Best Young Chef

Chapter 330

At the gate of the country Hostel, I saw a large group of people surrounded there, and they seemed to be arguing about something. He is ready to go forward to check the situation, three police drove to start to eliminate disputes.

It turned out that after the revival of the business of fragrance building, those waiters also began to raise their eyebrows. When they were going to hold a round of activities to consolidate their position as king, they sent people to the gate of the township guest house to send out leaflets.

It is the so-called peer is the enemy, their excessive behavior immediately attracted the questioning of Zhang Jin and others. When the waiters in the fragrance building were proud, they started to quarrel and push each other.

When dealing with affairs, the people in the police station obviously took sides with the fragrance building.

They not only stressed the legality of the people in Piaoxiang building handing out leaflets in front of the township guest house, but also asked the township guest house to make a public apology to Piaoxiang building. Zhang Jin, who was the leader, had to pay a fine of 500 yuan.

When Zhang Jin saw that they were so unreasonable, he was on the verge of an outbreak.

He traveled all over the world and had a wide range of knowledge. He even got along well in Yangzhou city. Of course, he was not incompetent. If he was not honest and provoked the wrong people, how could he be reduced to such a field.

At this time, he saw that the villains in the fragrance building complained first, and the people in the police station turned black and white again. The whole person was furious. Just as he opened his eyes and was ready to argue with the policemen, a big hand held him down.

"Boss, are you here?"

When Zhang Jin saw that it was Zhao Zilong, he was stunned.

"You go back and have a rest. I'll take care of it here."

Zhao Zilong chuckled and patted Zhang Jin on the shoulder.

"This Well, be careful. " After a little hesitation, Zhang Jin leaned to Zhao Zilong's ear and said carefully, "these guys seem to unite to deal with us. They don't make sense at all."

Zhao Zilong smiles and quietly arranges some things in his ear. After Zhang Jin got his instructions, his anger dissipated in an instant and was replaced by endless ecstasy.

Zhang Jin and Li Shanfeng turned to leave, while Zhao Zilong turned to the two policemen who dealt with the incident: "two brothers, what happened just now is just a misunderstanding..."

"Boss Zhao, don't try to make up. You don't have that qualification."

"That is, these two are just and upright police comrades, not your brothers."

Before Zhao Zilong had finished, two waiters of the fragrance building called with pride. One by one, they have eyebrows and faces, and their faces are proud. At first glance, they are the kind of guys who are out of tune.

This person is obviously sent by Zheng Piaoxiang to save Zhao Zilong's face. After they interrupt Zhao Zilong, they still look at him with provocation. They are full of confidence and fear. It's annoying to see him.

As we all know, Zhao Zilong has Kung Fu. Not only Zhao Dagou of Zhaojia village is not his opponent, but also Luo Dabing of the township government is greatly impressed by him. It can be seen that his combat effectiveness is amazing.

But everything has two sides. Zhao Zilong's kung fu skills are good, but they also have shortcomings.

Because normal people in dealing with disputes, generally like to use their best method. For example, soldiers like to use violence, and officials like to use conspiracy. Shrews have no strong points, they can only talk in their voices Swearing!

Although Zhao Zilong was not a soldier, he was strong and powerful. In addition, he is young and impulsive. Once something goes wrong, he has the impulse to hit people.

At this time, Zheng Piaoxiang sent these two people to deliberately enrage Zhao Zilong. It's better for him to do it directly in front of the police station. Then he has to go to the police station for tea.

Piaoxiang Lou uses a plot to rob the business of the township guest house, and then makes a heavy blow, intending to let Zhao Zilong, who has been repressed for a long time, get out of control and run away in public. In this way, he can be charged with intentional wounding and treated by law.

Lu Qiang, the new chief of the police station, is a little related to Zheng Piaoxiang, so everything is natural for her. This time, they united to deal with Zhao Zilong in order to completely defeat his confidence.

Unfortunately, Zhao Zilong was not fooled by them at all. He just watched them perform with great interest. His face was full of contempt and indifference. In his eyes, the two were like clowns, not worth mentioning.

No matter what you do, I'll stay still!

After talking for a long time, they felt sleepy and dry, but Zhao Zilong was still unmoved, which made them feel powerless. Although the police on the side were embarrassed, they still kept silent.

When they were considering whether they should change their strategy and asked him to kowtow and apologize, and stimulate him in another way so that he could run away, Zhao Zilong's eyes flickered two times.

The troublemakers only felt that their eyes suddenly became dry, and there was a tingling feeling in them. With the passage of time, the stabbing pain gradually deepened, making them cover their faces and howl miserably.

"God has eyes. Curse is sent by God. Do you know now?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. Zhao Zilong turned his lips and said leisurely.

"Zhao Zilong, you How dare you do that? "A policeman became angry and pointed at him.

"I'm standing here well. I don't do anything and I don't move my mouth. So many people are watching me. How can I break it. If you can't give a reason or find evidence, it's a frame up. "

Hearing this, Zhao Zilong looked cold and turned to the policeman.

"You..." Zhao Zilong's words stopped the policeman.

"Don't make trouble for nothing here. Just now, the people in the guest house of your Township started to make trouble. They not only have to apologize to the fragrance building, but also accept a fine." Another policeman, changing the topic, called to Zhao Zilong.

The new director of Luqiang has a tough means and a strong backstage support behind him. A good relationship with him will be of great help to his promotion in the future. For this reason, all of them tried their best to show up and tried to curry favor with him.

"No problem, I will now apologize to the fragrance building on behalf of the guest house; there is no problem with the fine, as long as the fine sheet comes down, I will pay the fine immediately." Zhao Zilong did not resist and said without hesitation.

Seeing him showing weakness in public, people in the fragrance building and the police station were at a loss.

"Just now, I heard you say that streets are public places, and you can do publicity freely, right. Good. Just have your words. Don't regret it later. " Zhao Zilong said here, his face showed a strange color.

Just when the public didn't know what medicine he was selling in the gourd, Zhao Zilong turned his head and yelled at the guest house: "are the staff of our Township guest house ready?"

"Boss, I've been ready for you for a long time."

With a loud drink, Zhang Jin came out of the courtyard of the guest house with more than ten employees of the township guest house carrying stereos, chairs and leaflets.

They lined up the crowd and went straight to the fragrance building.

When they got to the door of the fragrance building, they quickly opened their chairs, opened their speakers, and put up the music. When they turned on the stereo to the maximum, the sad tone began to spread in the air.

Zhang Jin and his colleagues were not idle. They kept distributing color pages to passers-by to publicize the township guest house. Zhao Zilong sits comfortably on the chair. Yao Juan and Xiao Yue rub shoulders and pinch legs together, not to mention how beautiful they are.

When the people in the fragrance building saw this scene, they were all very angry and rushed to stop it.

But when the people in the township hostel moved out of the original words of the police, and even took out the previously recorded video, they were speechless. They are at the same breath with the police station at this time. Can't they contradict themselves?

You can go to the gate of the local guest house to publicize. Naturally, the local guest house can also come to the gate of your local guest house to publicize. Fair work, reciprocity, this is normal ah?

Zhao Zilong saw a strong chef sitting in the town relying on the police and trying to drive away the people from the rural guest house. However, Zhao Zilong was so tearful that he was convulsed that he was paralyzed on the ground for a long time and couldn't get up.

See Zhao Zilong has such means, where there are people who dare to come forward to touch the mold.

Even the police of the police station have no choice but to maintain order on one side.

The business of Piaoxiang building is booming these days. It happens that there are two wedding parties at noon today.

But when I saw that there was sadness and music at the door, and there were people blocking the door, it seemed to be a fight. In order to avoid trouble, they all immediately cancelled the plan of banquet here and went to another hotel in the county without hesitation.

After a lot of bleak, using all kinds of conspiracy, fragrance building finally gathered a little popularity. However, Zhao Zilong's vicious plan made a mess, which made everyone angry.

It's a pity that they can't reason with others, and they can't fight with others, so they have to do it like this.

The wedding banquet went away, and there was no one to eat in pieces.

Just imagine, who would like to listen to the sad music to eat? That would be the end of one's life.

The person of police station called director Lu, and the person of fragrance building called Zheng. But these two people did not show up, which made the people feel more helpless.

To their surprise, director Lu was sitting with Zheng Piaoxiang drinking tea. But their faces are full of sadness, there is no leisure elegant tea.

They all know what happened in Dukou Township!

For Zhao Zilong's performance, both feel a little incredible.

He was hit by the collapse of the guest house in the township, and then there were rumors all over the place, business was poor, and people came to find fault with him. According to the truth, no matter how good a young man's mind is, he will not be able to calm down in such a desperate situation. He has already become an explosive barrel that can explode at the touch.

Zheng Piaoxiang decided to give him a ride so as to drive him out of Dukou village.

It's a pity that she didn't catch her opponent with the condom she put under director Lu.

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