Best Young Chef

Chapter 498

After the police successfully entered the farm, they thought that they would be stopped during the search.

Unexpectedly, Jin Yingying, the executive director, welcomed the police and said, "welcome to our farm. Our chairman is waiting for you in the room on the top floor."

"We're not looking for your chairman. We're here to investigate a kidnapping case."

The chubby middle-aged policeman at the head said slowly, "it's reported that two tourists who have been missing for several days are hiding in your farm. We're going to search here. This is a search warrant!"

As soon as his words were heard, a policeman handed her a piece of paper with a big red seal.

Instead of looking at the red paper, Jin Yingying pursed her red lips and said to the fat middle-aged policeman, "the search is unnecessary. Our chairman said that the person you are looking for is with him. Please go there."

After hearing this, people were surprised. When the police search houses with a search warrant, they are usually stopped. Because of this, in case, the middle-aged policeman came with more than ten people.

What he didn't expect was that the boy who dared to fight against the big men in the city didn't show the fierce side as expected. Except for the two guards, everything was quite polite.

The middle-aged policeman squinted and subconsciously turned to look at a thin policeman behind him. The policeman felt his eyes and nodded very quietly. The former immediately understood.

"Well, let's meet the chairman."

The middle-aged policeman nodded and went up under the leadership of Jin Yingying.

In the process of going up the stairs, the policemen swarmed forward and back, always on guard, looking very serious. Jin Yingying did not say much, but quietly led the way, just like an elegant orchid.

During this period, several police officers swept her pretty buttocks from time to time, and their eyes were full of amazement.

After arriving at the room where Zhao Zilong lived in the top corner, he saw the door wide open, the pale Zhao Zilong sitting on the chair, closed his eyes, and an enchanting woman standing behind him gently kneading.

"Chairman, the police are here."

Seeing this scene, Jin Yingying said slightly.

Zhao Zilong slowly opened his eyes and gave her a smile.

The policemen thought that the one who dared to fight against the big men in the city should be a big man with a big body and a curly beard. But did not expect, actually a look, actually is a white little handsome boy.

In addition, the crown is like jade, and the beauty rubs her shoulders. They are stunned by the noble bearing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what are you doing at my farm?"

Zhao Zilong opened his lips and asked them.

"We have received a report that two tourists who have been missing for several days have appeared here after being kidnapped. We want to search here. This is a search warrant!" A policeman showed the search warrant again and called out in a sonorous voice.

"Tourists? kidnap? Search? I really don't understand what you're talking about. " Zhao Zilong narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "there are no kidnapped people here, just me and my sweet little girl."

"My sweetheart is a beautiful woman. Are you looking for her?"

Zhao Zilong joked and pointed to the enchanting girl behind him.

After hearing this, the middle-aged policeman turned to look at the thin policeman. He was staring at the enchanting woman tightly, and his face was full of joy. Look at his look, you know that enchanting woman is one of the missing tourists.

"Now that the suspect has been found, things will be easier."

Hearing this, the middle-aged policeman couldn't help squinting and said coldly.

"Rescue the kidnapped and bring the suspect back to trial!"

With his order, the group of fierce policemen suddenly gathered around. Some people helped Zuo Qiao, and others went to catch Zhao Zilong. They were all very busy.

I thought there would be a fierce battle, but I didn't expect the arrest operation to be so smooth.

Seeing that Zhao Zilong didn't resist, the middle-aged policeman flashed a fierce light in his eyes: hum, you dare to provoke the old man. If you get in this time, you will be tossed half to death. You dare to be arrogant.

The upper beam is not right, the lower beam is crooked, and the leader is so cruel, so the people at the bottom naturally have no good birds.

The policemen who helped Zuo Qiaoqiao caressed her shoulder intentionally or unintentionally. As for the people who arrested Zhao Zilong, they all tried their best to break his arm.

"Hey, what are you doing? How can you arrest people without evidence?"

Zhao Zilong just squints and laughs, while Jin Yingying on one side is in a hurry, shouting.

"Isn't it evidence that the kidnapped hostages are here?"

The middle-aged policeman glanced at Jin YingYing and asked her with great interest.

has the final say that she was kidnapped, not you have the final say, but she has the final say.Jin Yingying pointed to Zuo Qiao and exclaimed without being angry: "the client hasn't said anything yet. You're the first one to take the lead and charge our chairman with kidnapping. I suspect you have the suspicion of revenge."

In the face of Jin Yingying's reasonable questioning, the middle-aged policeman couldn't help but be silenced.

Seeing that he was embarrassed, the thin policeman stepped forward and said to Zuo Qiaoqiao, "Qiaoqiao, as long as you tell us how Zhao Zilong kidnapped you, we can do justice for you."

In the face of his guidance, Zuo Qiao didn't speak according to his meaning. She didn't even look at him. Instead, she threw away the two policemen and came to Zhao Zilong's back again to gently help him rub his shoulders.

Seeing her strange behavior, not only the weak policeman was stunned, but also the other policemen were confused. They secretly suspected that the kidnapped man had taken a fancy to the boy?

"Don't be afraid, miss. We're here to save you." A policeman coughed twice and said slowly, "please tell us your grievances. We will help you punish the villain and get justice back."

"Yes, as long as you tell us about his kidnapping, we will arrest him immediately and let him suffer from prison, so as to help you breathe out." Another policeman said coarsely.

Left Qiao Qiao didn't seem to hear two people's words, still knead shoulder in there. Her sleeve is slightly rolled up, revealing the white jade arm, green hands, is more eye-catching.

"Qiao Qiao, are you ok? I'm green monkey. Don't you know me?"

The thin police officer saw that she did not squint, and asked in a loud voice.

"Brother Zilong, don't you mean that after people follow you, they can live a carefree life and no one will bother them any more. These people are so noisy that I don't want to see them. "

Left Qiao Qiao didn't pay attention to his words, but nuqi red lips, wrongly lying on Zhao Zilong's shoulder, jiaosheng said. Her pair of horror chests pressed between his neck, showing amazing elasticity.

"Don't be angry, my sweetheart. I'll take care of it. I'll take care of it."

Zhao Zilong put his hand on her Fengting and looked at the police: "do you hear me? Please leave here and don't disturb the sweet and happy relationship between us, OK?"

"There is no kidnapping or being kidnapped as you said, only a sweet world for two." When Zhao Zilong said that, he pulled zuoqiao into his arms with his backhand and gave him a deep kiss.

In full view of the public, they turned their lips and rolled their tongues. Their kisses made the sky dim, the sun and the moon dim, and even made a strange sound, which stunned the people around them.

"Zhang Ju, there is only Zuo Qiao here. I suspect that Zhao Zilong threatened her cousin Zuo Qiangqiang and forced her to act with us." The thin policeman came up to the middle-aged policeman and whispered to him.

This man looks like a thief with a rat's eye. He is not a policeman.

Qiao'er, the second member of the Public Security Bureau, is in charge of the company of Zuo Qingren.

"Well, that makes sense. Let's wait and see."

The middle-aged policeman nodded his head, turned to zuoqiao and cried, "Miss Zuo, I'm the deputy director of Yangzhou Public Security Bureau. I can guarantee the absolute safety of you and your cousin."

"No matter you are threatened or kidnapped, you can tell me the truth. Our public security police will decide for you. Please don't be afraid."

"Hey, you bastards, can you get out of this room for me?"

"Our little lovers kiss each other, and you can see it very interesting. Do you have some integrity? Do you want me to do it in real life so that you can enjoy it more? "

Left Qiao Qiao can't bear, stretch out a green jade finger, point to them Jiao voice to shout a way.

"I'll show you, I'll let you look at me, I'll kill you!"

Seeing that some police officers are in love with each other, they really look at her with expectant eyes, hoping that her words and deeds will be consistent and come to the live Guanyin show. Angry, Zuo Qiao grabs the book on the desk and smashes it at them.

Seeing Zuo Qiao's temper so fierce, the police couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

After they left the room, they still did not leave, but stood in the corridor to discuss countermeasures.

After a discussion, green monkey and deputy director Zhang flash to one side to make a phone call. The police were in groups of three or five, and the topic could not be separated from the charming little lady.

Left pretty afraid of those people see clues, still sitting in Zhao Zilong's arms, dressed up as a beautiful appearance. Zhao Zilong felt her soft hips without any wear and tear, and her heart beat faster.

"Now, take your thing back, or I'll cut it down."

Left Qiao Qiao feels some * * to resist after oneself, can't help but cold voice call a way."You were born so beautiful that even he wanted to explore your beautiful holy land."

Zhao Zilong fell on her thin jade back and made a chatting voice.

After hearing his shameless words, Zuo Qiaoqiao's figure rose slightly, and then she sat down vigorously. Zhao Zilong was shaking all over, his face turned white, but she didn't dare to make any sound, so she had to hold her slender waist and cry to herself.

After she sat down like this, the thing finally fell down.

Left pretty red lips slightly Yang, like a demon Yan rose!

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