Best Young Chef

Chapter 611

Back in Baihe Village, Zhao Zilong carried two mountain pigs and Zuo Qiang one.

They came to the village head's house, lit a bonfire in the open space outside the yard, set up a barbecue rack, washed and peeled the three mountain pigs, and began to barbecue. At the same time, the village head's wife called the whole village to eat meat.

Xu fan is the best hunter in the village. When he came to the village head's house, he saw that Zhao Zilong had hunted three mountain pigs again. His eyes were full of shock.

When Zhao Zilong left last time, Xu fan saw that he had taken a truck of prey. After several hesitations, he went to the secret place of Baihe by himself again.

This time, he didn't go through the difficulties and dangers of the last time, because after Zhao Zilong's hunting, the prey density there decreased a lot, which gave Xu Fan a chance to set up a trap to ambush his prey.

After waiting for more than two hours, a mountain pig finally fell into the trap and broke its leg.

Unfortunately, after the pig was caught, it was still extremely fierce, and its two tusks were waving like a long sword, blooming with dazzling white light. It took Rao Shi Xu Fan nearly half an hour to kill him. Seeing the blood light on the surface of the pig's body, he could not help but be secretly pleased.

Unfortunately, he only had time to unload his two front arms, so two more boars came.

Exhausted, Xu Fan had to leave most of the pigs and run back to the village with two front arms.

In the evening, after stewing the front arms of two pigs and eating them with his family, he felt full of Qi and blood, and his muscles expanded. The strange sense of strength surprised Xu Fan.

Think about the majority of the pigs left behind before, Xu fan can't help feeling sorry.

To this end, he went to the town to buy some animal hunting tools, ready to go to Baihe secret place again. Unexpectedly, as soon as I got home, I heard that the village head's family roasted pork and called the whole village to eat it.

After seeing Zhao Zilong's familiar and white face, Xu Fan was shocked.

As a senior hunter, he only managed to hunt a mountain pig with a trap. However, Zhao Zilong was able to hunt enough prey, and even shared such a precious mountain pig with the villagers. Xu Fan was greatly admired for his ability and mind.

While Zhao Zilong alone staring at the distance, Xu Fan came to Zhao Zilong.

"Mr. Zhao, I'd like to ask you to take me there to hunt."

Xu Fan grew up in the village when he was a child. He could not talk roundabout and said frankly.

"It's dangerous there. I'm afraid you won't get used to it."

Zhao Zilong turned to look at his bronze face and said seriously.

"I am a hunter, what else can I do without hunting?" Xu Fan pursed his lips and said firmly, "the more dangerous the hunting ground is, the more I can practice and improve my hunting skills. I only ask you to take me for a ride."

"It sounds like you've been there." Zhao Zilong said lightly.

"Yes, I have been there before you came." Xu Fan nodded, and his face was filled with panic: "at that time, it was extremely dangerous. I just got to the edge of the dense forest, and then I ran back in confusion."

"Then, after you left with that lady, I went there again. Although we have hunted a mountain pig, we have not succeeded in bringing it back. We only brought back two front arms. It's really a pity. "

"The meat of that mountain pig is delicious and powerful. It's much stronger than ordinary prey. After I ate it, I felt that my whole body was full of strength. I was eager to hunt such prey again, so... "

When Xu Fan said this, he looked at Zhao Zilong with some expectation in his eyes.

"I can take you, but you have to do me a favor."

Zhao Zilong said to the excellent Hunter after pondering a little.

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will do my best." When Xu Fan heard Zhao Zilong's promise, he clapped his chest and cried out.

"I have a mission here this time, that is to find a white deer in the land of death. If you'll help me find it, I'll take you hunting with me. " Zhao Zilong said solemnly.

"White deer, are you talking about a white deer that can fly?"

Hearing this, Xu Fan was stunned and asked him with some uncertainty.

"Well, how do you know? Have you seen it?"

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong couldn't help showing his joy.

"Yes, I saw the White Deer at the edge of the white river when I ambushed the mountain pig. It's not afraid of people, and its eyes seem to be able to speak. It looks vivid. " Xu Fan nodded and said.

"And where did it go?" Hearing the speech, Zhao Zilong cried happily.

"Seeing that white deer is quite spiritual, I want to get close to it and try to catch it. But unexpectedly, it turned around and disappeared into the White River. " Xu Fan said slowly after pondering.

"Ah, it got into the White River?"

Zhao Zilong was stunned when he heard him."Don't worry, it may want to drink water."

Xu fan saw that he was worried and could not help comforting him.

"Drink water?" Zhao Zilong was stunned when he heard the speech, and his face was gradually filled with joy.

"Yes, I forgot. Last time he went to the cold pool to drink water. Maybe he would go there to drink water." Zhao Zilong recalled the scene and nodded.

"Cold pool, what cold pool?" Xu Fan asked with some incomprehension.

"The cold pool is in the deepest part of the land of death. We'll leave for it later." Zhao Zilong patted Xu Fan on the shoulder and said with a smile, "now we'll go to eat, and then we'll start."

"Well, I'll get ready." After hearing this, Xu Fan said happily.

"Remember, you can't tell anyone about it." Zhao Zilong settled him down and said.

"Don't worry. I know the weight." Xu Fan nodded and said.

After returning to the village head's home, Zhao Zilong was warmly treated. He was invited to sit with the people of high status in the village, eating the most delicious part of the roast pig and drinking the delicious horse milk, which was quite grassland style.

While eating, Zhao Zilong talked with the village head about village customs.

Baihe Village is an ancient village. There are many strange, backward and old-fashioned rules in the village, which have different degrees of constraints on the men, women, old and young in the village. This makes Zhao Zilong sigh to himself.

Just as he was about to make some suggestions to the village head, he caught a glimpse of Xu Fan winking at him.

Knowing this, Zhao Zilong takes the opportunity to find an excuse to leave the village head's house and call Zuo Qiangqiang's brother and sister. After meeting Xu Fan, he crosses the road of death all the way to the secret place of Baihe River.

"Mr. Zhao, when you go to such a dangerous place, don't you and your friends carry any weapons?" Xu fan saw that Zhao Zilong was empty handed and asked him curiously.

"We've all practiced Kung Fu. When we meet birds and beasts, we all have the ability to protect ourselves." Zhao Zilong looked at Xu Fan, who was covered with weapons. He couldn't help laughing and said slowly.

After hearing this, Xu Fan's eyes were full of envy.

It seems that Zuo Qiangqiang's brother and sister don't understand why Zhao Zilong wants to bring this country man to Baihe secret place. Looking at his rustic clothes and poor Kung Fu, they looked down on him from the bottom of their hearts.

The birds and animals in Baihe secret place also have the habit of resting at night. They walked all the way through the bushes and dense forests, but they didn't meet a mountain pig and a grey dusk ape. It's just that the crescent moon above their heads looks strange.

Xu Fan took the three men to the place where they first met white deer, where they observed for a long time, but they didn't find any clues. After thinking for a long time, Zhao Zilong finally decided to take a chance in the cold pool.

Along the way, Xu Fan showed his hunter's keen observation. Sometimes he got into the grass and found about ten fist sized wild eggs. Sometimes he found a golden mushroom in the bush.

He even picked six bright white jade fruits from a big tree.

Seeing his dexterous skill and keen observation, the three of them could not help looking at him with new eyes. In terms of combat effectiveness, he may not be as good as the three, but in terms of hunting ability, he is far better than them.

But when he came out of the dense forest, Xu Fan accidentally alerted two grey apes while hunting a pheasant. Under their dexterous attack, Xu Fan was scratched in several places even though he ran away with all his strength.

Fortunately, Zhao Zilong and the three of them killed the two grey apes.

In order to appease the frightened Xu Fan, Zhao Zilong risks picking some fragrant pears and bread fruits.

These foods grow up in this land with spirituality, and they have spirituality in themselves. After eating these semi psychic foods, Xu Fan felt that his cardiopulmonary function and muscle strength were enhanced, and the whole person was surging.

As a hunter, he can not only clearly judge the physical state of the prey, but also clearly perceive the changes of his body.

He felt the powerful force flowing in his body, so he let out an excited cry to Zhao Zilong: "Wow, it's amazing. The function of these foods is amazing."

"These foods grow up in the place of channeling, which contains spiritual power. After you eat it, you also get the blessing of spiritual power. It's hard to be strong or not. " Zhao Zilong said with a smile.

"I used to hunt in the nearby mountains, but I never thought that I had such a magical hunting ground behind the road of death." Xu fan is a real man, and his words are full of simplicity.

"Ha ha, as long as you eat more psychic food, and your body is strong enough to a certain extent, you can go in and out here freely. Then this hunting ground will be yours. " Zhao Zilong chuckled.

"Is that true?" After hearing this, Xu Fan asked pleasantly.

"Of course it's true. I'm an honest man." Zhao Zilong nodded and said with a smile.

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