Best Young Chef

Chapter 500

As a killer, Zuo Qiao does all kinds of killing, but she only does it in secret. Because of her career, every time she saw the police, she felt uneasy.

And these soldiers, not only do not pay attention to the police, and even dare to swing the feet long enough to print flowers on their faces, which is against the normal phenomenon, she was stunned.

Especially in the end, company commander Peng stepped on 77 49 feet in the face of the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, straight bluffing left Qiao Qiao's white face, and his expression was startled.

With a guilty heart, she came to Zhao Zilong's side and asked in a low voice with some uneasiness: "Hello, Zhao Zilong, your friends are so reckless, won't they cause any big trouble?"

"If the police want to kill you, they won't be in trouble. If they can ask you about it, I won't be in trouble."

Zhao Zilong heard the speech and joked. He blew hot air in her small crystal ear and said.

After hearing these half true and half false words, Zuo Qiao's red lips made a little effort, stretched out two fingers, and pinched out bright red plum blossoms at the soft meat under his ribs. Feeling the pain of heart, Zhao Zilong was in agony.

"Eh, brother Zilong, when you went to the army to teach cooking, didn't you bring a little beauty named Yang? How come I haven't seen you for a few days and changed again? Your speed of changing beauties is faster than my speed of changing clothes. "

Company commander Peng turned around and saw that they were greasy and crooked. He couldn't help laughing.

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong had nothing to do with it. However, Zuo Qiao, a consummate performer, pretended to be resentful. She pinched a little of his ribs with her crystal clear fingers and twisted out plum blossoms again.

Zhao Zilong bared his teeth and took advantage of the opportunity to squeeze two fingers on her bountiful buttocks. He even boldly extended a finger to her deep and secluded place to have a look.

That left pretty angry under, nature can't help but add a few plum blossom to him.

After fighting for a while, Zhao Zilong gathered a smile, turned to company commander Peng and asked, "brother, the guy you stepped on the face just now is calling to contact the division of Yangzhou Municipal army to punish you. Is everything ok?"

"Don't worry, these guys who don't have long eyes dare to shout at me. They don't know what to do." Company commander Peng gave a cold hum and cried out, "if you beat them, it's nothing. They can't do anything."

"Yangzhou City Army division has no control over us at all, but the commander surnamed Li seems to have something to do with my family. When I brought the team to training earlier, it was like he picked us up

"By the way, at that time, he told me that if you encounter any difficulties here, you can call him. Now when you encounter this kind of thing, just give him a call to see if he means what he says."

Peng Lian takes out his cell phone and dials a number.

On one side, Zuo Qiao and Zhao Zilong could not help looking at each other.

The military division of Yangzhou city is the highest military organization in Yangzhou city. It is located at the border of the urban area and the southern suburbs. The interior is well landscaped and orderly, with a row of four storey buildings dyed in camouflage looming among the trees.

In an office on the second floor of the main building, an old man with a flat head and a clear face was sitting there carefully watering the flowers. He wore presbyopic glasses and soaked every inch of the soil carefully. He looked meticulous.

Just then, the phone on the desk rang, and a smart young man ran in from the outside and picked up the phone. This little messenger was a recruit who had been in the army for half a year. Fortunately, he was chosen here as the commander's messenger.

After he said hello to the phone, he covered the phone and called to the commander who was watering the flowers: "commander Li, it's director Cheng of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. He has something urgent to discuss with you."

"If there is something urgent, this boy is intriguing all day long. He doesn't even have a big vision. How can he achieve great things?" Commander Li curled his mouth, slowly put down huasa and came over.

"Hey, little orange, what are you going to do? Don't you know that my old man is busy arranging flowers and plants at this time of day? " Commander Li answered the phone and exclaimed without being angry.

"Uncle Li, I can't help but call you. Deputy director Zhang of the Municipal Bureau took a team of people to Changfeng county to carry out the task, but they were beaten by several soldiers, and some of them were broken."

On the phone, Cheng Tong's voice seemed very sincere and flattering.

"So what? The police in your public security bureau are all very smart. It's almost the same to scare the thieves. Fighting with my iron soldiers, isn't that meat buns beating dogs? "

"They don't have eyes. When they see my people, they don't know how to avoid them. If I say, they deserve to be beaten."

Commander Li is a well-known short guard and cherishes his soldiers. At this time, director Cheng came to complain to him. Naturally, he would not have a good word to say. He refused.

"Uncle Li, I know it's my people who have eyes and don't know what's going on. They bumped into your people. But anyway, they are just law enforcement. Your people beat you in public and broke your bones. It's a big deal. ""They're going to get what they deserve, but do you want to take a little attitude and just remember something, so that I can give you an explanation. Otherwise, how can I do ideological work for them in the future? "

In the face of this stubborn old man, Cheng Tong tried his best to persuade him.

"You are really troublesome. I don't know how to get on with such a silly nephew. I really can't help you. I sent someone to find out which group of kids did it. I'll call you later. "

Commander Li frowned and exclaimed without good temper.

"Hey, hey, so you agreed?"

Cheng Tong, the director of public security, cried out with joy.

"I tell you, let your people polish their moves, and don't come to me when they are beaten." Commander Li gave a cold hum and hung up the phone impolitely.

It is estimated that this old man is the only one in Yangzhou City who is so arrogant after beating people.

Although commander Li's previous words were hard spoken, his face became gloomy after he hung up the phone. He has always been strict in the management of the army, emphasizing law, and requiring his subordinates to have iron discipline.

In the eyes of outsiders, he protects his weaknesses, but in front of his subordinates, he strictly abides by discipline and has clear rewards and punishments. At this time, someone is making such a big deal outside, so the old man will not be happy.

He picked up the red phone and arranged for the communications department to investigate the matter immediately. See who ate bear heart leopard gall in the end, actually dare to make trouble under their own eyes.

Ten minutes later, the communications division called and said that none of the troops under the jurisdiction of Yangzhou city went to Changfeng county to carry out their duties, so it was impossible for them to participate in this matter.

Commander Li asked them to continue the investigation, while he himself was lost in thought.

At this moment, the little correspondent on one side turned his eyes and came up to him and said, "commander, our local troops are always on guard and dare not do anything extraordinary. It's the foreign troops..."

"You mean "Red San Lian?" After hearing this, commander Li's eyes brightened.

"Well, that's not what I said, it's what you said." After hearing this, the little correspondent shrunk his neck in fright, waved and cried: "if company commander Peng knows, it's time to kick my ass again."

"Ha ha, you still have a bright head. Among the soldiers in Yangzhou City, Peng is the only one who dares to kick my correspondent's ass and scold me. It's really possible that he did it."

Seeing the shrinking of the correspondent, commander Li couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, in my opinion, there's nothing he doesn't dare to do."

Hearing this, the little correspondent could not help lowering his head and muttering.

"That boy does have the courage, but what does he do in Changfeng County, and how can he get involved with the police?" Commander Li frowned at the thought.

Just as he was about to call Hong San Lian to inquire, the old Nokia phone on his desk rang. Commander Li Leng Leng, can not help but issued a wry smile: "it is really this boy!"

There are only three phone numbers in commander Li's mobile phone, and Peng Tianyang is one of them. Among the three, Peng Tianyang is the only one who will call him at this time.

Commander Li picked up the cell phone and slowly pressed the connect button.

But unexpectedly, just after the phone was put through, a rude voice rang: "old man Li, you boasted to me about how good you are in Yangzhou city. I don't think it's very good. At least the policemen who wear black leather and police badge don't pay attention to US soldiers. "

"Hey, can you be polite? If you hit someone, you'll be reasonable. Don't yell at me and tell me what's going on?" Commander Li hears speech, do not have good spirit ground to cry a way.

"Who hit someone? Nonsense. When I came to the farm farm of Dukou Township in Changfeng County for dinner, the swaggering police probably didn't like us and wanted to take us away as kidnapping partners. "

"Listen, listen, the police are too arrogant at the moment. They don't pay attention to our soldiers, and claim to send us to the 18th floor of hell, so that we can never live beyond ourselves."

"All of us in Hongsan company are good soldiers of Miaohong. Where are the kidnappers. If we don't follow them, they will come up and fight. We are forced to have no choice but to defend ourselves. "

"As you know, those bullshit policemen who only know how to bluff the common people are like delicate little ladies. They don't get up before they touch them. What do you want to do with me?"

Company commander Peng's voice was aggrieved, just like his daughter-in-law who was angry and went back to his mother's home. Commander Li said with a bitter smile, "you boy, you look reckless, but in fact you are cunning. When they meet you, they have lost eight lives."

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