After settling everything in the restaurant, Zhao Zilong runs to Hongfang and takes them to see the fish pond. Hong Fang wants to go home to look after the children, so she has to go with the two of them.

"You two lonely men and women should be careful. Don't neglect the fish pond. There's something wrong with it." When going out, Hong Fang joked with them.

"There's no accident. I'm safe today."

Wu Fen has a bright personality, and even Zhao Zilong can't stand it.

"My God, is this little girl teasing me?"

Zhao Zilong's mind rippled and his eyes subconsciously looked at her graceful body.

His heart is more in secret thinking, caressing her will be what feeling.

It's a long way from the restaurant to the fish pond. Zhao Zilong and Wu Fen stroll freely in the afternoon sun, walking on the green grass, breathing fresh air, and feeling particularly comfortable.

The fragrance of Wu Fen kept coming. Her long hair fluttered and caressed Zhao Zilong's forehead. The slight itching touched Zhao Zilong's heart.

When Zhao Zilong was considering how to break the embarrassing situation, Wu Fen took the lead in saying, "how old are you?"

"You ask so directly. Don't you know the age of a boy is a secret?" Zhao Zilong turned his lips.

"I'm twenty-one years old. I just graduated from Agricultural University. I don't have a boyfriend. After graduation, I choose to go home. On the one hand, I want to take care of my family. On the other hand, I also want to make some money and find a nice boy to marry. "

Wu Fen's words are not surprising, but always direct.

"I'm 19 years old. I didn't graduate from high school. I don't have a girlfriend. My goal is to make money to support my father, and then go to the outside world to see if I can make my own world. "

Under the influence of Wu Fen, Zhao Zilong also described his life in two short sentences.

"It turned out to be a little boy!" Wu Fen said.

"Well, how can I talk? Where am I small?" Zhao Zilong exclaimed unconvinced.

"You're not fully developed. You probably don't have a big place." Wu Fen said with a glance.

To communicate with her is just like two men chatting there without any scruples. However, Zhao's words always make her feel good.

Unconsciously, they have come to the fish pond.

After these days of cleaning up, it has taken on a new look: the weeds have been cleaned up, and the house looking at the fish pond has also been painted white, which looks very eye-catching.

Zhao Laicai has just had a meal and is pulling weeds out there with a cattle cart.

After Zhao Zilong introduced them, Wu Fen immediately stopped Zhao Laicai's action: "keep these grass first. If you raise grass carp, these grass can serve as their food."

Zhao Laicai stops his work to have a rest, while Zhao Zilong follows Wu Fen around the pond.

"The three fish ponds are very good, with loam structure at the bottom, suitable for all aquatic products." While observing the surrounding environment, Wu Fen also grasps the soil from the side of the fish pond to check its quality.

"What kind of fish do you think is suitable for us?" Zhao Zilong asked with great interest.

"It depends on your choice. Now most fish ponds don't raise single species, but adopt the way of polyculture."

"Ordinary fish can raise carp, crucian carp, silver carp, silver carp and other fish species. If you have experience, you can raise eel, sturgeon, bullfrog, sweet scented osmanthus and other special fish."

"But the most profitable aquatic products are loach and bastard."

Wu Fen was very popular in aquaculture, but in a few words, he offered Zhao Zilong three options.

"Since loach and bastard make money, we will raise it." Zhao Zilong said without hesitation.

"The breeding conditions of these two kinds of things are relatively harsh, and it's better to avoid them at the initial stage. Besides, we haven't fully figured out the water quality of the fish pond. I think it's safer to raise ordinary fish first. "

After pondering a little, Wu Fen shook his head slowly and said to Zhao Zilong.

"OK, you are an expert. You has the final say. What do you say we have for what we raise?" Zhao Zilong chuckled and said to Wu Fen, "as long as you make a plan, I'll buy fish as soon as possible."

"In the early stage, we should first raise ordinary fish for the sake of safety." Wu Fen smiles and says to Zhao Zilong, "as for how to raise it, you have to think about it again."

"Just put it in. What else do you want?" Zhao Zilong asked with some incomprehension.

"If you buy fish fry and put them in, you can directly wait for a year to harvest them. In this way, you don't need any technology from me. You just need to hire someone to raise them step by step."

"If you want to increase profits, you need me to provide technology and pay me at the same time. I can guarantee that your income is definitely higher than the former on the premise that I provide the technology. "

Wu Fen is a very confident woman, she said after flashing a smile."Can you be more specific?" Zhao Zilong asked with great interest.

"Of course, a batch of goods a year can be regarded as rough maintenance. The net profit is about 80000 a year. I don't need to provide technology for rough maintenance. Three months out of a batch of goods is intensive care, the net profit in the first quarter should be around 50000, so I need to provide technology, the quarterly remuneration is about 3000 yuan. "

After a little meditation, Wu Fen reported two sets of numerical values to Zhao Zilong.

"It sounds like intensive farming is better. After all, the purpose of fish farming is to make money." After listening to her introduction, Zhao Zilong grinned and said.

"If you make up your mind, I'll start my breeding plan." Wu Fen said casually.

"Well, I can't wait."

Zhao Zilong was an acute man, nodding and saying.

After hearing this, Wu Fen took out a notebook and pen from her satchel and remembered there.

After writing, she tore off the paper and handed it to Zhao Zilong: "this is the material you need. You can buy it all this afternoon. The bleaching powder is used to disinfect the fish pond. It should be of better quality."

"The edge of the fish pond needs to be sorted out, and some minor parts need to be transformed, so it takes about ten labor forces, and the workload takes about two days..."

Under Wu Fen's arrangement, Zhao Zilong went to find village head Zhao Laishui and hired ten laborers in the village for 30 yuan a day. He himself went to the county town and bought back the things recorded on the paper.

"You don't have to worry about the rest. Just have your father waiting here. There are still some data to be tested in the evening. I live here. Your father has to go back tonight. "

After Zhao Zilong sent things to the fish pond, Wu Fen waved to him and said.

"You're here alone, aren't you afraid?" Zhao Zilong frowned.

"I'm afraid. Why don't you come with me?"

Wu Fen's big watery eyes were full of wildness.

"What a goblin

Zhao Zilong smiles, and his heart is filled with joy.

As the fish pond needs manpower, there is no work in the field. The third man of sister-in-law Meili is idle at home and is sent to the fish pond by sister-in-law Meili to help.

Zhao Zilong went back to the restaurant to work for a while. He cooked a meal in the evening and sent it to Wu Fen in a hurry.

But don't want to, they go in and out one by one, bumped into one without warning.

"Why do you want to take advantage of me while there is no one?"

When Zhao Zilong was intoxicated, Wu Fen pushed him away.

"I didn't mean that. I was just careless."

Zhao Zilong scratched his head and laughed, looking embarrassed.

"A thief, not a thief, or not a man?"

Wu Fen has no good spirit, white he one eye, some hate iron does not become steel meaning.

"That You eat, I'll go back first. "

After two attempts, Zhao Zilong knows that she is interested in herself, but the key is that she is in the period of abstinence, so she can't be provoked. If she comes here for real, but she can't pull out the gun, isn't that a joke?

Thinking of this, Zhao Zilong smiles awkwardly, turns around and leaves.

"Wait It's not convenient to have a light at night. Let the electrician come and pick up a light tomorrow. " Wu Fen is eating with the help of a dry battery lamp, but she still calls to Zhao Zilong.

"I see. Rest early in the evening." Zhao Zilong agreed and left here quickly.

"I don't understand why people stay with me." Looking at Zhao Zilong's back, Wu Fen couldn't help chucking her lips, and her face was full of disappointment.

The next morning, after Zhao Zilong's silence at Wang Yixian, he found the electrician Chen Qiulan and asked her to draw a wire from the pole and install several lights in the room beside the fish pond.

Zhao Zilong also bought several 80 watt energy-saving lamps, which look very bright.

At this time, Zhao Laicai, with ten laborers in the village, was busy around the fish pond according to Wu Fen's idea. Wu Fen kept writing with a pen and paper, and from time to time he went to the fish pond to measure some data.

In the next few days, Zhao Zilong had a very full life.

Every night and in the morning, Wang Yixian and Wu Fen are silent, busy in the restaurant at noon and in the evening. They can't forget their three meals a day. In this way, they don't even have time to chat on the Internet.

For this reason, Wang Yan and Liu Xiaoxiao came to the restaurant to find Zhao Zilong several times. Unfortunately, seeing him busy, they had to go. Zhao Zilong had no choice but to smile bitterly at their disappointment.

Three days later, the repair of the fish pond was basically completed, and then it was time to buy fry.

Unfortunately, Zhao Zilong and Wu Fen went to the county for several rounds, but they didn't find the right fry.

According to Wu Fen's idea, the fry should choose a group with neat size, fresh and tender color, well-balanced fat and flexible swimming. It's a pity that what they see is either dead or the price is too high.Wu Fen suggested that they go to other counties or cities to have a look. Maybe things will turn for the better. Zhao Zilong thought about it and felt that this was reasonable. He decided to have a good communication with her in the evening.

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