Best Young Chef

Chapter 717

Over the past 20 years, Jin zuojiao has not only created infinite wealth for the family, but also built a huge network of relationships here. Through this network, he has collected all kinds of information for family analysis.

This network not only enables officials to smell political trends, but also enables businessmen to grasp business opportunities. It is not too much to say that it is priceless.

Jin zuojiao has been busy in Yangzhou City for 20 years, and the biggest harvest is not hundreds of millions of wealth, not the title of the king of underground power in Yangzhou City, not even the elite power under him, but the network of heaven.

But at this time, Jintang asked him to give this network to Zhao Zilong, which made him a little unwilling.

"You have to go back to enjoy Qingfu. What are you doing with these resources?" Seeing his displeasure, Zhao Zilong turned his lips and cried, "besides, this is what the eldest lady ordered you to do. Do you dare not follow?"

After hearing this, Jin's left eyebrow was slightly raised, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes.

"Do as I say, but if Zhao Zilong gets such a big advantage from you, he will have to pay some price." Jin Tang pursed her red lips and said slowly, "I heard the old people in the family say that there is a kind of psychic food called Sirius, which can enrich and atrophy muscles, so that human deformities can be corrected..."

When Zhao Zilong heard this strange term, he felt quite strange.

As it sounds, it should be a very fierce beast.

But since Jin Tang will come up at this time, she must have a way to deal with this fierce beast.

To this end, Zhao Zilong not only did not retreat, but felt some interest.

"What do you mean, my lameness can be cured?"

After hearing this, Jin's left eyebrow was raised and his face was filled with surprise.

"Yes, if you are willing to give Zhao Zilong all the resources at hand and go back to help the family, I will let Zhao Zilong hunt Tianji wolf and cure your leg. How do you feel?"

"Well, I'll listen to you. I'll give him all the resources I have in hand."

Taking a deep breath, Jin turned to Zhao Zilong and said, "fortunately for you, I have accumulated more than 20 years in Yangzhou city. The biggest harvest is not money, not even younger brother, but the network of relationships..."

"With this network, you will get support in all walks of life, both black and white, which plays a crucial role in building your position and consolidating your power in Yangzhou city."

"It's no exaggeration to say that as long as you can make good use of this network, you can turn the bad into the good. As long as the golden axe is not effective, it can't control you Jin's left foot sipped his mouth, and he said with some reluctance.

"I'll make good use of your network." Zhao Zilong gave him a knowing smile, shrugged his shoulders and said, "as for provoking dissension, let me help you deal with the ax Gang, let's not."

"Don't be smart here and guess at my intentions." Jin's left foot gave him a white look, and he said, "you can't deal with the axe gang, but you can still help me look after my daughter."

"In order to hide my identity, all my property has been cashed out. But Xiaoxiao teahouse is under the name of my daughter Jinyu. She refuses to accompany me back to my family and wants to stay in Yangzhou city. "

Jin left foot said here, turned to look at Zhao Zilong, eyes a little bit of inquiry.

"Don't worry, the red demon leader and I are as old as ever. As long as I stay in Yangzhou City for one day and I have the ability, I will cover her." Zhao Zilong nodded and said solemnly.

Seeing that the hostility between them was gradually eliminated, Jin Tang nodded slowly.

She made some arrangements for Zhao Zilong and Jin zuojiao's next trip. Jin zuojiao will complete the handover in three days, and the homecoming family will take over the important position, so that they will become a powerful figure in the family.

Zhao Zilong should straighten out the relationship between Yangzhou City and complete the first step towards Yangzhou city. In addition, Zhao Zilong will hunt Sirius in a month, which can be regarded as a reward for Jin's left foot.

After arranging everything, Jin Tang left with both hands on his back!

Jin's left foot and Zhao Zilong began to hand over. In the process of handing over, Zhao Zilong gradually realized the amazing power hidden behind Jin's left foot.

In these 20 years of painstaking efforts, he dredged the relationship between all walks of life through huge amount of money and powerful power. Almost every organization in Yangzhou City and even the provincial capital has hidden the hidden nails he buried.

In particular, there are four killer organizations with frequent transactions in this network, the phone calls of two provincial leaders, and even some secret forces in the capital, which can be regarded as high-end.

Anything, whether it involves official organizations, personal grudges, or gang conflicts, as long as you want to have this network, you can take full control of the situation and get rid of the trouble every minute.

After taking over these relations, Zhao Zilong is equal to succeeding Jin zuojiao and becoming the bearer of these relations.Three days later, after the handover between Jin zuojiao and Zhao Zilong, he happily returned to his family to take over.

Before he left, he specially arranged for his daughter Jinyu, the leader of the red demon army, to have a meal with Zhao Zilong.

Originally, he wanted to settle Zhao Zilong to take care of Jin Yu, but when the young men and women got together, they talked, laughed and flirted, and they ignored him.

Seeing that their relationship was so harmonious, Kim left with a wry smile.

He understood that the future of Yangzhou city belonged to these young people.

Jinyu is a super beautiful girl in the new era. She has a strong active factor. Just watch her create a hot and strong red demon army, and fight against the green devil, you can see some clues.

It's just that her enthusiasm can't be released because of the pressure from her left foot.

This time dad left, she was finally liberated, the whole person was surging.

After dinner, she summoned up the group of demons of the red demon army and insisted on taking Zhao Zilong to KTV to drink, sing and dance, so as to celebrate her long-awaited freedom.

It was nothing. Zhao Zilong also liked the feeling of relaxation.

It's just that the girls, led by the red demon Jinyu, are used to being arrogant and spoiled. At this time, they drink too much. When they see Zhao Zilong's beauty, they want to bow to him.

Rao is Zhao Zilong, who loves beautiful women and dares not fight with the whole red demon army, and finally runs away.

Walking out of KTV and breathing fresh night breeze, Zhao Zilong's perception is extremely sensitive.

Suddenly, a breath of spirit came into his perception, which made him feel bright in front of his eyes.

When he followed the spirit to a big tree, he was shocked by the scene.

I saw that this is a big tree with a diameter of meters away, and its body is covered with mottled traces of years.

Its tree has fallen down and its vitality has dissipated, just like an old man in twilight.

May be unwilling to die, its vitality actually condensed to a branch, where the new branches and leaves. What Zhao Zilong had sensed before was the spiritual breath from this branch.

He slowly closed his eyes, carefully felt the breath, and even played Tai Chi leisurely.

Gradually, the spirit breath was called by his boxing and began to be used by him.

After obtaining the blessing of external force, Zhao Zilong's Tai Chi became more ethereal and his boxing became more powerful. He felt that his own mind seemed to be able to control nature and guide heaven and earth. That strange feeling made him very happy.

Unfortunately, before he had fully explored the mystery, his breath was exhausted.

Just listen to a bang, lose vitality, exhaust spiritual tree, such as collapse.

"Alas, it's a pity. It's only one step away from realization." Zhao Zilong lamented.

After returning to yixiantun, the old doctor told him nothing but his story. Obviously, he is very satisfied with Zhao Zilong's chance.

When Zhao Zilong asked Wang Yixian how to fight, Wang Yixian thought that he had learned almost complete combat skills. As long as he carefully hones, he will surely be able to understand its mystery and show its strength.

With these words, Zhao Zilong was silent that night, which made his vitality stronger.

In addition, he also led the moonlight into the acupoints, which made his body solid.

Yang Ziyu finally returned to Yangzhou city. After she handed over the five industries to Lin Yao, she went back to take care of the family industry. Before leaving, Zhao Zilong took a car to see her off. His face was full of reluctantly.

"Sister Yang, I always feel uncomfortable when you are away." Zhao Zilong said with a mouthful.

"I'm not comfortable. OK, it can put some pressure on you. It's just like shaking hands all day long. I don't care about anything. I just know how to play in the rouge pile. It's really irritating. " Yang Ziyu pursed her lips.

"Elder sister, don't say that to other people. They have come to see you off." After hearing this, Zhao Zilong said bitterly that his voice was full of coquetry.

"Send me? What do you call it Yang Ziyu did not have the good spirit to shout a way.

"Why, isn't it called delivery?" Zhao Zilong scratched his head and asked.

"Other people drive a beautiful woman home, but you're good. You actually drive me home in my sister's car. Do you do that?" Yang Ziyu gave him a white look, and some of them couldn't laugh or cry.

"Hehe, Zuo Qiang is driving my car to buy psychic food, so I have no car to drive these days, so I can only take your seat. Please forgive me." Zhao Zilong said with a bitter smile.

"You're a boss worth tens of millions now. Should you buy a car that suits your own identity. It's wrong to have such a wrong outlook on life after making so much money

Seeing Zhao Zilong's simple words, Yang Ziyu sighed and said.

"No, someone gave me a car. I'll take it this time." Zhao Zilong said with a smile.

"Oh, really? I'd like to see which beautiful woman is so rich that she can send you a car directly?" After hearing this, Yang Ziyu felt sour and could not help saying."The car is in Yangzhou hotel. Let's have a look." Zhao Zilong chuckled.

Although Yang Ziyu felt a little strange, she didn't ask. Instead, she drove straight to Yangzhou hotel.

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