Best Young Chef

Chapter 358

Looking at the beautiful face in front of him, Zhao Zilong's heart was very hot. Just as he is ready to follow her meaning and continue to deepen the current ambiguity, he is pushed aside by Jin Tang.

"I'm your tutor now. You have to listen to me in everything. When I want to kiss you, you are not allowed to struggle, even if the struggle can not be too hard. If you don't want to kiss me, you can't use strong, or you'll be castrated... "

Jin Tang looks at Zhao Zilong with great interest, and his voice is full of Xi Zhi Qi.

It's annoying to be reprimanded, but if the main character is a beautiful woman, it's another matter. Zhao Zilong, who was reprimanded, not only didn't get angry, but also was quietly happy

Then, Jintang began to marinate the refined meat, smoked and roasted the mushrooms to prepare for the next stir fry.

In doing these processes, Jin Tang showed Zhao Zilong unreservedly, which greatly moved him.

Next, Jintang showed her super cooking skills. Her small hands, white and tender, were like playing magic. They cooked the mushroom and beef into a delicious dish with magical effect.

Under the instruction of Jin Tang, the waiter took the dish to the top restaurant.

She herself chatted with Zhao Zilong for a while, ready to change the chef's clothes and leave here.

Just at this time, the former waiter came in again, holding 20000 yuan in her hand, and whispered to Jintang, "Chef Jin, the guests praised the food for its delicious taste. They want to see the chef."

"This is 20000 yuan from the customer, saying that they want to express a little thanks to the chef." The waiter said that and handed the two stacks of bright red tickets to Jintang.

When seeing the members of the association who have been dealing with the super guests all the time, Gao Ziling will only laugh at them.

Not to mention taking 20000 yuan, even if you take 200000 yuan, you don't necessarily go to see those people.

Just as Zhao Zilong thought that Jin Tang would flatly refuse the other party's request and return the money, her mouth was slightly raised and her smile was blooming. That pretty face was like a blooming rose.

"I'll take the free money, but I don't see it." Jintang took the two stacks of money, turned to Zhao Zilong and said with a smile, "well, I'll take the money, and you can deal with it."

"Ah, sister Tang, don't you want to play like this?"

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong's face was full of surprise.

He only guessed the result, but not the process. He guessed that Jin Tang would not see the guests, but he did not guess that she would take the money with ease and use herself as a shield.

"Boy, what was the condition you promised me?"

Seeing Zhao Zilong's complaint, Jin Tang can't help questioning.

"Oh, don't be lazy." Zhao Zilong said reluctantly.

"Since I know, I don't want to carry it out yet?" Jin Tang came to him, stretched out a slender white finger, raised his chin, and said with a smile, "don't you like watching my sister take a bath? Maybe next time I'll let you look more carefully."

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong had an impulse to have a nosebleed.

Just as he scratched his head, Jin Tang had already put on a hot tight leather dress, and changed from a beautiful kitchen to a sexy and enchanting leather girl.

She was wearing ten centimeter high-heeled shoes, and then she turned and left Changfeng hotel. Zhao Zilong had no choice but to follow the waiter to the top restaurant.

Although Changfeng hotel is only a hotel in Changfeng County, it is a real three-star hotel. In the hotel, not only eight cuisines can be made, but also LINGJI cuisines can be made.

And those who are qualified to eat LINGJI dishes must have the senior membership card of Changfeng Hotel and be able to pay a high price. There are not many people who can meet this requirement in Changfeng County.

Today, Changfeng Hotel quoted a price of 48, 000 yuan for this dish.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it's a sky high price. The price of a dish can actually buy one and a half QQ and two Altos. What's the price of this NIMA dish? Is there any reason why it's so expensive?

But in the top restaurant, the four strong men who are eating are full of praise for this dish. Every time they eat a mouthful of Flammulina, their bodies will glow with red light, and every mouthful of refined meat will burst out a force wave

This extraordinary reaction made the four diners blush and excited.

"I didn't expect that there are such magical ingredients in the world. Eating alone can enhance our strength, accumulate fire energy, and let us gain the skill of controlling fire. It's just wonderful."

One of them, a middle-aged man with strong physique and powerful martial arts, said with great interest.

"Soldier, you have all the skills, but you are playing retreat in this remote area. What's the trick?" The other man picked up his glass and yelled at the middle-aged man."Ha ha, I'm too withdrawn. I can't compare with your brothers. They are all exquisite and crystal clear. They can mix well in society. I can only sit and eat until I die."

It was not others who were called soldiers. It was Luo Dabing, the deputy head of Dukou township.

"As the saying goes, everything depends on people. As long as you are willing to pay, you can get everything you want." Another man opened his mouth. His eyes were cold and his body was strong, just like a fierce wolf.

"Although we are all brothers climbing out of the same trench, our personalities determine different directions in life. Soldiers and I are soft tempered and like to live a leisurely life, but you like to build brilliance constantly. "

Another uniformed man spoke. Although his body was slightly fat, his eyes were bright.

While the four were chatting enthusiastically there, the door of the box quietly opened. A waiter came in and bowed to the four: "four distinguished guests, the chef who made the refined meat of Flammulina mushroom is here!"

"Oh, come on, come on!" When the man in uniform heard the words, he couldn't help but shine in front of his eyes.

"Ha ha, I'd like to see what kind of people who can make such delicious meat without losing the energy of refined meat and the power of fire mushroom look like." Luo Dabing grinned and looked forward to it.

"Anyone who can make this dish must be an ordinary person!" The wolf like man couldn't help squinting.

The waiter turned to get out of the door, and the cook finally appeared in front of the crowd. When people saw the chef, they were all stunned, as if they saw a ghost.

"Why, why are you?" Two of the four guests cried at the same time.

"Ha ha, it must be fate to meet you here."

Earlier, outside the box, Zhao Zilong had heard them speak.

At this time, he saw that there were indeed soldiers Luo and Arsene sitting in the box. He was just slightly stunned, and then he reacted. He came forward boldly, shook hands with Arsene and Luo Dabing, and nodded to the other two.

"How do you know this handsome cook?"

The other two were surprised and asked in a voice to Arsene and Luo Dabing.

"Ha ha, this is the boss of the guest house of our Dukou township government. He is a good cook and knows all kinds of recipes. As for the final fruit rice, he is able to win over the beauties of all ages."

Luo Dabing has a bright disposition. He pats Zhao Zilong on the shoulder and enthusiastically introduces him to the public.

"I see. After working for a long time, I imagined that the world expert was actually an old acquaintance, ha ha." The uniformed man smiles, turns to Arsene and asks, "Arsene, tell me quickly, how do you know each other?"

"We have fought side by side and are good comrades in arms." Arsene grinned and said vaguely.

"Since you are comrades in arms, we are all comrades in arms. Come on, little brother, let's sit down and have a drink together." The uniformed man smiles and pulls Zhao Zilong to sit down and chat.

In the face of the four people's warm invitation, Rao Shi did not drink, and Zhao Zilong had to drink less.

During the chat, Zhao Zilong learned that the four came from an army one after another, and they were all elites in the army. Later, after changing jobs, they developed separately and took different paths.

In addition to a Sen and Luo Dabing, the other man in uniform was Lu Fei, the armed Minister of Changfeng County. Before he changed his job, he was a regimental cadre of the armed police force and the eldest of the four.

The last one is company commander Peng, whom Luo Dabing mentioned to Zhao Zilong earlier. When Luo Dabing was a platoon leader, company commander Peng was his immediate superior, and they got along quite well.

What's more, at the beginning, company commander Peng's grappling was at the top of the whole regiment, and Luo Dabing was very convinced of it. After he suffered losses in Zhao Zilong's hands, he always hoped that they could compete.

Luo Dabing, four of them from the army, all like to catch and fight, dance swords and make guns. Zhao Zilong is young and energetic. He likes to make friends and is better at Taijiquan. Talking with them about fighting skills, he feels very excited.

In addition, the four are all senior eaters, but Zhao Zilong is a super chef. This rich and energetic meal tied them together again.

Seeing that Zhao Zilong not only made the country hostel look like a model, but also could cook such spiritual ingredients as Flammulina and beef, the four people looked at him with a look of worship.

"Ha ha, little brother Zhao is a wonderful person. He is not only good at cooking, but also very skillful in means. Pianxiang building, which has occupied the catering business of Dukou township for nearly ten years, has also been defeated in front of him. "

Luo Dabing and Zhao Zilong did not know each other. At this time, he was full of admiration for the young man.

"Oh, I see. So you are the kid who makes a lot of noise in the ferry village."

After hearing this, the Minister of armed forces, Lu Fei, suddenly realized: "because of you, the head of the police station has been changed, the deputy head of Dukou township has been arrested, and the wife of the deputy director of the Health Bureau has been arrested. Even the county head and the Secretary of the political and Legal Committee have conflicts because of you. Your boy's energy is not bad."

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