Best Young Chef

Chapter 337

"Well, how can we turn the situation around? Let's hear it! "

Yao Juan listened to his words and asked with great interest.

"It's a secret. I won't tell you."

Zhao Zilong raised his chin, deliberately hanging her appetite.

"Good Zilong, tell them."

Yao Juan took him by the arm and said coquettishly.

"Let me touch it again, and I'll tell you."

Zhao Zilong gave a bad smile and took the opportunity to make a rude request.

"I hate it. You're getting worse."

Yao Juan listened to what he said, and she could not help stamping her feet.

"No, it's just that you're really good at it."

Zhao Zilong came up to her and said with a smile.

"Cut, people ignore you."

Yao Juan raised her red lips and cried angrily.

"Well, Juan Juan, I'll tell you. Can't I tell you yet?" Zhao Zilong took her arm and whispered a few words in her ear, which made her face look incredible.

"What, you said that the previous incident of hitting a wall was aimed at you?" Yao Juan was surprised.

"Ha ha, it's good for you to know. Don't tell me about it. Otherwise, let the bad guys know, it will be very bad for me. " Zhao Zilong chuckled and touched her pretty face.

Yao Juan naturally understood the importance of things. Subconsciously, she put her hand over her mouth and showed her vigilance. On the one hand, she was shocked by the incident itself; on the other hand, she was moved by Zhao Zilong's trust.

At this time, Zhang Jin and Li Shanfeng came out of the kitchen. While they were walking, they were discussing the scientific method of side dishes. Chen Xiulian came in from the outside with the waiters who had just finished training.

As a result, a group of people gathered around Zhao Zilong again.

They asked all kinds of questions, just like the stars.

Zhao Zilong is definitely a soul in the township guest house. His arrival gives everyone a sense of security. As long as he is here, even if he does nothing, he can bring infinite power to them.

When they learned that Zhao Zilong wanted them to prepare for a big fight, everyone was surprised. When they asked about the reason, Zhao Zilong said with a smile that he would ask the heavenly soldiers and generals to help.

Seeing that he deliberately played tricks, people could not help but despise him.

"Well, get ready. Today we have another day of publicity." Zhao Zilong comforted the crowd and said slowly, "half an hour later, take the cooker to the door of the fragrance building."

"Take the cooker with you?" When they heard this, they were stunned.

"Yes, the last time I let go of sadness and happiness, it was a retaliatory act, just for pleasure. Today, we are really doing propaganda, and we all cheer up. " Zhao Zilong nodded and said to the crowd.

"What is the content of the activity?"

As a chef, Zhang Jin has more concerns.

"This time, we should not only make publicity, but also convince the fragrance building with our strength to create a good reputation among the people. So, I think free food delivery is more suitable... "

Zhao Zilong pondered a little, then cast an inquiring look at Zhang Jin.

"Free food, sounds good?"

After hearing this, Zhang Jin nodded slowly.

As we all know, everyone's subconscious has a preference for small and cheap, and the living conditions of the villagers are not very good. Encounter free things, can't help but want to try.

Zhao Zilong's seemingly casual activity content is completely in line with people's psychology.

After confirming the content of the activity, Zhang Jin left a few people to deal with the business of the guest house, while the rest of them took pots, stoves, tables, chairs, liquefied gas and other things and went to the fragrance building in a mighty manner.

Seeing that Zhao Zilong and they are looking for trouble again, the staff of fragrance building dare to be angry and have no choice but to wait and see. Some shrewd people are quick to report to the boss Zheng Piaoxiang, looking for ways to deal with it.

A group of people in the rural hostel ignored their reaction, set up a battle in the open space in front of the fragrance building, pulled out the banner of free food delivery, and began to make preparations in an orderly way.

The contradiction between the township hostel and the fragrance building is well known. When they come here to do propaganda, they obviously have the idea of smashing the field and looking for stubble. Coupled with yesterday's sad and happy incident, the contradiction between the two sides is intensifying.

In addition, with the covetous eyes of the guys in fragrance building, those onlookers dare not easily try. They are afraid that they will get into unnecessary trouble and disrupt their lives.

"Little brother, how do you deliver these free dishes?"

At this time, the old man came by curiously carrying a hoe.

His face is simple and honest, and his words are simple. At first sight, he is an honest farmer.

"It's very simple. As long as you can quote any one of the dishes in the menu of the rural guest house, you can get this dish we provide for you for free." Yao Juan stepped forward and said with a smile."Well, may I try?" The old man just came back from working in the field, carrying a hoe, covered with mud, looking dusty. He looked down at his clothes and asked Yao Juan in embarrassment.

"Of course, the guest house in our village is the restaurant of rural people, and we are all rural people. You can order whatever you want, but it must be in our menu. "

Yao Juan moved a chair to let him sit down and said to her smilingly.

"Yes, I'll have some shredded potatoes. Do you have any?"

Seeing Yao Juan's enthusiasm, the old man asked tentatively.

"Of course, shredded potatoes with chili peppers are our national dish. Which restaurant doesn't have them?" Yao Juan chuckled and poured a cup of tea for the old man: "sit down and have a cup of tea, and the dishes will be ready for you."

After listening to their conversation, the garnish on one side has already begun to peel potatoes.

Zhang Jin stood up and came to the kitchen table, red oil, fried incense, fried, colored, methodically carried out a series of processes. With his quick stir frying, the fragrant flavor diffuses.

The onlookers saw his skillful technique and smooth movement, and they couldn't help being upset. Then look at the dish of shredded potatoes with hot peppers. When it comes out of the pot, it presents a perfect state with excellent fragrance, which makes people move their fingers.

"Uncle, your food is ready. Would you like to eat here or take it back?" Yao Juan came to the old man who was drinking tea and asked him with a smile. She didn't dislike the dust all over him.

"Ah, can you take it back to eat?"

The old man was stunned and asked in surprise.

"Yes, since it's for you, it's up to you to arrange it." Yao Juan said with a smile.

"Just eat here. I went to the field at five in the morning. I've been working till now. I'm so hungry." The old man, who had been treated like this, scratched his head and said with a silly smile.

"Ah, it's almost eleven o'clock now. You haven't eaten since five o'clock in the morning?" After hearing this, Yao Juan was shocked.

"Yes, our farmers are suffering. We just want to do as much work as possible while the weather is cool. We can't afford to eat." The old man gave a bitter smile, and his face was full of helplessness.

"If that's the case, you can't just eat vegetables. I'll buy you some steamed buns for you to eat." After hearing this, Yao Juan turned to the steamed bread shop not far away without hesitation.

"No, girl, really." The old man couldn't stop him, so he sighed: "the license of the guest house in your village is really meticulous, which makes me feel embarrassed."

"In the eyes of the government, the guest house is our customer. In our eyes, you are our God. " Xiaoyue also came forward and said sweetly.

"I'm lucky to be a God in my life."

After listening to this, the old man's wrinkles all over his face burst out in a smile.

After a while, Yao Juan bought a bag of hot steamed bread and let the old man eat it with pepper and shredded potatoes. The first mouthful of shredded potatoes, which shocked the soul of the delicious, straight to the old man can not help nodding.

This simple and honest old man can't speak any praise language, but the happy smile on his face and his action of eating vegetables all show the sweetness of the food in disguise.

With the first person to eat crabs, naturally do not worry about the second.

Seeing that you can get delicious dishes with such ease, the eyes of those aunts and uncles suddenly brightened.

They all came forward and reported the names of the dishes on the menu of the township guest house to Yao Juan, so they got the dishes. Some of them try it on the spot, some take it back to enjoy it, and they all enjoy it.

With the launch of free food delivery activities, there is a long line in the open space in front of the fragrance building, just like a long dragon. It's a pity that they didn't go to piaoxianglou for dinner, but they came to chongxiang hostel for activities.

This irritating scene is no less than a big slap in the face.

Zhao Zilong sat on a chair, looking at the lively activity scene in front of him, and his face showed the color of joy. He glanced at the empty fragrance building, and his mouth rose slightly.

After many intrigues, Zhao Zilong has become mature. He came here today to make trouble, not only to publicize himself and revenge on the fragrance building, but also to have a deeper meaning.

Zheng Honggang was taken away for investigation, but it is not sure whether Zheng Piaoxiang, Li tietou and Zhao Guangming were arrested. In order to make the process of the event faster, Zhao Zilong decided to act as a catalyst.

The reason why he carried out this activity was to intensify the contradiction, force Zheng Piaoxiang to come to the surface and attract the attention of the police. He's going to take action to remind the police It's time you did it!

Just as he was secretly calculating, a graceful figure appeared in a window on the second floor of the fragrance building. This fashionable woman in beige windbreaker is no other than Zheng Piaoxiang, the boss of fragrance building.She held her arms, pursed her red lips, and looked coldly at the crowd below. The white boy in the crowd seemed to stand out from the rest of the crowd, which made her eyes twinkle with resentment.

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