Best Young Chef

Chapter 435

Warm color curtains, warm decoration, enough to make the heart become soft!

But at this time Zhao Zilong sat on the chair, but he was not happy. After he took off his T-shirt, he showed the place where he was swept by Yu Qingqing's boxing style. He was surprised to find that there was a dark red fist seal there.

He reached out and touched the clear fist mark, and there were bursts of tearing pain.

"Damn it, that guy is too strong, but his style swept me and made a fist mark. If that punch really hit you, how strong would it be? " Zhao Zilong said with a frown.

Just as he was carrying out massage there according to the method of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis taught by Wang Yixian, the door was knocked. Zhao Zilong turned to look at the clock. It's eleven o'clock in the evening. Who could it be?

Zhao Zilong frowned, put on his T-shirt with his gloves, and went forward to open the door.

Just as the door was opened, a gust of fragrant fragrance had floated in, and then a soft body rushed into his arms.

"Yingying, what do you do in my room when you don't sleep at night?" Zhao Zilong hugged her slender waist and asked with great interest.

"In the afternoon, you promised to help others. Later, you patronized the fight, but you forgot about it. Aren't you afraid that my overlord would bow hard?"

Jinyingying hook his neck, Ba blink wonderful eyes, all kinds of manners to say.

"No, of course not. It's just that it's a little late after dinner. I'm afraid it will affect your rest, so..." Seeing her suddenly become so unrestrained, Zhao Zilong could not help scratching his head.

"Now, are you afraid it will affect my rest?" Jin Yingying, like a female rogue with good taste, stretched out a slender jade finger, raised Zhao Zilong's chin and asked him with great interest.

"No I'm not afraid. " Zhao Zilong coughed and shook his head.

"If you're not afraid, change it now!"

"Change it, just let it go." Zhao Zilong's heart is a horizontal, domineering full cry way.

"Well, I've never seen a ploughed field before, but a dead cow." At this time, Jin Yingying seems to have changed her personality. She has changed her usual quiet, elegant and shy, and become passionate, charming and enchanting.

The reason for such a change is that Zhao Zilong thinks that she has been single for a long time and her sperm is on the brain.

"Come on, my beauty." Zhao Zilong took her little hand and said softly.

"No, they want you to carry them by yourself. That's the way it looks." Jin Yingying raised her red lips and hung them around his neck.

"Well, well, I'll listen to you in everything. Today I'll be at your disposal. As long as you don't cripple me once, just leave me a corpse." Zhao Zilong stooped to pick her up and walked inside.

When she came to the couch, Zhao Zilong gently put her down, but at this moment, Jin Yingying's foot inadvertently touched his wound, making him tremble.

"What's the matter? Don't you always claim to be strong and tough? Why can't you stand the tenderness of others?" Jin Yingying takes back her lotus like feet and jokes.

"Ha ha, you burst out a gentle ray, running through my heart, making me intoxicated and ecstatic..." Zhao Zilong chuckled and joked with her.

"Oh, no, take off your clothes for me."

Jin Yingying looks surprised, as if suddenly remembered something.

"What do you want to do? You don't want to be strong with me, do you?"

Zhao Zilong held his chest in his hands and cried to her at the top of his voice.

"Give me less bullshit. Are you going to take it off or not?"

Jin yingteng stood up, pointed at him and yelled.

"Take off, take off, can't I take off?" Seeing that she was angry, Zhao Zilong couldn't help but smile and said, "sesame is a big thing. Is it worth being so angry? Be careful to move the fetal gas."

"Cut the crap. If you don't take it off, I'll smoke you." Jin Ying gave him a white look.

Under her questioning, Zhao Zilong slowly took off his T-shirt, revealing his strong body. His body is just like the white jade carving, the whole body is well proportioned, twinkling with a kind of soul stirring beauty.

"My God, it's so beautiful to have such a wonderful figure," Jin Yingying rushed to him and exclaimed in surprise.

"Do you like it? If you like, I can consider renting it to you." Zhao Zilong gave a bad smile, took her little hand and said, "they are all acquaintances. I'll give you a 20% discount."

"Get out of here. It's dishonest to be beaten. Don't you want to be beaten?" After hearing this, Jin Yingying pressed hard at his wound, which made Zhao Zilong cry.

"Hey, are you a spy sent by the enemy? You should be so cruel to me. I'll sue you for murdering my husband." Zhao Zilong pressed his wound and made an exaggerated cry.

"You have such a big fist mark on your shoulder, isn't it very painful?"

Jin Yingying is scared to draw back small hand, nu gets up bright red small mouth son to come forward to blow gently.

Seeing her serious appearance and feeling the numbness and itching of the air blowing over her body, Zhao Zilong suddenly felt a kind of happiness. He took her slender waist and let her pity herself. He couldn't help but squint his eyes with intoxication."Tell me, is this fist seal from the white face before?"

Jin Yingying's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and suddenly she made an angry voice.

"Yes, that guy is much better than I thought." Zhao Zilong nodded.

"Well, I praised that guy for being beautiful. I didn't expect that he would dare to hurt my son dragon. I cursed him for being incontinent and unable to be a man all his life."

Jin Yingying raised her red lips and exclaimed without good spirit, which made Zhao Zilong dumbfounded.

Hate is really a pig knife, not only can make people crazy, but also can make gentle women become super cold. Jin Yingying's performance truly testifies to this theory.

"Good Zilong, you are all red. Does it hurt?"

Jin Yingying leaned against his arms and asked, gently stroking him with her little hand.

"Well, it doesn't hurt if you don't touch it. It hurts when you touch it."

"Now that you're injured, we'd better not do that kind of high vertical and deep physical activity, and let others accompany you quietly for a night. How about the injury?" Jin Yingying has a gentle voice, just like a kitten.

"It's not good to just rest. It's better to do massage and scraping again. It's good for recovering the injury, but no one can help me..." When Zhao Zilong said this, he looked pitifully at her.

"It doesn't matter. They are here."

After hearing this, Jin Yingying volunteered.

"Well, do you know everything I say?"

Zhao Zilong's success in his treacherous scheme was not a secret joy.

"What's the matter? Massage means getting fists and kicks. Scraping is easier. I don't think it's different from killing pigs and picking hairs..." Jin Yingying curled her lips and cried without good spirit.

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong felt that his hair was erect, and he felt a little bit bad.

He was about to say something, but Jin Yingying forced him down and sat on it.

"Oh, my God, it feels great."

After massaging for more than an hour, Jin Yingying was so tired that she was sweating, and her thin robe exuded a light sense of dampness.

After a little rest, she took essential oil and scraping board and began to help him scrape.

Just because she had no experience, when she scraped, it was so deep and shallow that Zhao Zilong shivered and screamed.

That night, although they did nothing, Zhao Zilong enjoyed the tenderness of the world.

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