Best Young Chef

Chapter 438

In box 7, the tea is full and the sound is pleasant!

Luo Dabing and Peng Lian talked about the war situation last night. They were all excited.

Knowing that there was such a wonderful fight here last night, but he didn't catch up. Company commander Peng couldn't help regretting: "soldier, you're not interesting enough. Why didn't you inform me of such a good thing?"

"Ha ha, this is arranged by the Zilong brothers. I don't know what the specific situation is, so I didn't call you. Next time there's a similar entertainment, I'll call you

After hearing this, Luo Dabing scratched his head with embarrassment and said.

"That's about the same. Brothers should help each other."

After hearing this, company commander Peng turned his anger into a smile, patted him on the shoulder and said.

At this time, the door was pushed open. Zhao Zilong came in and said with a smile to them, "what are you talking about, two elder brothers? What are you so happy about, and let me have a good time?"

"Brother Zilong, you don't mean it enough. There was such a good entertainment project last night that you didn't ask me to come here. Don't you look down on my skill?" After hearing this, company commander Peng didn't shout angrily.

"Brother Peng misunderstood. I definitely didn't mean that."

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong quickly began to smile and said, "yesterday, it was too urgent. Those guys were only an hour away from here. I had to call the brothers around to come here for emergency."

"Your troops are a little far away from here. Besides, you are a serving soldier. I'm afraid that you won't be able to catch up, and I'm afraid that fighting will affect your future, so..." Zhao Zilong explained with a smile.

"Brother Zilong, I tell you, all your worries are superfluous."

"As long as you call, I'll be there in an hour. As for the future of bullshit, you don't have to worry about it. What's the occupation of a soldier? That's the occupation of fighting. Why don't you fight as a soldier? "

Company commander Peng is forthright, and his speech is also crisp, which makes Zhao Zilong nod.

"Well, well, I'm wrong this time. I'll be the first one to call you next time. Isn't that right?" Zhao Zilong chuckled and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's almost the same. It's just that I missed this opportunity. When can I have it again?" After hearing this, company commander Peng sighed and said slowly.

"Ha ha, if you are free in the afternoon, I'll take you to meet someone." Zhao Zilong's eyes turned and cried to company commander Peng.

"Oh, you took me to see the little white face who was super strong last night. What's the name of Qingqing and took a woman's name?" After hearing this, company commander Peng couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

"Yes, I asked him to have afternoon tea just now." Zhao Zilong nodded and said.

"It's just wonderful. I've learned from old officers recently, and I've changed some killing moves from Military Boxing. I just want to try my hand with someone. It's said that the boy's fist is very hard. I'd like to see how hard he is. "

After hearing this, company commander Peng's eyes sparkled with a sharp light.

"Hey, I'm fine in the afternoon. Why don't I go and be your company?" Luo Dabing is also a warlike man. After hearing this, he said with a smile.

"Don't do that. Go to your class. You were addicted enough last night. Don't rob me today, or you and I will be worried. " After listening to this, company commander Peng cried out without being angry.

"Ah, Lao Peng, are you too overbearing?" Luo Dabing exclaimed angrily.

"Why don't we go out and try two moves first?" Company commander Peng cried, staring.

"Well, my company commander Peng, you're cruel. I'm not going to the head office, am I?"

Luo gave a wry smile and said to company commander Peng, "you always oppress people with your power. When you were in the army, you used to bully me with your high rank and strong fighting power. Now you have to do this again. You really can't help it."

After listening to Luo Dabing's words, company commander Peng couldn't help laughing and turned to Zhao Zilong and said, "since we have something to do in the afternoon, we should make something delicious. We'll have enough to eat. How can we do our work in the afternoon?"

"Ha ha, you two are really here at noon today. I just caught a spirit fish. You have a good time today." After hearing this, Zhao Zilong said with a smile.

"Oh, spirit fish, what spirit fish?" Company commander Peng has first-class fighting skills, but he is an idiot in catering. After listening to Zhao Zilong's words, he couldn't help but stare and ask.

"It's a fish with spirit, which can be channeled after eating."

Zhao Zilong squinted and said to him mysteriously.

"Really, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and do it. I can't wait." Company commander Peng gave a violent drink and yelled at him: "Hey, hey, eat his mother's spirit fish and beat that sissy."

Company commander Peng's bold tone made Zhao Zilong and Luo Dabing laugh.

Zhao Zilong washed and peeled it with super fast knife skill, then poured seasoning bag into its mouth, then put it on the pot and began to stew. Because his knife skill is too fast, in the process of stewing, the fish is still swimming.When the water boils, the action of the piseling fish slows down, but its mouth is still open and closed. Its body exudes light oil, which makes the fish soup milky white.

When Zhao Zilong lifted the lid of the pot, the faint fragrance immediately diffused.

The fragrance was refreshing and made Zhao Zilong's pores open.

"My God, it's too fragrant. It smells light, but it makes the body feel relaxed. I think it will be better if I eat it in my mouth." Zhao Zilong said with a smile.

While stewing fish, Zhao Zilong quickly fried five dishes, plus this blue light fish, a total of six dishes. In addition, he also made some fruit rice for Luo Dabing to taste.

After the meal was ready, Zhao Zilong invited his father and sister-in-law Meili over.

Plus Luo Dabing and company commander Peng, they ate happily.

Zhao Zilong's five course dishes are all hard dishes. They have sufficient taste and suitable heat. They have reached a perfect balance in terms of taste and nutrition, which makes them marvel.

When the blue light fish came up, the whole room was filled with an intoxicating aroma. Not to mention how it tastes, just the charming smell it exudes, it captivates all the people on the field.

The fish in the basin is emerald in color. The meat is compact and smooth. It looks like it has a good appetite. What's more, after the fish came up, they kept opening their mouths and looked vivid.

They asked Zhao Laicai to be the first to move his chopsticks. After being modest for a while, he took the lead to pick up a small piece of emerald fish and put it into his mouth. The next moment, his body trembled, the whole person was stunned.

"Dad, what's the matter with you? Isn't the fishbone stuck?"

Seeing this, Zhao Zilong took Zhao Laicai by the arm and cried.

"No, it's not. It's so delicious that the thorns melt."

Zhao Laicai shook his head, took his son's arm and cried excitedly.

"Really, I'll try."

Beautiful sister-in-law smell speech, also not by chopsticks taste.

Then, Luo Dabing and company commander Peng all moved their chopsticks.

After eating the blue light spirit fish, all of them showed the color of intoxication. One by one, they are in a state of ecstasy, unable to control their thoughts.

"Is it really so delicious? I'll try it, too."

Zhao Zilong was stunned and put a piece of fish into his mouth.

The fish melt in the mouth, and even the bones melt completely. They turn into mellow gravy and bone paste and go down the throat. After the fish entered the abdomen, the original faint fragrance suddenly became thick, which immediately attacked his senses.

Zhao Zilong felt that his consciousness collapsed in an instant, his thinking dissipated immediately, leaving only endless fragrance in his mind. The taste is so continuous that his taste is intoxicated and his soul is boiling.

"My God, it's delicious. It's just a stewed fish. It's stronger than the braised lion's head. It can even take control of my body."

Zhao Zilong from the detached taste of liberation, can not help but excitedly cried.

"I've never tasted so delicious before. This piece of fish is much sweeter than all the things I've eaten before." Luo Dabing's face was at a loss, and the whole person cried excitedly.

"Yes, I've had 30000 yuan of noodles in Yangzhou City, but the so-called final dish is far worse than your fish." Company commander Peng also clapped the table and hissed.

"It's so delicious. I'm moved." Beautiful sister-in-law stayed for a long time, eyes gradually open: "I've eaten such wonderful food in my life, even if I'm dead."

Just as they were delighted, a large crowd of people poured into the box.

There are waiters, administrators and even chefs in this group. They looked steadily at the fish in the center of the table. Their faces were full of expectation. It was obvious that they were attracted by the smell of the fish.

"What are you doing? What are you doing around here when the chairman and friends are eating here? Are there any rules?" Jin Yingying's voice rang, and there was some displeasure in her voice.

"Well, chairman, I'm sorry, we've lost our manners."

"The main reason is that this dish is so wonderful, and the fragrance is so penetrating that even I was attracted to the kitchen. To tell you the truth, I didn't mean to. It's just that my legs are out of control. "

"The chairman is a man of God. He can not only catch such spirit fish, but also make such delicious dishes. If you can taste such delicious food in your life, even death is worth it. "

As they retreated out of the box, the men explained with apologies.

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