Best Young Chef

Chapter 378

"This matter involves Secretary di. We can't take any risks. Of course, we can only give money." After listening to her words, Zhao Zilong took a deep breath and said helplessly.

"But we don't have so much money. How can we give it?" Jin Yingying knows the financial situation of the rural guest house and farm manor like the palm of her hand, and naturally knows that he can't get more than 800000 yuan at this time.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way." Zhao Zilong understood that the reason why the black hand did this was to cut off his capital chain, so that his previous efforts would be wasted. Naturally, he would not let it succeed.

"If you need a loan, I can contact you." Jin Yingying said.

"That black hand behind the scenes has so much energy that we won't get a loan." Zhao Zilong narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "if you let me know who did it behind your back, I will make him regret it."

After walking out of the room, Zhao Zilong felt a little upset. I can't help walking to Wang Yixian's hut. Try to get some peace of mind from this quiet old man.

Wang Yixian was as peaceful as ever. He didn't get angry because Zhao Zilong didn't come to the acupoints this morning. He didn't ask because he was upset. He just looked at him quietly.

"Grandpa, I've got another upset thing."

Facing the gaze of Wang Yixian, Zhao Zilong said wrongly.

"When you are in the world of mortals, you can't help being entangled with worldly affairs." Wang Yixian said with a smile: "I hope you don't bring common things here, because it's a place of freedom."

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong wanted to say something else, but Wang Yixian pointed to the open grass and said to him, "go and play taijiquan once and recite Qingxin mantra three times..."

"Remember, peace of mind is natural and cool. If you want peace of mind, first of all, calm down your mind." When Zhao Zilong turned to play Tai Chi, Wang Yixian added.

Wang Yixian's peaceful voice is a good medicine, which makes Zhao Zilong feel an unprecedented sense of security. With his words, his impatience was thrown out of the sky.

His worry was completely consumed by the mellow Taiji, and his worldly heart was completely dispelled by the Qingxin mantra. When he returned to Wang Yixian, his heart was crystal clear, just like a gem.

"Well, your self-regulation has improved. It's not bad." Wang Yixian nodded and said with a gentle smile: "it's just that you are worried and easily distracted. It's not suitable to attack acupoints at this time."

"I see. I'll deal with worldly affairs as soon as possible."

After bowing to Wang Yixian, Zhao Zilong turned and left for the farm.

After his mind calmed down, Zhao Zilong's thinking was like a spring. He also found a variety of solutions to the super problem of paying more than 800000 yuan in three days. The simplest one is to use the black card.

The black card was given to him by Jin Xuaner at the beginning, and the money in it was enough to help him through all the difficulties at present. But Zhao Zilong, as a tough and hot-blooded man, has never used this card.

At this time, the black hand behind the scenes put pressure on di Shenghua and pressed Zhao Zilong for debts, with a very tough attitude. And these are just primary means, presumably there will be many powerful means in the future.

Although Zhao Zilong can also choose to ask Du Qingsi, Ma Yuying, Qin Xia and other members of the women's gang for help, and even use the strength of the Yang family to suppress his opponents, he will expose all his cards.

After careful consideration, Zhao Zilong decided to use this card to deal with the crisis.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zilong immediately drove his great wall cross-country, all the way to the county.

As there are only a few rows of English letters on this dark card, and there is not a single Chinese character, it is impossible to tell which line it is.

Zhao Zilong, holding a try attitude, came to the industrial and Commercial Bank of China at the crossroads of the county.

When he showed this card to the staff of the consulting office, the man looked at it for a long time, but could not see why. He looked at Zhao Zilong like an idiot and asked him to go to the counter.

In the face of the man's fiery eyes, Zhao Zilong suddenly had a feeling of self-confidence.

This card does not have any bank logo, let alone a Chinese character. Zhao Zilong is not sure whether it is a bank card or not. This is really embarrassing.

Zhao Zilong so swaggered to the counter to get money, get money to say. If Jin Xuaner is just joking with him and the black card he sent is not a bank card, it will make a big deal.

It's light to encounter embarrassment. If you're caught as a swindler, you're in trouble.

Zhao Zilong was a little uneasy with the number list in his hand.

Just then, counter 6 called his number. After a little pondering, he summoned up courage and came to the counter. He handed the card to the counter, and the woman in the suit was surprised.

"What kind of business do you want to handle, sir, and what kind of card is this?" The female staff member turned back and forth and looked at the black card. She was stunned for a long time. Then she asked him in surprise."Excuse me Isn't this a bank card? "

Zhao Zilong did not give up and asked him.

"Bank card, sir, are you kidding? There is not even the words of ICBC on it. How could it be ICBC's card. If you have time, you might as well go to other banks. "

The female staff member laughed and threw out the black card to him.

The people in the queue behind all cast banter eyes on Zhao Zilong when they saw this scene.

"Excuse me, young man. It's my turn to withdraw the money. Your card is so black that you don't even have a Chinese word. It must be a card of the underworld bank. It doesn't work here. You might as well try it in hell. "

An old man in line behind patted him on the shoulder and made an irritating sound.

In the face of strange eyes from around, his ears are filled with harsh irony. Zhao Zilong feels that his heart is full of anger, and his hatred for Jin Xuaner is even more extreme.

"Little girl, she is so beautiful, but she is so sinister. Even if you don't like me, you don't have to play with me like this. It's embarrassing. " Zhao Zilong's face was gloomy, and his heart was full of anger.

At this time, a rapid and chaotic sound of footsteps, the previous staff of the information desk, with a few bank managers in black suits came, including two security guards.

Seeing that they were coming fiercely towards him, Zhao Zilong was shocked.

Just as he was thinking about how to explain clearly when he was being questioned later, the bank manager at the head actually made an unexpected move. He even bowed to Zhao Zilong.

His move not only surprised Zhao Zilong, but also made those people around him stay in the local area. For this sudden change, everyone felt a little confused.

"Well, you are..." Zhao Zilong scratched his head and was at a loss.

"Hello, sir. I'm the vice president of Changfeng County branch of Yangzhou Branch of ICBC. May I have a look at the card in your hand?" The middle-aged man pointed to the black card in his hand and said politely.

"Of course, here you are." Zhao Zilong was stunned and handed out the card in his hand.

The vice president surnamed Wang's right hand trembled, took the black card, looked up and down for a long time, and compared with the pattern on the mobile phone for a long time, finally determined some things.

There was a strange look on his face. It was as if the monk had seen the Buddha, the Taoist had seen the venerable, the bird had seen the Phoenix, the coyote had seen the fairy, and there was some color between his pious appearance.

"I'm sorry, sir. The nobility of your card has gone beyond our understanding, so our staff didn't recognize it before. Please forgive us for our fault."

The vice president trembled, handed the card to Zhao Zilong and said carefully.

"Oh, this card, can I withdraw money here?"

Seeing him so humble, Zhao Zilong's courage became stronger.

"Of course, of course. The counter is the place where ordinary users handle business. Your card can be directly handled in the VIP room." The vice president said, making a gesture of invitation.

"Hello, we are all customers. Why is the service different?"

"It's just a black English card. What's the big deal."

Those customers who were waiting anxiously in front of the counter saw that the vice president personally welcomed Zhao Zilong, and even asked him to go directly to the VIP room to handle business. They couldn't help crying out.

"We treat our customers equally. As long as you can also take out Citibank's VIP overdraft card, I will personally invite you to the VIP room for business."

After hearing this, the vice president turned to them and said with a smile.

Although he was smiling, his words made people feel incomparably proud.

"What about Citibank and top overdraft card?"

A man in beige casual clothes, some disdainful cry.

"Maybe you don't know that the people who can handle this kind of card need at least a billion dollars. No matter where you are, as long as you take out this card, you can easily overdraw one million yuan... "

The vice president's words, like Huang zhongdalu's, shocked everyone.

Their heart of contempt has long gone, replaced by a tremendous shock.

They stare at Zhao Zilong stupidly, but they can't figure out how this white boy can have such a magic card.

Under the leadership of the vice president, Zhao Zilong came to the VIP room.

A tall and handsome uniformed beauty gave him Tie Guanyin, who had just been soaked. The vice president personally received Zhao Zilong. Zhao Zilong couldn't respond to such a grand scene.

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