"That's a good idea. Let's do it." Beautiful sister-in-law nodded and said.

After cleaning up the lunch stall, it's time to prepare the ingredients for the evening. The hotel itself is a troublesome job. You have to wait whether there are guests or not. That time alone will kill you.

Zhao Zilong and sister-in-law Meili are busy and have a little affair.

But she might as well be angry and pull Zilong to the small warehouse to find stimulation.

Just as they were in the middle of happiness, there was a sound of footwork in the kitchen outside. Then a voice rang out: "beautiful? Zilong? Why, where has this man gone? "

This voice is not from others, but from village head Zhao Laishui.

Hearing this sound, Zhao Zilong was surprised. If you let him know that he and beautiful sister-in-law get together, he will certainly hate himself.

Meili's sister-in-law is more flustered than Zhao Zilong's. she is a restaurant in the village and originally relies on the secret care of the village head. When she was about to get up, Zhao Zilong put his arms around her and motioned her not to make a sound.

After the footsteps outside stopped a little, they turned to the small warehouse. Zhao Laishui is very familiar with this place, and obviously knows this small warehouse, which makes them nervous.

The steps stopped in front of the door of the small warehouse, and then someone pushed the door outside, but did not open it.

"It's just a small warehouse for vegetables. It's locked. Meili is really careful." Zhao Laishui swears in a low voice and turns to leave the kitchen.

Seeing that things were not good, sister-in-law Meili quickly pushed Zhao Zilong to get him up.

"To your death, someone is coming outside. Get up and let your sister-in-law go out and have a look."

Meili's sister-in-law puts on her clothes, hears that there is no movement outside, and is preparing to go out, but Zhao Zilong holds her again. He knew that Zhao Laishui was scheming and suspicious, so he decided to go out and cage him first.

He let sister-in-law Meili stay, and he crept out of the warehouse and into the kitchen.

The door of the kitchen was open. Standing in the kitchen, he could clearly hear the village head talking outside.

He came to the window, saw no one outside, and carefully jumped out of the kitchen window. I straightened my clothes again. When I saw that there was no problem, I came in from the outside door.

"Why, uncle Lai Shui, why do you come here when you have time?"

Zhao Zilong came in and saw Zhao Laishui and several people sitting at the dining table talking. He quickly pretended to be surprised and went forward to say to Zhao Laishui.

"Some friends are coming. I'll bring them over for dinner." Zhao Lai Shui smiles, looks at the kitchen and asks, "by the way, why are you two not here? What are you busy with?"

"Sister-in-law Meili went home, and I went to the toilet." Zhao Zilong made up the story.

"Oh, I said, why there is no one, ha ha." Hearing this, the village head nodded.

The village head ordered four dishes, one soup and two bottles of wine. He and his friends drank there.

When Zhao Zilong was cooking, there were more people to eat. The village head could not care where the beautiful sister-in-law came from. When sister-in-law Meili went to say hello to him, he happily asked her what she was doing when she went home.

A crisis, so two people avoid the past.

Under the gratitude of sister-in-law Meili, she gave Zhao Zilong a wink.

Early the next morning, Zhao Zilong and Wang Yixian began to learn Taijiquan.

After comprehending the meaning of Tai Chi, it is much easier to learn Tai Chi. Besides, Zhao Zilong's talent is excellent. He is psychic. After practicing with Wang Yixian several times, he learned to split the wild horse's mane.

His hands slid away, just like stroking the mane of a wild horse. The vitality spurted out along the pores, making the air fluctuate.

"Shi Zi should be mellow, continuous and dense, and use softness to overcome hardness..." Wang Yixian stood there with both hands on his back, watching Zhao Zilong repeat this move, constantly pointing out the defects in his boxing.

Before, Zhao Zilong was looking forward to practicing boxing, but after he really started practicing boxing, he felt boundless boring and boring. It took more than two hours and more than three hundred times to fight. It was almost numb.

Not to mention the hard work of practicing boxing, even if it's something you love to eat, if you eat three meals a day for seven days in a row, it's estimated that it will make you vomit.

When Zhao Zilong left here, he felt dizzy.

He buried himself in the fish pond, but he didn't want to go too fast, so he went the wrong way.

When he reacted, he had come to the foot of the remote mountain half a mile away from the village, where there were fields all around. In the center is a river, winding away into the distance.

He played here when he was a child, so Zhao Zilong knew that he could walk along the river to the fish pond.

He walked along the river towards the fish pond. When he came to a sharp turn, he could not help but stop. Because the corner ahead is his childhood playground.

There is a big natural crescent shaped stone, where the river water forms a semicircle, just like a natural bath pond. When Zhao Zilong was a child, he often took a bath there.Sometimes, the sun is so warm that he can stay there for half a day.

Thinking of the happy time when he was a child, Zhao Zilong couldn't help smiling happily.

He laughs and is about to leave here, but vaguely hears the sound of water.

Zhao Zilong was at the back of the crescent moon, and he could not see the scene inside. He frowned and thought to himself: is anyone taking a bath?

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