Best Young Chef

Chapter 334

After watching Xiaoyu leave, Zhao Zilong comes to the farm.

He took his laptop to a room, locked the door, and confirmed that there were no monitoring instruments around. Then he transmitted all the evidence to the computer through the data line and compressed it into encrypted files.

After doing these work well, Zhao Zilong found the mailbox of the county Discipline Inspection Commission on the Internet, added an attachment to Zheng Honggang's criminal evidence, and sent it through the newly applied mailbox.

Then, he wrote out the story of Zhao Guangming, Zheng Piaoxiang, Li tietou and other people's murder in his mailbox, gathered all the evidence together, added attachments, and sent it to the mailbox of the director of the County Public Security Bureau.

After all this, Zhao Zilong took out his mobile phone and called Qin Xia and Li Tianxiang. When he told them what had happened, the two girls patted their chests and promised to help him with it.

Especially Qin Xia, when he learned that Zhao Zilong had the evidence, he could not only win Zheng Honggang, his enemy, but also * * Lu Qiang's conclusion on the incident of hitting a wall and injuring people. In turn, he was very happy when he was backed by the army.

Lu Qiang is the Secretary of the political and Legal Committee. To find fault with him is to challenge the Secretary of the county political and legal committee behind him. There are not many people who dare to challenge his majesty. Qi Da is one of them. With the support of county magistrate Gong, he is naturally courageous.

Qi Da, as the director of the County Public Security Bureau, is under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the political and legal commission.

In addition to the assistant director of the Public Security Bureau, he has another identity, that is, the county magistrate. Because of this, he has always been close to county magistrate Gong, and the relationship between county magistrate Gong and Secretary of the political and legal committee is not very good. After several hesitations, Qi Da naturally leans to county magistrate Gong.

In this way, with the support of county magistrate Gong, Zida is tantamount to putting the Secretary of the political and Legal Committee on the air. Although he seems to be a member of the county's four sets of leading groups, in fact, he has no real power at all.

To this end, he tried every means to cultivate his heart, so that his wings plump up. Wang, the former deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, saw an opportunity when he retired, so he wooed the Secretary of the municipal politics and Law Commission and began to fight for power with Qi Da.

But unexpectedly, Li Zhen's bold move intensified the conflict between the two camps. In view of Li Zhenxian's violation of officialdom rules, Qi Da had to bear his anger and watch the Secretary of the political and legal commissar arrange his confidants to cultivate his influence.

These days, Zida has been thinking about finding a powerful counter attack means to pull back the previous disadvantage. At this time, Zhao Zilong got the evidence, just like sending charcoal in the snow, which gave Qi Da the reason for revenge.

It is said that men are as strong as steel, while women are as gentle as autumn water.

People say that although steel can destroy cities and pools, autumn water can turn steel into soft fingers.

In fact, it's not the autumn water that makes steel soft, but the pillow breeze of gentle women.

When is the best time for a man to talk? Naturally, it's time to do something bad on a woman's belly. At that time, they were like hungry wolves. In order to get happiness, they naturally agreed to everything.

Qin Xia and Li Tianxiang, as hunters among women, naturally knew this way well.

That night, they dressed up meticulously, put on their pajamas which were too thin to be any thinner, accumulated the charm of being too soft to be any more soft, and began to infuse their men with enchantment soup.

With their attentive service, the two leaders in the court were satisfied, and naturally they had to listen to their dispatch. That night, when they got the evidence, they immediately began to deploy.

In the early morning, the staff of Dukou township government came to work by means of transportation. They were bathed in the golden sun and felt very warm.

Unexpectedly, in such a dazzling sunny day, there will be an earthquake.

At 8:30 in the morning, Dukou Township held a routine morning meeting as usual. As the Secretary of the township party committee, di Shenghua arranged the work at this stage. Her little pink mouth opened and closed, making a series of pleasant sounds.

Zheng Honggang did not listen carefully, but stared at her chair in a daze.

Since he had the evidence that di Shenghua and Zhao Zilong were fooling around together, he focused on the chair. In his view, as long as the opportunity matures, the chair will surely belong to him.

Thinking about it, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and he couldn't help laughing.

After Zhao Zilong's reminding, di Shenghua always keeps alert to Zheng Honggang. At this time to see him suddenly laugh, di Shenghua's show eyebrow micro wrinkle, can't help throwing a surprised look at him.

After feeling Di Shenghua's eyes, Zheng Honggang did not dodge, but looked directly at him. In his arrogant eyes, there was no respect from his subordinates to his superiors, and even a trace of provocation.

When they looked at each other, di Shenghua's voice naturally stopped, and the meeting fell into embarrassment. They all stare at the two, and don't know what medicine they sell in the gourd.

However, Liu Weidong saw this scene and flashed an enigmatic smile on his face.

At this time, two cars entered the yard, the first one was from the Discipline Inspection Commission, and the second one was from the Public Security Bureau. Seven or eight people got off the bus. After inquiring about the situation, they went straight to the second floor of the township government.Members of the township government who did not participate in the meeting could not help whispering when they saw that the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Public Security Bureau visited Dukou Township again. Look at this posture. They don't know who's going to have bad luck again.

The door of the meeting room was pushed open, and the Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and a group of people's congresses stepped in.

Seeing this, people in the meeting room couldn't help beating their hearts. Especially Zheng Honggang and Liu Weidong, their faces suddenly turned pale, and a trace of panic flashed in their eyes subconsciously.

But di Shenghua, after getting Zhao Zilong's hint, already had psychological preparation. She stood up and said with a smile to a group of people: "welcome to the inspection work of the leaders!"

"Secretary Di, I'm sorry to disturb your meeting."

The deputy secretary turned to look at Zheng Honggang and said to her solemnly, "but we have received complaints. We need to ask Deputy township head Zheng Honggang to assist us in our investigation, and Secretary Di to forgive us!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar, and Zheng Honggang's face flashed with a look of disbelief: "this How can this be possible? I have always been strict and careful in my work. How can anyone report me? "

From the paradise of fantasy to the hell of reality, Zheng Honggang was confused.

"It's just to assist in the investigation. Mr. Zheng doesn't have to be nervous."

The Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission saw that he was nervous and couldn't help stepping forward.

In the eyes of officials, the Discipline Inspection Commission is like a tiger hole. Officials always go there without going back. Especially after Duan yanwang was transferred, the officialdom in the county was afraid of him.

Zheng Honggang, who has always been calm, saw that the Discipline Inspection Commission was going to investigate himself, and his whole body became insane. How could he listen to other people's words. His eyes wandered and finally fell on di Shenghua.

"I see. The person who reported me must be you shameless woman." Zheng Honggang's face twisted, pointed to her and cried in a cold voice: "you are afraid that I will sit in your position, so do it to me in advance, right?"

"In that case, I'll report you. When I hand in the video of you and Zhao Zilong, I'll see how you'll behave in the future..." Zheng Honggang said, with everyone to his office.

After hearing this, people on the court were shocked to see Di Shenghua's eyes.

Although before, they had heard some rumors that Zhao Zilong and Secretary Di had an unusual relationship. But this matter is only spread behind the scenes, and no one dares to tell it to the public.

At this time, Zheng Honggang openly said this matter, which surprised everyone.

Although Di Shenghua was nervous, she didn't show it on her face. Instead, she made a positive response: "hum, my brother Zhao and I are just partners at work. There is no improper relationship between men and women at all."

Seeing that di Shenghua was right, people's faith began to shake.

Due to di Shenghua's face, the participants did not go to Zheng Honggang's office. Members of the Discipline Inspection Commission and the Public Security Bureau followed him to the office to check what he called the video of men and women.

Zheng Honggang decided that it was di Shenghua who reported her, so she decided to make her indecent video public without hesitation. Even if we can't let her lose her official position and get punished, we should also let her lose her reputation to vent our hatred.

With shaking hands, he opened the computer and opened a folder named Di Shenghua from the hidden files. Juxtaposed with them are the folders named after Wang Hongfang, Li Jun and Liu Qi.

After opening the folder named Di Shenghua, several video files appeared in it. The video files were also named "bathroom nonsense", "living room tumbling", "table shaking", "office cry" and so on.

Seeing these documents, the Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and the people around him all looked at each other.

Previously received the instructions of Duan yanwang, they rushed to Dukou township to investigate Zheng Honggang. Just as they secretly sigh that there will be another senior deputy section cadre to fall, they don't want to see new progress.

Di Shenghua is not only a famous beauty in the county, but also a leader of Dukou township. If her secret video gets out, it will be a big news, which can be called the front page headline of Changfeng County.

As a man, tired of watching Japanese movies, he naturally wants to see the people around him play ambiguous; as a law enforcement officer, it is their duty to provide information.

Whatever the reason, they are very interested in these videos.

In full view of the public, Zheng Honggang opened one of the videos.

The picture shows Di Shenghua's home, where she is cooking with an apron. After Zhao Zilong came in, he put on his slippers and came to the kitchen. After making a few jokes with her, he took the shovel and began to cook.

The next time, it became a special show of Zhao Zilong's cooking skills. I saw that his Dao skill was amazing. During the continuous movement of the kitchen knife, there was a curtain of light, which made people dumbfounded.

When he was cooking, his actions were like flowing water, and his every move was beautiful. However, more than ten minutes later, he made four dishes and one soup, and his superb efficiency convinced everyone on the field.

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