When there were only two people left in the room, Wang Yixian came to Zhao Zilong with a smile.

He slowly stretched out his two fingers in his right hand. The two fingers looked wrinkled, but there was an invisible air current surging on the surface. At first glance, they looked like a sharp sword coming out of its sheath.

Wang Yixian took a deep breath, and his turbid eyes suddenly became sharp as electricity. His two fingers whistling out, even seven times on Zhao Zilong's body, made him all over the body eject a strong airflow.

Zhao Zilong, who was originally unconscious and crazy, was just like a ball that let off steam and suddenly relaxed.

After a long time, his eyelashes moved gently and his eyes opened slowly.

"Boy, you are lucky this time."

Said the king of medicine, looking at him with a cup of tea.

"Wang Yixian, where am I?"

Zhao Zilong looked around, and his face was dazed.

"In my house, you go up the mountain to pick up pine mushrooms and fall on the ground. They sent you to me." Wang Yixian took a sip of tea and explained to him in a very calm voice.

"I remember that after eating a white mushroom, I began to feel hot and numb all over the body..." Thinking of this, Zhao Zilong suddenly asked, "I heard that many mushrooms are poisonous. I'm not poisoned, am I?"

"Everything in the world breathes, and the breath exhaled by plants is very beneficial to us. It is usually called aura. That pine forest has lived for more than a hundred years, and its aura is very strong. Guided by your Tong Yang, it immediately transfers to the pine mushroom, and finally you swallow it. " Wang Yixian shook his head with a smile and said something slowly.

"What What kind of aura? "

Although Zhao Zilong also saw martial arts fantasy, he still had some doubts when he heard such mysterious things in reality.

"Do you know Qigong?"

Wang Yixian asked from a different angle.

Seeing Zhao Zilong nodding, Wang Yixian said again: "if you can't understand me, you can also think like this: that piece of pine forest has all transferred to your body through a hundred years of condensed Qi."

"So I have Qigong?"

Zhao Zilong clenched his fist and felt that his body was full of explosive power.

"You can think that their main effect is to strengthen your physical fitness, repair your physical defects, and make your constitution closer to perfection..." Wang Yixian explained to him with a smile.

Before he had finished his words, Zhao Zilong asked impatiently, "so what I don't use will become available?"

"No, I can That's pretty good! "

Wang Yixian narrowed his eyes and moved his eyes below him.

When Zhao Zilong subconsciously looked down, he saw a hill rising from the original flat place.

I can do it!

I really can!

God, you really have eyes!

Zhao Zilong was very excited with tears in his eyes.

Under the guidance of Wang Yixian, Zhao Zilong went home to take some strong catharsis medicine and then had a big catharsis for three days.

The things discharged from the body were as black as ink and smelly. The whole cottage was too smoked to enter.

In addition, the surface of Zhao Zilong's body also emits layers of gray black grease, which has to be cleaned every half a day. Even the dog would not drink the washed water when it was poured out.

According to Wang Yixian, psionic transformation of the body requires a process of sewage discharge, which is a purification of noumenon. In fact, after three days of excretion, although Zhao Zilong was weak, after washing and replacement, his skin became whiter and whiter, and his surface still flickered white.

By the fourth day, Zhao Zilong had some rice porridge and some fruit, and he had recovered some strength.

People in the village came to see him with eggs, bread, instant noodles and so on. When they saw Zhao Zilong's skin, which became white and delicate, they could not help but wonder.

Some aunts who love beauty not only come forward to caress, but also ask Zhao Zilong the secret.

Although Zhao Zilong knew it was the white Tricholoma matsutake, he promised Wang Yixian not to tell the story, so he just laughed and fooled the past.

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