Best Young Chef

Chapter 345

In the ecological garden in the western suburb of Changfeng County, Zhao Guangming is still in that room.

These days, his steel plant has been in a state of shutdown, which makes his cash flow a big problem. He tried hard to get rid of Zhao Zilong, so that after Zheng Honggang came to power, he could have another big fight.

It's a pity that Zhao Zilong is just like an undead Xiaoqiang. He is very lucky. They carefully deployed the beauty scheme failed, the black car scheme failed, although the serial crash scheme was realized, he was still alive and kicking.

In the face of such a result, Zhao Guangming's confidence in killing Zhao Zilong began to shake.

In particular, ten minutes ago, he received a phone call and learned that Zheng Honggang, Zheng Piaoxiang's uncle and executive deputy head of Dukou Township, had been taken away for investigation, which made him feel that something was wrong.

He called Zheng Honggang, no one answered!

He called Li tietou, but no one answered!

He called Zheng Piaoxiang, but no one answered!

Three people lost contact at the same time, which made Zhao Guangming aware of the seriousness of the matter. He seemed to feel that there was an invisible net that had surrounded them.

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with the current crisis, a phone call came in.

What he called was a nail hidden in the country guest house, which shocked him.

The purpose of the man's sneaking into the country guest house was to collect information for him. The man got a salary at the township guest house and a salary at Zhao Guangming's house. It can be said that he has both sides.

Unfortunately, when he got through the phone, the voice inside seemed very anxious: "boss Zhao, the matter is not good. Just now people from the County Public Security Bureau came to Dukou township. Director Qi Da personally led the team to arrest people."

"The county public security bureau already knows about your plan to murder Zhao Zilong. There is enough evidence on hand. Deputy township head Zheng has been arrested, so has Zheng Piaoxiang, and Li tietou has been beaten to death. Run quickly. "

The man obviously knew all Zhao Guangming's plans, and his voice was full of worry.

"Thank you for your reminding. I appreciate you. If I get rich one day, I will thank you again. " Zhao Guangming took a deep breath, put down a word, and immediately hung up the phone.

He jumped off the sofa, put on his coat, made sure the bank card and part of the cash were in his handbag, and suddenly opened the door. As the current situation is urgent, Zhao Guangming immediately decided to run directly.

It's a pity that he just went out and couldn't step out any more.

Because at the door, four policemen are looking at him with great interest.

"Well, you What can I do for you

Zhao Guangming tried to keep calm and asked them.

"It's Zhao Guangming. We suspect that you have something to do with a murder case. Now please go back and help us with the investigation." The first policeman came forward and showed him the arrest warrant.

"I think you are mistaken. I'm not Zhao Guangming." Zhao Guangming denied.

"Don't pretend. Zheng Piaoxiang and Li tietou have been arrested one after another. You are the only one left. As long as we take you back again, the three main conspirators of Zhao Zilong's murder will be here, and we can have a court session on another day. "

The policeman sneered and took out a picture.

The background in the photo is very familiar. When Zhao Guangming takes a closer look, it is actually the layout of the room behind him. In the photo, we can clearly see what he is talking about with Zheng Piaoxiang and Li tietou

"So You've been watching us. "

Seeing this picture, Zhao Guangming was withered.

"If you want to be unknown, you can't do it yourself. Come with us." When the chief policeman spoke, he took out his handcuffs and went to Zhao guangming: "what is waiting for you will be punished by law."

"Everyone, please don't arrest me. My bank card has two million yuan, and each of you has half a million yuan. How about letting me go?" Zhao Guangming shook his hands, opened his bag and took out a bank card.

"How can you be so stubborn now?"

Police did not pick up the bank card, just look at him like an idiot.

"If two million is not enough, I still have two million on this card. How about one million?" Zhao Guangming said, and took out a card: "please let me go, I really don't want to die!"

"Although money is a good thing, we still want to live in peace for two days. Don't give us money instead of earning it. What about your wife and children? What about your parents... "

The policeman said, handcuffed him and escorted him to the gate.

At this time, Zhao Guangming had the previous boss style. He lowered his head, bent down, and his face looked like ashes, as if he was suddenly ten years old.

When he was escorted out of the ecological park, many people gathered around him.

Especially the women who helped him warm his bed these nights, they all looked shocked.

The police car gradually went away, leaving only a group of people in the ecological park.

Not far away from a pine tree, a man turned out. He was wearing the work clothes of the ecological park. He was tall and muscular. He was a Sen who had helped Zhao Zilong monitor the enemy before.He looked at the police car farther and farther away, his face flashed a proud smile: "ha ha, finally completed the task, it's time to harvest."

With the arrest of Zheng Honggang, Zheng Piaoxiang, Li tietou and Zhao Guangming, the four mountains that were originally in Zhao Zilong's heart were finally removed. He was not Yugong, but he did what Yugong wanted to do.

Without Zheng Honggang, Liu Weidong was shocked, the township government will restore calm!

Without Zheng Piaoxiang, Piaoxiang building will lose power, and the township guest house will return to its former glory!

Without Zhao Guangming, Zhao Jiacun will lose one harm, and Zhao Zilong will lose one enemy!

Without Li tietou, the people who had been bullied and blackmailed would applaud!

Just as Zheng Honggang and the four of them were waiting for the coming trial, the township guest house opened.

The first person who came to the rural guest house for dinner was no one else. It was the old man who was the first to taste shredded potatoes with peppers during the free food delivery activities. He came back from hoeing, hungry and thirsty, and was warmly received by Yao Juan.

The old man, who can only get some simple food on weekdays, seldom goes to restaurants to eat. After eating the shredded potatoes with Pepper Fried by Zhang Jin, I feel it's the same thing, but what the restaurant fried is fragrant.

When she learned that her father, who had been working in the field for many years, was moved by a dish of shredded potatoes with pepper, she felt that she had not done enough.

She immediately decided to let go of all her business and accompany her father to the country hostel to have a good meal.

Next came several family packed tables: aunts and uncles who had the chance to taste dishes for free in the previous activities were completely conquered by the delicacy of the rural Hostel, and they had a good taste after they went home.

After eating at home, I felt a little dull, so I just came to the country hostel to have a good meal.

So, the people began to eat like a stream, gurgling in. It enriches the space of the rural guest house, moistens the hearts of all the members of the rural guest house, and makes them feel excited!

Rural people are very simple, they are honest and honest, do things completely by preference!

Previously, the township hostel was in trouble, and some people were injured because they were eating there, which made them afraid and gave up the plan to eat here, for their own safety.

At this time, Zheng Piaoxiang was taken away by her husband's family, which caused people's disdain. In their eyes, a beautiful woman is a goblin, and a beautiful woman playing a conspiracy is the menstruation of a goblin.

In order to compete for business with the township Hostel, Zheng Piaoxiang did not hesitate to use dark means to murder Zhao Zilong. Such a vicious mind was despised by the people, and naturally no one would go to dinner again.

On the contrary, Zhao Zilong, who suffered many times, won the sympathy of the masses.

In the high-profile ups and downs of people's hearts, the focus of the masses to eat once again shifted to the rural guest house.

Zhao Zilong can be called a good husband by magic means to solve the crisis, punish the villain and call back the customers.

"Thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi." It's about life!

"Three days East, three days West." It's the ferry business.

With more and more people eating, Zhang Jin's food materials are obviously not enough. They immediately called Lao Wang, a vegetable wholesaler. Within ten minutes, a tricycle brought all the ingredients.

"Ha ha, it's really a right decision to reach a long-term cooperative relationship with Lao Wang." Seeing this scene, Zhao Zilong couldn't help smiling and nodding: "sister-in-law, thank you for helping me so hard."

"Silly boy, my sister-in-law is already your person. Who can I help you?" Chen Xiulian gave a light smile and touched her hand on his waist when she was not noticed.

"My sister-in-law is so helpful to me. I won't treat you badly." Zhao Zilong reaches out and pinches her elastic body. When Chen Xiulian is angry and wants to reach out to hit him, he runs away.

When Zhao Zilong came to the courtyard, he was overjoyed to see a steady stream of people coming to eat. The two policemen, like on duty, stood at the gate of the township guest house, looking like door gods.

Those customers who came to dinner saw that there were police guarding the door of the township guest house, and their previous doubts about safety were completely eliminated. They showed a sense of superiority when they walked into the hotel with their heads held high.

The police of these police stations have always been superior, just like proud cocks. Whether it is to mediate disputes, or to deal with some unexpected cases, they have shown enough strength.

But today they are reduced to gatekeepers, which makes the common people enjoy talking about them.

Just as Zhao Zilong was standing in the yard with his hands on his back, his mobile phone rang. The ring tone of little apple is more in line with the current mood. It sounds strange and pleasant.

It was Xiaoyu who called. Zhao Zilong laughed and joked: "airport beauty, future barrister, why do you want to call me now? Do you want me to help you do breast exercises?"

"You guessed right. I really want you to do exercises for me, and it's the kind that I do when I take off my clothes." Today's Xiaoyu is not the same as usual, actually said so explicit words.

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