Best Young Chef

Chapter 695

Although the unicorn can be called the king of the silver grassland, Zhao Zilong is a newborn calf, not afraid of tigers.

He went over four hills in succession, and when he arrived at a high hill with white grass and waist, he was surprised to see a soul stirring scene. I saw a silver monster fighting with a strong man there.

The silver glittering monster is the size of an ordinary calf, and its whole body is made of silver, shining with dazzling brilliance. In particular, the silver horn on its head is as bright as the sun.

The strong man was full of Qi and blood, and was extremely domineering. During the war between him and the monster, the spear in his hand waved out a lot of black lights. When it collided with the silver corner of the pole, there was a continuous metal strike.

Zhao Zilong was lurking in the grass. Looking at the big battle, his face was very dignified.

Because he not only recognized the monster as a unicorn, but also the strong man with a harpoon and his old acquaintance. When hunting in Baihe secret place, the harpoon once killed Baiyu toad.

finally, he took only the essence of the white jade toad, and the rest was taken back by Zhao Zilong, making him a huge profit. In this way, Zhao Zilong also benefited from him.

But in fact, Zhao Zilong knows that this murderous guy is not only a member of tuntian organization, but also a murderous thug like Wu Jingjing.

Although one of them is solitary and the other likes to carry out carpet style raids, their own style is very similar. At this time, if he finds his whereabouts, he will kill himself.

More importantly, although Zhao Zilong's cultivation level has been upgraded, he has been successfully promoted to the middle stage of foundation building, and his combat power has been greatly improved, but he still has no chance of winning against the harpoon who has the strength of the later stage of foundation building.

To this end, Zhao Zilong just lurked in the grass, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

He lurked there quietly, and his eyes focused on their battlefield. He not only took the opportunity to observe the attack of the unicorn, but also became familiar with the piercing skill of harpoon.

The unicorn can be regarded as an elite animal. With the blessing of silver mine, it is invulnerable all over and flexible. When the silver horn on the top of its head is waved, it bursts out a series of fatal attacks.

Look at the harpoon's fighting power, advance and retreat, the harpoon made of unknown material in hand, and the silver angle of the rod had no sign of fracture when it collided head-on.

In wartime, the two are close to each other and will meet with good talents.

Zhao Zilong was intoxicated, but he didn't realize that their battlefield was gradually shifting to him.

After a collision between the weapon in harpoon's hand and the unicorn, he turned without warning and threw it at Zhao Zilong. Zhao Zilong, who was looking at it vigorously, couldn't help shrinking his pupils.

The harpoon was so fierce and fast that it made Zhao Zilong's hair stand upright and his heart beat faster. He fell back subconsciously, and the harpoon flew over his scalp and cut off a bunch of hair.

"My God, it's really dangerous to attack me."

Zhao Zilong felt the cool top of his head and got a cold sweat.

Originally, he thought he was very good at hiding, but he didn't expect that the harpoon had already discovered his existence. After he led the battlefield to approach him quietly, he used the harpoon to launch a sneak attack on him.

After Zhao Zilong's whereabouts were exposed, he didn't hide his body and made a defensive attitude behind him.

"Jie Jie, smelly boy, what do you want to do hidden in the dark? Do you want to fight with crane and clam to make a profit? Good abacus?" The harpoon stares at Zhao Zilong coldly and gives out a grim smile.

"You misunderstood me. I happened to pass by here and saw you fighting. I was immediately attracted by your amazing fighting skills, but I didn't mean anything." Zhao Zilong said with a smile.

"By chance? I think you have ulterior motives? "

The harpoon stared at Zhao Zilong and exclaimed: "don't think I can't see it. Although you look white, like a high school student, you are actually a well-known practitioner."

"You really misunderstood me. I'm just looking around. If you don't believe me, I'll leave here immediately. It will not affect the fight between you." When Zhao Zilong said that, he turned around and left.

"Stop, you see me hunting unicorns, I can't let you get out of here alive." Harpoon sneered and said, "no matter what the purpose is, since you have met me, you should admit your bad luck."

"I won't admit my life. Since you are pressing me hard, I can only defend myself and help the unicorn to deal with you." After hearing this, Zhao Zilong stood still, turned his head and looked at him slowly.

"Well, I'd like to say how much weight you have." Harpoon looked up and laughed.

While they were communicating, the unicorn on one side was waiting quietly, and its eyes were even wandering between them. Zhao Zilong was shocked by its humanized look.As soon as the harpoon's big hand was raised, the harpoon, which was inserted 30 or 40 meters away, broke through the air and came back under the shaking. When it flew to Zhao Zilong's side, his palm flashed out and grasped the harpoon.

The rapid flying harpoon glided in his palm, creating a burning hot feeling. The intense pain made Zhao Zilong take a cold breath.

Not only did he not let go, he even held the harpoon in his left hand to prevent it from withdrawing its weapon.

Seeing this, the unicorn on one side was in a state of trouble and threw down his head to the harpoon. The single horn on its head is like an invincible magic gun, and its target is directly at the heart of the harpoon.

Harpoon did not seem to expect that Zhao Zilong had such power.

The unicorn took advantage of the opportunity to attack suddenly, which can be called frost in the snow. He made a mistake step by step. Under the error of calculation, he immediately fell into a bitter battle.

When the harpoon gave up the call for weapons, Zhao Zilong poured his strength into his right arm, lifted the heavy and sharp harpoon, and threw it to the northwest.

The harpoon went through the air and was thrown out kilometers away.

No matter how strong the harpoon is, it's impossible to summon weapons from a distance of 1000 meters, isn't it?

Without weapons, the fighting power of Harpoon will be greatly reduced, and the probability of winning will be much smaller.

Zhao Zilong, waiting for the opportunity, took advantage of the opportunity that the harpoon was knocked back by the unicorn, holding a bright autumn water dagger in his right hand, and stabbed him in the back of his heart.

If the other party wants to kill him, he will not be soft handed.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself.

What's more, most of the people in the tuntian organization are ferocious. Zhao Zilong has no psychological burden to deal with them. He poured the vitality into his right arm, and the autumn water dagger in his hand burst out a dazzling brilliance.

Zhao Zilong tried his best to hurt the cruel harpoon.

At the moment when Qiushui dagger touched the heart of the harpoon, he made a sudden response and immediately turned his body clockwise. He not only avoided the attack of Qiushui dagger, but also beat back Zhao Zilong.

"Hey hey, I know you can't stand loneliness. If you find a chance to attack me, I'll pull you into the battle circle ahead of time, so as to fish in troubled waters." With a strange smile, harpoon pounced on Zhao Zilong.

The real combat power of the harpoon was stronger than Zhao Zilong expected.

In the face of the two sides of Unicorn and Zhao Zilong's attack, Rao Shi still has the upper hand.

Sometimes he beat back unicorns with his fists, and sometimes he beat back Zhao Zilong with his palms.

When Zhao Zilong was beaten back again, he accumulated enough sunlight in his body through the Yang shooting amulet, and then fused the powerful Sabre amulet to burst out a sunshine sabre.

That knife is brilliant, that knife cuts the sky, just like a rainbow.

Harpoon's left arm raised subconsciously, blocking the terrible sunshine knife.

With a hum, the sleeve of Harpoon was cut to pieces, but there was no blood light, because there was a bronze armguard on his wrist, and the tiger head on it looked ferocious.

The harpoon, who was cut by violence, finally stepped back.

It was this step that made him fall into the land of doom.

The unicorn charged again, and the unicorn on his head began to twinkle.

Although harpoon avoided the fatal blow at the critical moment, the unicorn's next horizontal collision made him unstable and hit Zhao Zilong again.

After Zhao Zilong was stopped by his bronze arm guard, his left hand showed seventeen bursts of vitality, which shocked his body back and forth. Five swords of his right hand cut five bloodstains on him.

One man and one beast broke out in a series, which disrupted the fighting rhythm of the harpoon and injured him in the chaos.

"Damn it, I'll take your lives when I get my weapons back."

The reason why harpoon is called harpoon is that all his kung fu is designed around the harpoon. Previously, he was careless. After the harpoon was thrown, the combat effectiveness was reduced by at least 30%.

After Zhao Zilong and his subordinates suffered losses, they spread out their bodies and went in the direction of the harpoon.

His running speed is so fast that Zhao Zilong can't catch up even if he wants to.

But he was fast, but there was something faster than it. The unicorn was beaten by the harpoon for a long time. When he saw that he wanted to escape, he would not let it go. There was a silver flash of lightning on the top of my head.

The lightning struck the back of the harpoon in the air, making it twitch and fall.

After the unicorn sent out the lightning, the brilliance on the unicorn was dimmed a lot, and the footstep became vain. Zhao Zilong holding autumn dagger, bravely came to the harpoon body to explore.

But unexpectedly, just as his feet touched his body, he was caught by a powerful hand.

At the next moment, with his hair straight up, the bloody harpoon stood up and grabbed Zhao Zilong's legs with both hands, lifting him upside down. Under his hands, he wanted to tear his hide in two.Seeing this, the psychic Unicorn wants to come forward to rescue, but it is unable to do so.

Zhao Zilong used the lightning bracelet to avoid the disaster. Unfortunately, his legs were caught, but he could not blink. He bit his teeth, fixed his eyes on the harpoon's eyes, and began to attack with Taiji eyes.

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