Best Young Chef

Chapter 376

"At the critical moment, you helped us the Yang family. Naturally, I will not be irresponsible to you. I will send four special police officers to be your bodyguards. If necessary, ironhand will help you

Yang Zhen is the head of the Yang family. He has great power in speaking, which makes Zhao Zilong feel at ease.

"Four is not enough. How can we have a class?" Zhao Zilong pursed his lips and offered him the conditions. "Besides, my family also needs to be protected. This must not be neglected," he said

"You have a big appetite. You know, these special police officers are usually the ones who perform special tasks to protect local political leaders. To ask them to protect you, a little white man, is already overqualified

Yang Zhenbai glanced at him and cried without good spirit, but his eyes became warm.

"You know, I'm the Savior of the Yang family. The people of the Duan family came to deal with me because of you. You must be responsible for me. " Cried Zhao Zilong.

"Although you don't have the sense to speak and your mouth is full of firecrackers, you can still be honest. You don't have the bad habits of following the crowd and taking the helm at the wind, so I don't want you to die young."

"Since you ask, I'll assign you eight special police officers. I hope you can make good use of them."

After pondering a little, Yang Zhen made some concessions: "however, Xiao Wei must come back this evening, and she can't go to you again during this time. You have to find a reason to persuade her personally. No problem."

"Of course, a lovely girl like Xiao Wei can't be in danger. I promise that she will come home tonight and will not come back in two months. Please believe me Zhao Zilong nodded.

"Son of a bitch, I'm not wrong about you." Yang Zhen saw that Zhao Zilong was sincere and had no affectation. He nodded and said, "if you meet my requirements, I will agree with you to communicate."

"What are your requirements?"

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong asked with great interest.

"First of all, you have to be worth 100 million."

Yang Zhen smiles and slowly reaches out a finger.

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong, who was full of confidence, could not help but be stunned. At this moment, the whole person seems to have turned into a stone carving, which hasn't been reflected for a long time.

Compared with the previous, at this time, he had industry, strength, appearance, and contacts. He could be regarded as a new man with four talents. Within the scope of Changfeng County, he could call the wind and call the rain.

But Yang Zhen's words, like a thousand pound sledgehammer, smashed his confidence to pieces.

His farm estate and country guest house add up, although there are millions of years. But most of them are virtual. They are only accumulated through donations from women's gangs and help from rural enterprises.

Although the new villa is worth millions, it was built by the Yang family for him, so it can't be included in his own industry. Such a careful calculation, Zhao Zilong's wealth at this time is still very poor.

It is still a long way to go to reach 100 million.

While Zhao Zilong was crying for help, Yang Zhen said again: "although this number sounds not small, it is not insurmountable for us to persevere in our career development."

"I believe you can do it for Xiao Wei's sake and for your dignity. I'm looking forward to the scene when you can come to my Yang's house to have a dinner in your suit." Yang Zhen said here, the figure disappeared from the screen.

Zhao Zilong looked at the screen stupidly, the whole person was a little absent-minded.

After chatting with Yang Zhen for a long time, I got basically bad news.

The Duan family can't meet Yang Wei, but they have to create a fortune of 100 million yuan. Everything puts forward new requirements for Zhao Zilong, which makes him feel more pressure on his shoulders.

"The old man doesn't know what to do." Zhao Zilong sighed.

When he came out of the room, uncle Ping came up with a smile: "Zilong, the old man knows that Xiao Wei likes you, so he asked me to test you. That's what he meant. Don't blame me?"

"No, I don't have time to blame, because there are a lot of things to do next." Zhao Zilong shook his head with a bitter smile, and then turned to look at Yang Wei's room.

Thinking about the coming danger, Zhao Zilong grits his teeth and comes to Yang Wei's room.

First, he was gentle with her. After she was satisfied, he told her everything. The old man threw this hot potato to Zhao Zilong, but he didn't want to cheat Yang Wei.

So, after thinking about it, he said that the Duan family had to deal with themselves and the conditions that the old man had proposed. And said that if they want to be together eventually, they must abide by this agreement.

Yang Wei was silent for a while and agreed to Zhao Zilong's request.

They spent another afternoon together, and then she drove away from the farm of Zhaojia village. Seeing that the red cross-country car she was driving was getting farther and farther away, Zhao Zilong's heart seemed to be hollowed outIn order to eliminate this emotion, Zhao Zilong went to the county Armed Forces Department and had a discussion with the old brother who had been a special forces soldier. Without the interference of outsiders, they played happily and incisively. They can be regarded as a good match.

With the experience of the last time, the armed minister comprehensively intensified the attack, trying to break through Zhao Zilong's defensive circle, so as to win the competition.

However, these days, Zhao Zilong's vitality has been promoted, and his whole defense and attack have been improved to varying degrees, which makes his plan fail.

After the fight, Zhao Zilong accompanied him to have a drink, and the two separated.

It happened that di Shenghua called and asked Zhao Zilong to accompany her to Yangzhou City for a buffet.

So Zhao Zilong drove his great wall cross-country, carrying the beautiful secretary, all the way to Yangzhou city. That night, after the buffet, they didn't come back. Instead, they had a good night there.

When eating in the cafeteria, di Shenghua is as elegant as a lady; when drinking in the bar, she is like a charming goblin; when dancing in the dance hall, she turns into a wonderful spirit

In constant contact, Zhao Zilong constantly found her wonderful, the whole person is immersed in it, can't dial.

Especially when a dance is finished and di Shenghua finishes the dance with a beautiful split, Zhao Zilong is completely conquered by her white and slender legs, and the whole person feels the blood boiling.

He couldn't wait to take her to the hotel, where he began to kill her in the bathroom.

Because this is the weekend, di Shenghua doesn't go to work the next day, and Zhao Zilong, the boss, doesn't have to go to work on time. As a result, at the end of the day, they still didn't get up.

Zhao Zilong opened his eyes, looked at the plump and white body in front of him, and imagined the amazing power it erupted last night. The whole person could not help feeling a kind of sincere happiness.

It is said that thirty is like a wolf and forty is like a tiger. But Rao is secretary Di Da, who is at the age of tiger and wolf. After four battles in a row, he is still exhausted. Yuanyin is exhausted, and the whole person becomes weak.

Zhao Zilong appreciated her beauty. Excited, he couldn't help holding out his hand and pinching her pretty face. She put on her red lips and let out a cry, showing infinite charm.

Seeing that she was so sleepy in bed, Zhao Zilong had a big heart to play with, and suddenly lifted her quilt.

Accompanied by a scream, a piece of white eye, straight to her exquisite curve perfectly displayed in front of him. Rao Shi tries her best to cover, but Zhao Zilong still sees the beauty.

"You didn't want to kill your child this morning because you were so tired last night." Di Shenghua did not have the good spirit to shout a way.

"Haha, I have so many treasures in my sister. Naturally, I have to explore them carefully. I will regret losing such a wonderful opportunity." Zhao Zilong took her into his arms and said with a smile.

"What a pity, you are already familiar with the road, and here nonsense, it is bad." Di Shenghua said with a smile, grabbing his ear.

"My sister misunderstood. In fact, I'm not familiar with your passage. I'd better take this opportunity to get familiar with it again." Zhao Zilong said that he would continue to be familiar with the road.

"Oh, no, good Zilong, please. If you do this again, my sister will die." Looking at this posture, di Shenghua turned pale and breathed quickly. He begged for mercy.

Seeing her face in horror, Zhao Zilong felt a joy after the conquest.

Then they dressed and chatted. Di Shenghua mentioned that she was busy with work these days. Taking the previous events as an example, the county repeatedly exerted pressure on the government of Dukou Township, which made her feel a little overwhelmed.

Although Zhao Zilong felt a little strange, he was not a member of the government. He didn't understand the truth, so he didn't say much. But towards noon, he answered a phone call, but felt something bad.

The caller is Jin Yingying. She is a member of the township government and she is familiar with some styles of government agencies. In addition, after she was seconded to the farmhouse, she was also the manager.

She has a dual identity, the ability to deal with affairs is quite strong.

Taking the previous road construction as an example, Jin Yingying made full use of all her strength to achieve the best results with the smallest funds. Zhao Zilong was greatly satisfied with her flexible thinking and perfect organization.

Jin Yingying took advantage of the emperor to order the princes. There was almost nothing she could not do in Dukou township. But on the phone, she was extremely helpless, which made Zhao Zilong frown.

This morning, while Zhao Zilong was lingering in the gentle countryside, several creditors who had previously provided bricks, steel, stone powder, cement and other materials for the farm manor brought people to recover several huge debts owed during the construction.

Their attitude is very tough, threatening to have evidence on hand, not afraid of Zhao Zilong's default. If Zhao Zilong didn't give them any money, he would mortgage the farm to them, otherwise they would sue the Discipline Inspection Commission.Hearing this, Zhao Zilong's heart clapped.

He quickly let Jin Yingying settle them down, and good advice, never quarrel with them. In doing so, he naturally wanted to strive for time so as to find a reasonable solution.

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