Best Young Chef

Chapter 708

In the urban area of Yangzhou City, a van passes through the traffic.

Drivers familiar with the road, opened into the compound of Yangzhou City Food Association.

Wang Fei asked other people to exchange food materials. He himself held the box Zhao Zilong gave him. After questioning, he came to an office with the sign of vice president.

Wang Fei knocked on the door, and a cold voice came out: "please come in!"

Wang Fei pushed in, and a graceful figure came into his eyes.

I saw a young woman in a white training suit practicing yoga there.

Her curves are exquisite, her body is elegant, and her body is full of youthful charm.

"Hello, is that vice president Hua Yinghua?"

Wang Fei cleared his dry throat and asked carefully.

"I am. What can I do for you?" Flower Ying light ground asks a way.

"I'm from Changfeng hotel. Chairman Zhao asked me to bring you this box Let me also take a message and ask, "he has delivered all the things you want. I don't know when your promise will be fulfilled?"

Wang Fei offered the box with both hands and relayed Zhao Zilong's original words.

After hearing this, Huaying's wonderful eyes blinked, and a trace of shame flashed across her face.

"You tell him I'll call him back."

Flower Ying pressure heart crazy jump, solemnly said.

"Well, I'll go back first."

Wang Fei didn't know where he was, nodded and turned back.

After he left, Hua Ying opened the box and saw the dancing fire inside and the bright red Flammulina in the fire. Her face looked forward to it, her eyes were burning, and her mind was burning.

"All these psychic ingredients have been put together. You just need to purify your mind and mind, and then you can practice the jade girl's Heart Sutra." Hua Ying looks at the flaming fire mushroom, and her face is full of joy.

Just think of Zhao Zilong's face and voice, Hua Ying's eyes show a little reluctant.

As the old saying goes, which youth is not frivolous, which girl is not nostalgic?

Although Hua Ying has become the vice president of Yangzhou Food Association, and she is over the age of love, she still has a sensitive and rippling heart.

Handsome and humorous Zhao Zilong has already planted a seed in her heart.

Hua Ying takes out her mobile phone and finds out Zhao Zilong's mobile phone number. She hesitates there for a long time, but finally doesn't dial it out. Instead, he edited a text message and sent it to Zhao Zilong.

The content of the message is very simple: Dear Zilong, the thing has been received, thank you for your support! My promise is valid, but the time should be postponed. As the interest, I allow you to hug and touch. You can do it outside of Leichi!

Hua Ying has been in love with the kitchen since she was a child, so she is pure and incomparable.

But since she met Zhao Zilong, her heart lake has been full of charming waves.

Every time I think of him, Hua Ying feels sweet in her heart. The unprecedented feeling of care makes her feel better. She vaguely understood that Zhao Zilong would live in his heart for a lifetime.

At this time, she mustered up her courage to send this message to Zhao Zilong. Holding her mobile phone is like holding her lover. Her face is red and intoxicated, and she looks quite charming.

Yangzhou City, the western suburbs, beautiful mountains, flowers!

A row of villas hidden in the mountains and trees, quite poetic.

In the center of one of the largest villas, there is a delicate pavilion with stone chessboards and stone piers. A middle-aged man in a dark gray jacket and a strong man in a shirt are playing chess there.

The pavilion is very quiet, and the sound of falling is very clear.

About half an hour later, the white man in the jacket dominated and won by a small margin at the end of the game.

He put down the pieces in his hand and said to the man with a smile: "after all these years, your impetuous temperament has not changed. If it wasn't for those three mistakes, I would have lost the game."

"Well, I'm mainly upset, or you won't succeed."

The strong man in the shirt put down his chess pieces, sighed and said slowly.

"Lao Jin, we were not wronged when we lost last time. Although we were beaten down by the army and lost some money, and the reputation of Kinmen was also affected, we found out the real card of that boy."

The middle-aged man in the jacket is Luo Feng, mayor of Yangzhou City, while the strong man in the shirt is Jin zuojiao, leader of Jinmen.

"He has not only the support of the vice governor of the East in the province, but also the full help of the Yang family. In addition to the military power of the Li family in the provincial capital, it is reasonable for us to be defeated."

"Since we know the stubble is hard, let's avoid it. It's nothing to lose a battle. The key is that we can't meet the tough with the tough. Once we fall into a place of irreparable doom, we are really finished. "

Luo Feng took the tea, dispersed the mist on the water, and sipped it gently."Having said that, I'm not reconciled to being defeated by a poor country boy." Gold left foot turned to curl mouth, said: "this is not calculate, in that kid's tease, the ax help unexpectedly also ready to move."

"Last time, I took Zhao Zilong's psychic food and put the blame on the axe gang to warn them. Unexpectedly, the axe gang has changed its routine and showed a tough attitude on this matter. "

"In particular, the copper axe, which was arrested, unexpectedly died suddenly. The axe gang seized the incident and pursued the police station. The golden axe, who learned about his brother's death, was even more violent, causing great damage to Kinmen."

"We are in the wrong about this matter. If the upper authorities trace it down, not only the police station will be involved, but we will also bear the Revenge of the axe gang regardless of everything, so the current situation is extremely severe."

"More importantly, the axe gang has combat power, and Zhao Zilong has a background. Once they unite to deal with us, not only our Jinmen will encounter unprecedented hardships, but also your terror."

Jin's left foot frowned and worried for the first time.

"Don't worry, I've arranged that Zhao Zilong will never unite with the axe gang."

"The Public Security Bureau has also issued a wanted order for Jinfu. As long as we can grasp the golden axe, the axe gang will have no backbone and the confrontation will be completed ahead of time. "

Listening to the worry of Jin's left foot, Luo Feng said faintly, his voice full of confidence.

"It's not easy to talk. It seems that the golden axe has broken through the bottleneck and entered a higher level. A powerful subordinate of mine once wanted to ambush the golden axe, but he didn't even see his shadow. He was hit by a golden light, and his leg was cut off half

"You know, he was a strong man in the early days of foundation construction. Even if he could not be defeated, he would not be cut into serious injuries even if no one saw him. So I suspect that he has successfully developed a spiritual core and become a strong person in the tuberculosis stage. "

Gold left foot's mouth corner * * two, slowly open mouth to say.

"You have to find a way to deal with this matter. If necessary, I will send people from the public security bureau to work in plain clothes and help you deal with him with guns. In addition, I will ask that old friend to help you

Luo Feng listened to this, frowned and said slowly.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll be relieved."

At this point, Kim nodded his left foot, put down his cup and stood up.

"You're leaving now. Don't have another dish?"

Luo Feng looked up at him and asked in a voice with great interest.

"No, I'll arrange everything right away!" Jin shook his head with his left foot, reached for his hand and made a chopping gesture. He said to Luo Feng, "as long as we solve the golden axe, we can get through this difficulty."

After getting enough psychic food, Hua Ying began to practice the jade girl's Heart Sutra.

After plotting with Luo Feng, Jin zuojiao wants to launch a sniping battle against the axe gang. He strives to kill Jin Fu on the spot, so as to get rid of the pillar of the axe gang and defeat the will of the axe gang fundamentally.

Since the Yangzhou hotel incident, the provincial capital Yang family has begun to pay attention to the changes in the situation of Yangzhou city.

In view of some changes in Yangzhou City, the provincial capital Yang family also quietly acted and made some secret arrangements.

While everyone was busy, Zhao Zilong stayed in Changfeng Hotel honestly and became the chairman of the board comfortably.

In the morning, he went to Linzi to learn Taiji from Doctor Wang.

He agreed to Du Qingsi's offer on behalf of Luo Feng. After that, he turned off his mobile phone directly and stopped taking part in the conflict between Axe Gang and Kinmen. Even at Du Qingsi's request, he didn't contact her during this period of time.

It was the most peaceful time he had ever spent, feeling moist and warm.

Seven days later, Yang Ziyu brought back a message: in order to deal with Jinfu, the leader of the axe gang, Jinmen not only launched a joint attack with hundreds of people from the Public Security Bureau, but also had a peerless master who was not good-looking.

Unfortunately, such a huge lineup, still can not leave the golden axe.

After he successfully killed the peerless master and killed more than 30 members of Jinmen, he got out of trouble. More importantly, he didn't hurt a policeman, which shows how alert he is.

Although Zhao Zilong promised not to participate in the fight between the two gangs, he still couldn't help clapping his hands after learning the news.

Last time, Jin zuojiao robbed his psychic food and blamed the axe gang in an attempt to cause a misunderstanding between them, which made Zhao Zilong secretly angry. Jinfu's move finally made him angry.

Ten days later, the provincial government responded by sending an investigation team to Yangzhou city. They said nothing about the injury of the golden axe, but launched a comprehensive investigation into the death of the bronze axe in the police station.

Feel this surging undercurrent, not only gold left foot some anxious, even Luo Feng also can't sit. Because they can feel that this time the situation is different from the past, it seems to be fierce.What's more, Luo Feng, the mayor of Yangzhou City, didn't even know about the investigation team's visit. Thus, it can be seen that the upper authorities should have deliberately concealed the truth from him, and the meaning here has to be deliberated.

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