Best Young Chef

Chapter 370

When the judge entered the appraisal room, Zhao Zilong and Xiao Yu were chatting and laughing there, and Uncle Li and sister-in-law Meili couldn't help coming forward to congratulate them. Zheng Honggang and they were handcuffed and escorted by the police.

Seeing that the winning Zhao Zilong is still alive and kicking, after their own defeat, they have become prisoners on the stage, and they are being tried there in handcuffs, which makes their faces flash with regret.

After a while, the door of the judging room was pushed open.

The presiding judge and the judge came to the court one after another.

People's eyes are focused on these people who control the outcome of the trial. Even Zheng Honggang can't help looking up and looking forward to the chief justice and the judge.

When the presiding judge announces the result of the trial, all the judges stand up to show respect for the verdict.

With the solemn voice of the chief justice, the trial results of Zheng Honggang and others are clear: Zheng Honggang was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment for corruption, attempted murder and other crimes.

Before that, he had already been expelled from the party and the administration, and lost all his umbrella.

As a state cadre, he knows the law and breaks the law, so his sentence is the heaviest of all.

Zheng Piaoxiang was suspected of attempted murder, and had the plot of the principal offender. The evidence was solid and clear, and he was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment; Zhao Guangming was suspected of attempted murder, and was sentenced to five years and eight months' imprisonment.

After Li tietou was arrested, the villagers of Dukou Township appealed one after another after hearing the news, denouncing his usual evil deeds. After investigation, these prosecution materials are true, which makes Li tietou fall into the storm of heavy sentence.

At this time, the presiding judge pronounced that Li tietou was suspected of attempted murder, disturbing public order and other crimes. With the will to eliminate harm for the people, he was sentenced to nine years' imprisonment.

After the four main criminals were sentenced, the two drivers were also sentenced to three and four years' imprisonment respectively.

In addition to criminal liability, all of them are also subject to civil liability for compensation, which can be said to be the same as compensation for serving a sentence. Such meticulous action proves that the laws of the country are fair and just.

All of them have no objection to such a result and have not appealed.

When Zheng Honggang and his family were taken out of the court to serve their sentence in prison, the audience could not help but get up and applaud. Excited, Zhao Zilong and Xiaoyu hugged each other in court, and even gave a kiss.

After coming out of the court, Zhao Zilong felt that the sky was so blue, the clouds were so white, Xiaoyu's body was so soft, and the whole world became extremely beautiful.

Sweeping away several mountains in Dukou township is a dust sweep, and it's strange in yunei.

In this way, Zhao Zilong has no rival in Dukou Township, and his two industries will surely prosper. Even the Secretary of the township party committee would condescend to wear uniform to please him. Zhao Zilong can be called the uncrowned king of Dukou township.

At noon of the same day, Zhao Zilong took Xiaoyu to the farm manor and entertained her with the highest level of dietotherapy. Knowing that the food in front of her can nourish yin and enlarge her breast, Xiaoyu can't help but enjoy it.

In the afternoon, Xiaoyu had a rest in the farmhouse, which finally eliminated her fatigue. With the help of Zhao Zilong, she defeated the provincial famous law. She became famous in the first World War, and everyone was excited about it.

Just when Zhao Zilong was at the farm, receiving people's telegrams of congratulations, she came behind him, stretched out her slender hand, covered his eyes, and blew hot air in his ear.

Feeling the soft body behind him and his charming behavior, Zhao Zilong hung up his mobile phone, turned over and pressed it under him. He bent down and gave a big kiss, showing his manly demeanor.

Xiaoyu's sneak attack can't help but be kissed, and the whole person turns into a pool of soft water.

When she was about to suffocate, Zhao Zilong got up triumphantly. To his surprise, Xiaoyu was reluctant to let him leave. She put her arm around his neck and wrapped it up like a snake.

"Be careful, your lips are swollen. You can't go out to see people."

Zhao Zilong chuckled and touched her rose like lip with his fingertips.

"Well, it's not convenient to make out with so many guests in your farm." Xiaoyu raised her red lips and said, "why don't we go to a hotel in the county and get a sauna? Hi enough?"

"There are so many vacant rooms here. How about going to the county to waste money?" Zhao Zilong was surprised.

"I don't care. Anyway, you promised me that as long as I help you win this lawsuit, you have to stay with my sister for one night. I'm going to make up my mind about your people tonight. As for where they are, it's up to you. "

"If you're not afraid of my loud voice and causing unnecessary trouble, just stay here. I'm afraid your old friends will be jealous and come to block the door, and you'll look good at that time. "

Xiaoyu raised her chin and said with pride. It looked like a beautiful peacock.

"Good little girl, dare to threaten me, then I will go to the county as you wish." Zhao Zilong narrowed his eyes and gave out a bad smile: "you can't stand it then. Don't kneel down to me and beg for mercy?"

"Cut, who beg for mercy, who is the dog."Xiaoyu got what she wanted and said with a sly smile.

Zhao Zilong drives his great wall cross-country, with Xiaoyu full of expectation, finds a clean hotel to stay in. In this warm little world, Xiaoyu feels that her own happiness is coming.

After bathing, she came to him barefoot, wearing a big bath towel and snow-white legs. At this time, she is not dust, such as a white lotus, shining with holy light.

"Little brother, are you ready to accept my sister's favor?" Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"I'm always ready, and I hope you're ready." Zhao Zilong couldn't help laughing.

"Don't worry, I'm ready for it." As Xiaoyu spoke, her hands on her back moved to the front, revealing a few strong hemp ropes: "since we want to play, we should have fun, cluck."

"Well, what are you doing?"

When Zhao Zilong saw this, a trace of fear flashed across his face.

"I heard it's fun to tie you up."

Xiaoyu comes to him and pours him there.

She cajoled Zhao Zilong with sweet words and tied his hands and feet to the head of the bed.

So, a fight between the dragon and the tiger began, which is destined to be an extraordinary night.

Early the next morning, when Xiaoyu came out of the bathroom, her feet were puffy, her lips were swollen, her arms were trembling, and her face was tired. She felt as if she had been abused. Her body seemed to collapse at any time.

Zhao Zilong was still tied up there, as if he had nothing to do with others. He was still strong and strong.

"Are you a reincarnation of donkey spirit? It's cruel. I heard from my sisters that it's amazing for a boy to stick to it for more than ten minutes. I didn't expect that you could do it all night. You're not human

Little jade white he one eye, panting heavily to fall to sit on the sofa, knead small abdomen to say.

"You're wrong. I'm not only a man, but also a man that women dream of." Zhao Zilong chuckled, his wrists slightly forced, and the two ropes broke, which made him regain his freedom.

"You You are so strong, that rope is quite strong Xiaoyu was surprised.

"I said, I'm a big man. Don't judge me by common sense." Zhao Zilong came to her, narrowed his eyes and said with a bad smile, "it's just that I didn't enjoy myself last night. I want to try your little fresh meat again."

"Oh, no, please." On hearing this, Xiaoyu could not help looking frightened.

The terrible scene of last night is vividly remembered, which can be called the most fierce and terrible scene Xiaoyu has ever seen. At this time, seeing that Zhao Zilong was going to mount the horse herself, her whole body trembled.

"that's not good. I'm more powerful than you, so do you want me to has the final say?" Zhao Zilong said with a smile.

"Good Zilong, I know you are good. I give up and beg for mercy. It's too late." Xiaoyu shakes his arm and turns to beg for mercy with a plaintive tone. The voice is full of ecstasy.

"If you have a good attitude, I'll let you off first." Zhao Zilong took her to her chest and pinched her around her waist: "if you don't behave well in the future, be careful of my waiting."

"Well, well, they'll be good." After hearing this, Xiao Yu nodded.

Seeing that she was exhausted, Zhao Zilong originally wanted to continue to make up for her time here. But Xiaoyu is afraid that the fierce monster will eat her up, so she is eager to go home.

Zhao Zilong had no choice but to drive her to her home.

Considering that Xiaoyu was just baptized by him last night, it was difficult for her to walk. Zhao Zilong helped her and took her into the room. But unexpectedly, just by Xiaoyu's mother to see a clear.

"Eh, Xiaoyu, what's the matter with you?"

Xiaoyu's mother came forward and asked her daughter.

"Well, it's nothing. I fell."

Xiaoyu pretty face a red, low head casually cope with the way.

"I fell. How did I fall? Where did you fall? Did you go to see a doctor? " Xiaoyu's mother is the same as a human spirit. Seeing that Xiaoyu is so shy, Zhao Zilong is so embarrassed that she can't help asking with great interest.

They were going to explain, but when they saw her clear expression, they knew that they couldn't hide it. The two of them looked at each other and simply refused to admit it.

Seeing that Xiaoyu's mother keeps asking questions, Zhao Zilong is afraid of revealing her true feelings. He quickly finds a reason to send Xiaoyu to her arms, but cangcang leaves Xiaoyu's house in a hurry.

On the way home, Zhao Zilong gradually calms down. Then he suddenly remembers that he is competing with Xiaoyu. He spent a ridiculous night last night, but he didn't have time to be silent, let alone go to Wang Yixian to attack the acupoints.

Thinking of this, he drove straight to Wang Yixian's hut.

When he arrived, Wang Yixian was already having breakfast. When he saw that Wang Yixian had a good breakfast, Zhao Zilong chuckled and tried to have a meal with the wind. But Wang Yixian opened his hand.

"Dishonest boy, if you don't obey, you still want to eat. There's no way!" Wang Yixian glared at him, pointed to the bushes on one side of the hut, and cried out: "go there and be quiet. Today's task must be made up.""Yes, yes, I'll go right away." Zhao Zilong, under the blame, nodded and said with a smile.

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