Best Young Chef

Chapter 710

As far as combat effectiveness is concerned, they should be in the middle.

However, Zuo Qiangqiang has a long time of practice and rich combat experience. In addition, he has served in the killer organization for many years and has absolute advantages in looking for fighters. His comprehensive combat effectiveness can not be underestimated.

Zhao Zilong, on the other hand, is not very familiar with the world. He is not afraid of tigers and dares to call the sun and the moon for a new day.

Although he is no better than Zuo Qiang in combat experience, he also has his own characteristics.

For example, he learned many advanced combat skills from Wang Yixian, and had two magic weapons;

for example, he often took psychic food, and his body was like King Kong, and his muscles and veins were smooth;

for another example, under the adjustment of Taiji, his attack and defense level was in a relatively balanced state.

In this way, even if he can't beat his opponent, he won't lose too badly.

But Rao is so, Zhao Zilong is not willing to fight with Zuo Qiang.

Because the other party used to be a killer, this identity will always make Zhao Zilong feel a little gloomy.

Moreover, he was too embarrassed to use magic weapons against Zuo Qiangqiang, let alone those powerful moves. Without the sun's knife, without the dark's knife, without the lightning bracelet, without the burning bamboo tube, without the six pulse sword, it seems to be a little reluctant to surpass Zuo Qiangqiang with only the vitality sword.

Unfortunately, Wang Yixian not only failed to stop Zuo Qiaoqiao's mischief, but also should give Zhao Zilong a wink with her advice to encourage him to fight Zuo Qiangqiang.

Seeing that even Wang Yixian had spoken, Zhao Zilong had to play hard.

In the war, Zuo Qiangqiang's strange tactics made Zhao Zilong suffer.

When Zhao Zilong finally got familiar with his tactics and found some ways to deal with it, Zuo Qiangqiang unexpectedly used his gun amulet impolitely. And a series of seven shots broke out, straight hit Zhao Zilong out of a cold sweat.

In anger, Zhao Zilong uses the lightning bracelet to avoid the attack of the other side, and uses the sunshine knife to chop out 13 knives in a row. Finally, he breaks the barrier formed by Zuo Qiang's spear and successfully cuts it back.

"Hey, how on earth did you do that? It's incredible that you can beat my brother." On one side, Zuo Qiao asked Zhao Zilong in disbelief.

"Ha ha, this is not strange, because I have a way to kill and a magic weapon."

"If it's just an ordinary competition, I may not be your brother's opponent, but if we really fight head-on, your brother is doomed to be my loser." Zhao Zilong chuckled to her.

"Magic weapon? Are you talking about the flaming bamboo tube and the lightning bracelet? " After hearing this, Zuo Qiao's eyes fell on his wrist: "the last time I dealt with Wu Jingjing's mother-in-law, those two magic weapons played a decisive role. People really envied me. I don't know if you can borrow them to play for two days?"

"That won't do. It's my way of saving my life, OK?" After hearing this, Zhao Zilong covered his wrist and yelled at her: "besides, you are my bodyguard. It seems that it's not proper to take away my life saving magic weapon?"

"Good Zilong, they just play for two days." Zuo Qiao twisted the snake waist and said coquettishly.

"Qiao Qiao, don't make a fool of yourself. If those two magic weapons are on him, our responsibility will be lighter. Otherwise, if anything happens to him, it will be our dereliction of duty. " On one side, Zuo Qiangqiang saw this and couldn't help shouting.

Wang Yixian, an onlooker, saw that the three men were completely integrated in the fight. He could not help but slowly said with his beard: "ha ha, being young is good. Boys and girls are always in harmony together..."

"Grandfather, why don't you give him the magic weapon?"

Left Qiao Qiao see Wang Yixian smile kindly, not from pull his sleeve coquetry way.

"Qiao Qiao, Wang Yixian is very kind to us. He not only absolves us from our sins, but also spreads our skills. It's our blessing that we can listen to his teachings. How can you make such a rude request? "

On one side, Zuo Qiangqiang saw that his cousin was becoming more and more rude. He could not help frowning and yelling.

"They're just talking about it. Why are you so angry?"

In the face of his cousin's reprimand, Zuo Qiao toots her red lips and cries unconvinced.

"Ha ha, although it's precious, it's not impossible to send it." Wang Yixian laughed, patted zuoqiao's head and said, "you are the bodyguards of Zilong. Do you have to make some achievements?"

"Grandpa, is that true?"

Hearing that there was hope, Zuo Qiao couldn't help but brighten her eyes.

"Of course, my master never talks in jest."

Zhao Zilong on one side came up and said with a smile.

Zuo Qiangqiang's brother and sister are his bodyguards. It's a good thing for Zhao Zilong that they can get psychic weapons and improve their combat effectiveness. So when he heard the news, he was also very pleased.

"Don't worry, old man. From today on, we will stay by his side, so that the enemy won't have the slightest chance to approach him and ensure his safety in an all-round and three-dimensional way."

Zuo Qiao squints her eyes, purses her red lips, and looks like she's working hard.Seeing Zuo Qiao pretending to be cute, Wang Yixian couldn't help laughing.

Zuo Qiangqiang was afraid that her cousin would make the old fairy impatient. After seeing that she got some benefits from the old fairy, he pulled her aside and left the space for them to be alone.

After they talked about some things about cultivation, Zhao Zilong excitedly turned the topic to the issue of fish's reification.

When he told Wang Yixian the results of Wu Fen's previous research, and hoped that the old man could help him to mix more spirit liquid, Wang Yixian's face showed an enigmatic color.

"Ha ha, I didn't know much about the ability of fish to absorb spiritual things before, so I tried my best to make those spiritual things return to their original nature and become a more easily absorbed state, so as to transform the fish body."

"But through this period of observation, I found that it was not necessary at all." Wang Yixian chuckled, a trace of bitterness flashed on his face: "because fish live in water, and water is the source of all things, it can melt some psychic things, as long as the method is appropriate, it can save the tedious steps."

"Oh, is that true?" After hearing this, Zhao Zilong couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

"Yes, fish is an omnivore. It eats grass, food and meat. As long as its food is chopped into pieces, they can eat it separately and absorb all the spiritual power contained in it."

"Isn't Wu fennaizi saying that fish can greatly increase the utilization rate of psychic power by swallowing psychic things during the rapid growth period? You just need to chop and put psychic food into it, and then you can make them enter the state of reification."

"You can take a small pond to do the experiment first. Once the experiment is successful, you can directly close those ponds, and then you can raise biguangling fish on a large scale." Wang Yixian grinned and gave him a suggestion.

"Yes, we had your spirit liquid before, and biguanglingfish is our main channeling dish. However, as I went to Baihe Village, a large number of other channeling ingredients appeared on the market, so the quantity of biguanglingfish was not enough."

"To open a restaurant, we should not only ensure fresh food, but also ensure balanced nutrition, and the output of vegetables and fish should be kept in a balanced state. Therefore, it is necessary to raise the amount of blue light fish. "

"What you just said is very feasible. I will try it later."

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong pondered a little and said slowly.

When they were chatting there, a figure appeared in their field of vision.

That person dragon shape tiger step, the physique is formidable, although only slowly advances, but on the body actually displays a brave meaning. His body is not high, and he is full of lean meat, with a familiar ax pinned to his waist.

According to Zhao Zilong's perception, its breath is similar to that of the previous blood leopard.

After seeing this man appear, Zhao Zilong's eyes can't help narrowing.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? Stop!"

A voice rang, Zuo Qiangqiang brothers and sisters stopped him.

The man didn't look at Zuo Qiang and Zhao Zilong, but his eyes were always on Zhao Zilong.

His sharp eyes, like two lightsabers, made Zhao Zilong feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, with Wang Yixian at his side, Zhao Zilong was determined to stay in Diaoyutai.

Zhao Zilong stares at the man, thinks about his origin, and judges his fighting strength. Wang Yixian is still as light as a cloud. He looks at him with a smile, just like a tree and a stone.

In the face of Zuo Qiangqiang's brother and sister's obstruction, the comer not only did not stop his own pace, but even went straight to left Qiangqiang. Seeing that he was so big, Zuo Qiangqiang's eyebrows wrinkled, and then he took out his hand.

I saw his big hands crisscross, a huge and sharp spear broke away!

This blow is swift and powerful, and the gun charm is concise and powerful, which can be called the top grade!

The man saw that his steps still did not stop, his right hand was just a hollow press, and the long gun burst into pieces. Then Zuo Qiangqiang's figure even retreated three steps, and his face was filled with horror.

Obviously, the man's push not only defeated the gun amulet, but also forced Zuo Qiangqiang back.

Under his free hand, he was so powerful that everyone was shocked.

On one side, Zuo Qiaoqiao didn't pay much attention to the steady footed man, but when she saw her cousin's move, she was defeated. She turned over her figure, took out a short bow from her beautiful leg and aimed it at the man's head.

"Little sister, I always don't like to deal with girls. I hope you don't shoot that arrow, otherwise I will be rude to you." The man's step still did not stop, just said a light.

His voice was low, and there was nothing special about it, but when she heard it in Zuo Qiao's ear, it made her mind jump. Her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and the hand holding the bow and arrow trembled inadvertently.

"Qiao Qiao, put away your bow and arrow. You can't hurt him."

After feeling the man's authority, Zhao Zilong said slowly.

Hearing this, cold sweat drenched left Qiao Qiao, flashed back to one side.

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