters to learn etiquette, while Jin Yingying is assisting them. What surprised Zhao Zilong even more was that Chen Xiulian was beside him. While listening, she took a pen and wrote something there.

Last night, after the Crazy World War I, she walked wobbly. Unexpectedly, she had the energy to get up early and come here to study. Zhao Zilong admired her perseverance.

Two hired workers are spreading fodder to the pond. Wu Fen measures the temperature by the pond in the distance, while his father is sitting on a reclining chair and fishing leisurely. He was half lying on the back of his chair in a very comfortable position.

He came to his father's back and pressed his shoulder with both hands: "how about catching it?"

"Oh, you bad boy didn't say a word when he came here. It scared me a lot." Zhao Laicai's body flashed and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Zhao Zilong helped him in time.

"Hey, hey, I didn't mean to surprise you, but I surprised you." Zhao Zilong gave a bad smile and sat down beside his father: "Dad, when did you learn to fish? How do you feel? "

"Oh, in fact, I don't want to go fishing myself. It's Xiao Fen who sees that I can't stay idle. She just asks me to go fishing and be quiet." Zhao Laicai said with a smile.

"That girl is nice and pretty. You can't treat others badly." Zhao Laicai continued.

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong gave a wry smile: "Dad, I'm your own son. How can you always face Wu Fen? Who on earth are you? What did she do for you? "

"Smelly boy, dare to shout with dad here, be careful I kick your butt." Zhao Laicai gave him a white look and said with a smile: "she is good to her father. He naturally wants to face her. It's like you. You don't stay at home every day."

"I've been out of town for more than ten days. I've just come to see you. Please don't be angry." Zhao Zilong narrowed his eyes and said flatteringly.

"By the way, the township guest house contracted by us is now in a booming business, and even the fragrance building has been crushed by us. You still remember the fragrance building. When you took me to dinner the year before last, you boasted that the rooms there were big and well decorated. "

When Zhao Zilong changed the topic and boasted about his achievements, he could not help mentioning an old story three years ago.

"What, the fragrance building is also crushed by you?" After hearing this, Zhao Laicai couldn't help but stare. His face was full of disbelief: "how can this be? How can you become so powerful all of a sudden?"

"Hey hey, your son is very promising now. You don't have to do anything in the future. Just follow your son to enjoy happiness." Zhao Zilong narrowed his eyes, took Zhao Laicai's arm and said with a smile.

"Come on, I can't count on you if you've made some money and won't even return home, and you're still enjoying your happiness." When Zhao Laicai heard this, he was very happy, and then he began to sulk.

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