Best Young Chef

Chapter 417

After a while, Xu Fang's cross-country carriage brings Wang an elegant fragrance. Smelling the familiar fragrance, Zhao Zilong felt sweet in his heart.

In the past, they talked about everything, but as Li Dabao was transferred away and Li Jun was sentenced, Wang Hongfang's status in the family became higher and higher. In that sense of superiority, she gradually returned to her family.

As a result, she spent more and more time at home and had less contact with Zhao Zilong.

At this time again alone, no one spoke, just occasionally look at each other, heart complex.

"Zilong, don't you blame your sister?"

Wang Hongfang pursed her red lips and asked.

"Of course not. I respect your choice. As long as you can live happily, I will be happy." Zhao Zilong nodded at her and said with blessing.

"Good Zilong, it's really a happy thing to have you in my sister's life. I will treasure this memory, because it is my spiritual wealth. " Wang Hongfang moved to say.

"Me too. I'll remember every bit of us."

Zhao Zilong took a deep breath and said with aftertaste.

Hearing this, Wang Hongfang smiles sweetly and holds his big hand.

"Do you go to work in the county? Where is your destination?"

Zhao Zilong held her soft hand in his backhand and asked with a smile.

"Let's go to sister Di's house. Do you like it?"

Wang Hongfang gave a smile and blinked mischievously.

"Ah? Go to sister di? You don't want my super storm plow to help you both loosen the soil at the same time? " After hearing this, Zhao Zilong gave a bad smile.

"If you like it, I'll satisfy you. I just hope you don't have too much depth to make people unable to walk." Wang Hongfang's pretty face turned red, and a trace of enchantment flashed in her eyes.

Through chatting, Zhao Zilong learned that di Hongyun had appendicitis and had just had a minor operation. He was stunned and could not help complaining that di Shenghua did not tell him such a big thing had happened.

Two people bought some nutrition, all the way to di Shenghua's home.

After ringing the doorbell, the door opened slowly. However, it was not di Shenghua who opened the door, but a clean middle-aged woman. Her appearance was six or seven points similar to that of Di Shenghua. She should be her mother.

"Hello, auntie. We're here to see sister di."

Wang Hongfang stepped forward and said to her with a smile.

"It's Shenghua's friend. Come in, come in. It's just a minor operation. I'm sorry to trouble you to come here." Di Shenghua's mother has a kind face and a soft voice.

After entering the room, I saw a lot of nutriments on the floor, while Di Shenghua was half lying on the sofa, looking pale. There were a lot of people sitting beside her. They should have come to see her.

Among these visitors, Zhao Zilong also saw Xin Xiaowei, Ma Yuying and other acquaintances. However, they tacit understanding and did not say hello, just nodded slightly, it is said hello.

After a few more words, all the people got up and left.

Zhao Zilong and Wang Hongfang sat down and chatted with di Shenghua.

At noon, Zhao Zilong cooked four nourishing dishes, and the four had a good time at home.

After dinner, while Di Shenghua's mother was doing the dishes, the three of them whispered for a while. When Di Shenghua learned that there had been a fierce fight in dukouxiang, he was speechless.

"You don't give me a break, you fellow."

Di Shenghua gave him a white look and exclaimed: "I've just had a cold for a few days, and you've caused such a big deal. Fortunately, nothing happened. Otherwise, I'm not the Secretary of the township party committee."

"Sister Di, don't worry. Everything is under control. It will be OK." Zhao Zilong scratched his head and said with embarrassment.

"Sister Di, this guy is a real coward. On the way here just now, he was still thinking about how to bully us." Wang Hongfang came close to di Shenghua and told him quietly.

"We're not as strong as that little villain. We can't help him bullying us. But my mother is here. He can't succeed. You can rest assured. " Di Shenghua said with a smile.

"That's true. If you want him to hold it, you'd better empty it." When Wang Hongfang said this, the two of them fell back and forth with laughter. Zhao Zilong was dazzled by the magnificent and charming scenery.

Looking back, the door of the kitchen was closed, and there was the sound of water brushing inside. Zhao Zilong couldn't help laughing. He rushed forward to the two of them, picking white peaches on one side and exploring the valley on the other side. They were so amused.

It was not until the bell of the little apple rang that Zhao Zilong regained his power.

The phone call was from Lu Qiang. Although Zhao Zilong was a little reluctant, considering that Lu Qiang had helped him before, he put his hand through the phone: "Hello, director Lu Da, why do you want to call me now?""The director told me that I had to help you to make up for it." Although Lu Qiang's tone is tough, there is a wisp of warmth inside.

"No problem. Just ask me what you want. As long as you want, as long as I have, it's all yours. Of course, there is one exception, that is, my son's * * Zhao Zilong said with a bad smile.

"Don't make me sick here. I don't want your little body for nothing."

Lu Qiang heard the speech, not good to shout: "my request is not high, three days later my child to do 12 days, the family have proposed to go to your Township hostel operation, take some nutrition."

"But I called and asked. You're fully booked. So I'd like to ask boss Zhao to make some tables for us, so that we can have a chance to support you. "

"No problem. I'll say hello later and arrange five boxes for you. Do you think that's enough?" Zhao Zilong curled his lips and said generously, "as for the dishes, you can choose any of my recipes for free."

"If it's a big table like a box, five will be enough." Lu Qiang saw that he agreed to come down, but he was overjoyed: "as for free, give me a 60% discount, I'm satisfied."

"How can it be? You helped me a lot before. If I don't even invite a meal, I'll feel sorry." Zhao Zilong turned his lips and said with a smile to Lu Qiang.

"Well, since you know I've been a great help to you, you want to send me off with a meal. You treat me as a beggar. Keep that account in mind, and I'll use you later. " Lu Qiang said here and hung up the phone.

"This boy is really a ghost." Zhao Zilong chuckled.

"Zilong, I heard that you are not against Lu Qiang. Now why are you stuck together again? You won't take a fancy to him, will you?" Wang Hongfang tilted her head to look at him and asked him with great interest.

"Bah, bah, don't crow mouth here. First, I don't like men. Second, his fat belly makes me sick. Even if I like pigs, I won't like him." Cried Zhao Zilong, not in a good mood.

"Well, you little villain, you said we were pigs in a roundabout way

Hearing this, di Shenghua's red lips raised, pointed at him and cried angrily.

"That's to say, if you don't fight for three days and go to the room to uncover tiles, it's just the opposite. You dare to make fun of your sisters. See if sister Di and I don't teach you a good lesson." Wang Hongfang chuckles and pulls Di Shenghua to Zhao Zilong.

Zhao Zilong is afraid that di Shenghua is moving his wound. He is lying on the sofa and dare not move. He lets their pink fists fall gently. They were beating, and their strength became smaller and smaller. Finally, they turned into touching.

The physical contact of the three leads to endless love, which makes them intoxicated.

It was not until the sound of the sliding door in the kitchen sounded that they remembered that there was an old man at home.

Under the embarrassment, Zhao Zilong gets up to say goodbye to di Shenghua and leaves. Wang Hongfang still has some work to report to Secretary di. After she sent Zhao Zilong away, she stayed alone.

After going out of the house, Zhao Zilong is hesitating whether to go to Ma Yuying, but he hears someone calling him in a low voice. He looked up and saw a pair of wonderful eyes looking at him through the stair railing, not Ma Yuying.

He came to Ma Yuying's side with light steps. He was held by her soft hand and led him to his room. Just as she closed the door, she rushed up like an estrous ewe.

In the face of her initiative, Zhao Zilong can't help showing his green and astringent state. Seeing that he had such a coquettish side, Ma Yuying pushed him down and began to show her imperial skills.

Zhao Zilong was panting under her, enjoying some tenderness.

After being gentle, they took a rest and went to the bathroom for a pleasant mandarin duck bath.

Zhao Zilong skillfully rubbed her back, slightly appreciated her plumpness, and suddenly remembered something.

"Sister Ma, it seems that the number of gatherings of your women's gang is getting less and less recently. There is no more laughter in that room. What's the matter?" After pondering a little, Zhao Zilong asked her.

"Ah, it's not because you left..."

After hearing this, Ma Yuying sighed and said.

"After she left, the gang leader left here without a leader, the organization was dispersed, and the sisters were separated. Some of them began to develop themselves, some began to climb new branches, and their original friendship was much weaker. "

Ma Yuying's pretty face flashed a trace of depression, obviously in memory of the original happiness.

"All the banquets in the world will come to an end. Sister Ma, you want to have some."

Zhao Zilong leaned forward and hugged her beautiful figure from behind.

"You can anesthetize me with happiness, so I don't have time to be depressed."

Ma Yuying turned around and presented her mystery to him.

In the face of her invitation, Zhao Zilong smiles, leans forward to pick up her soft face and comes to the bedroom. After the door was closed, there was a faint rhythmic sound, and her delicate voiceAfter Ma Yuying got comfort from him, her whole life was gorgeous.

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