Best Young Chef

Chapter 721

With the experience of Changfeng Hotel, Zhao Zilong is a familiar chef of Yangzhou hotel. Only from Changfeng county that small place suddenly came to Yangzhou City, all aspects of the requirements have been raised.

Although under his control, the occupancy rate of Yangzhou Hotel remained about 70%, which was barely qualified. However, several industries of Yangji Hotel and Axe Gang have also attracted many customers after strengthening the channeling cuisine. After they entered Yangzhou Hotel, Zhao Zilong felt the pressure.

An Shengxue also found Zhao Zilong to find ways to continue to improve the occupancy rate.

After discussion, Zhao Zilong not only improved the recipes of Dukou guest house, but also added psychic dishes to the business of table packing, which finally made the occupancy rate reach 80%.

However, Yang's industry and Axe Gang's industry have followed suit, adding psychic dishes to the table business, and slightly reducing the price, hoping to compete with Yangzhou hotel.

Zhao Zilong and an Shengxue are not outdone. They start from the big and small aspects, constantly improve the service level of hotels, strengthen the comprehensive quality of catering, and continue to lead the catering industry of Yangzhou city.

You know, Yangzhou hotel is the symbol of the catering industry in Yangzhou city. In people's minds, it has always been the most high-end hotel in Yangzhou City, which is deeply obsessed by many white-collar workers and professionals.

However, with the introduction of a second-class psychic dish called purple jam fruit plate by Yangji Hotel, the catering pattern of Yangzhou City has been subverted.

This dish is suitable for all ages, men and women can eat it all, sweeping the whole city of Yangzhou.

This dish is mellow and light. It can not only make the woman white and red, but also make the old man's Qi and blood unblocked. It can also make the practitioner's Qi and blood full. It can be said that it is an excellent dish to make the whole people comfortable.

What's more, the price of this kind of psychic dish is not expensive, which occupies the advantage of time, place and people.

After the purple jam plate was approved by customers, Yangji Hotel successively launched four kinds of psychic dishes made of fruits. They are called lingguo set meal together with purple jam fruit plate, which is loved by the majority of customers.

Under the pursuit of Yang Ziyu, the occupancy rate reached 90%, surpassing Yangzhou hotel.

Although at a critical moment, Zhao Zilong transferred some yinqian from Changfeng County. Through this kind of food, which can strengthen the body and make people become strong and strong, it alleviates the huge impact of lingguo set meal on them.

However, it is an indisputable fact that Yangji hotel takes the lead in the competition.

On the other side of the axe gang, they also refused to fall behind. Their industry, led by Tianyuan ecological park, also launched a series of COD packages and amazing human banquet to compete with the naringguo package.

These three forces compete with each other in the catering industry, presenting a good story.

After understanding, the Yang family industry, led by Yangji Hotel, is not only operated by Yang Ziyu himself, but also invited a psychic chef named Zuoshan, who cooperates with Wang Tieshou chisifang to perform the legend.

In terms of Axe Gang, it even recruited all the famous chefs in Yangzhou City, and even invited three psychic chefs from the Food Association. As long as they have psychic ingredients on hand, they can make them super delicious.

Comparatively speaking, the chef strength of Yangzhou hotel is the weakest among the three.

In order to avoid losing in this duel, Zhao Zilong finds Jintang and wants to ask her to play.

After listening to Zhao Zilong's request, Jin Tang can't help but fall into meditation.

After a long time, she said slowly, "although the cooking skills of chefs in the three industries are different, what you are doing now is not a simple competition of cooking skills, but a competition of psychic food resources."

"Yangzhou city is located in a barren land with low output rate of psychic food materials. Therefore, the lack of food materials has surpassed the cooking skills of chefs and become a prominent problem in the whole region of Yangzhou city."

"Now who can get high-quality psychic ingredients can lead the catering trend of Yangzhou city."

"Before, the Yang family didn't know what means they used, but they got the full support of Yangzhou Food Association. As far as I know, the purple jam fruit is provided to them by the Food Association, which makes them famous. "

"What do you think we should do?" Zhao Zilong asked softly.

"Now that the three sides are competing for psychic ingredients, we have to find a way to seize the key points."

"Don't you have a good old face in the food association? You can fight for more psychic ingredients through her. At the same time, we have to go out hunting by ourselves and expand our channels of obtaining ingredients by ourselves."

"Although your level of cooking psychic ingredients is steadily improving, you still can't see enough when you meet experts. Now the safest way is to let Jin Zheng support the overall situation, and we two continue to hunt for psychic food. "

"In this way, you can enhance your strength and enhance your cooking skills in the process of hunting. Such a two pronged approach can not only solve the urgent problems, but also make long-term plans. It can be said that both sides are perfect. "

After a little meditation, Jin Tang said slowly.After hearing this, Zhao Zilong fell into meditation.

At this time, the line of Baihe Village continuously provided psychic food materials. In addition, the fish pond continuously produced psychic fish and the Food Association provided psychic food materials. The industry of Yangzhou Hotel and Zhao Zilong did not lack food materials.

But with the popularity of psychic dishes, people have become immune to its miraculous effects.

Now people need not only psychic dishes, but also more dazzling and delicious ones. Otherwise, Yangji hotel will not surpass Yangzhou Hotel and become the leader of Yangzhou catering industry with a purple jam.

"Hua Ying there, I can come out to fight for it, she owes me love, presumably there should be no big problem. But in terms of hunting, is it really possible for the two of us to change the current situation? "

Zhao Zilong took a deep breath, looked up at Jin Tang, and asked uncertainly.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Jin Tang pursed her little mouth and said.

"At present, most of the materials in circulation in Yangzhou are first-class psychic food, and the number of second-class psychic food is very small. That purple jam is not only the best of the secondary psychic ingredients, but also has the characteristics that are acceptable to the whole people. "

"Because of this, it will make a big splash and become the focus of everyone's attention."

At this point, Jin Tang's voice hesitated and said slowly, "if we can hunt more excellent secondary psychic ingredients than purple jam fruit, or * * psychic ingredients, we can surpass them."

"Oh, it's a pity. If you know such a thing will happen, we'll save all the yinqian and Huo mushrooms we've hunted before, and compete with the purple sauce fruit." Zhao Zilong yelled fiercely.

"The past is gone, and the future is far away. The most important thing is to do well what you are doing, and don't let the opportunity slip away again." Jin Tang raised his chin and said, breathing like a orchid.

"By the way, after eating the mushroom last time, didn't you already integrate the flame factor? How is the integration going now?" Mentioning the fire mushroom, Jin Tang's eyes brightened and turned to ask Zhao Zilong.

"Look..." Hearing the speech, Zhao Zilong slowly raised his right hand.

I saw his right hand standing like a knife, slowly moving, blooming a lot of spirit.

Then the red light suddenly rose, and his hand knife was burning with flames.

"Well, the blade is sharp and the flame power is excellent. It can be used not only for fighting, but also for cooking. It's really the best of both worlds." Seeing this, Jin Tang nodded with satisfaction.

After getting Jin Tang's approval, Zhao Zilong was so proud that his body was burning with flames. Behind him, the tail like fire snake darted out quickly, forming a defensive array around his body.

Under the assimilation of firepower, this fire snake is evolving in the direction of fire python. It looks extremely fierce.

"Eh, he passed the fire Python skill to you. It seems that you get along well." Seeing his half hanging fire Python skill, Jin Tang was stunned and gave out a light Yi.

While they were chatting, Zhao Zilong's mobile phone rang. The most dazzling little apple sounded very exciting.

Zhao Zilong took out his mobile phone and saw that the caller was Yang Ziyu.

Since Yang Ziyu left Changfeng Hotel and returned to her family, she began to run Yangji Hotel, while Zhao Zilong cooperated with Anji and settled in Yangzhou Hotel, they became a pair of competitors.

Although Yang Ziyu is the controller of Yangji Hotel, and Zhao Zilong is only the chef and shareholder of Yangzhou Hotel, they belong to different camps. It is not too much to say that they are rivals.

In order to avoid suspicion, Zhao Zilong deliberately did not contact her.

But she called at this time, which made Zhao Zilong one Leng.

"Just as we discussed, I'll look for clues to the ingredients of the psychic food. As soon as we have a clue, we'll set out." Jin Tang dislikes the bell, frowns and says, then turns and leaves.

Zhao Zilong sat on the chair, cocked his legs and connected the phone.

Zhao Zilong deliberately made a mechanical voice and joked: "Hello, please press 1 for a date with a handsome guy; press 2 for a meal with a handsome guy; press 3 for a big physical exercise with a handsome guy. If it doesn't meet the above three points, please hang up."

"Handsome guy, they choose 3!" Yang Ziyu also said in a funny way.

"Ah, do you like physical exercise?" Zhao Zilong's mind was full of waves.

"Yes, they have more than three tons of food materials ready to be transported to the eighth floor. The elevator just broke down. Handsome, don't you like to do physical exercise? Come and help transport the food materials." Yang Ziyu said in a sweet voice.

"Ah, I don't like this kind of physical exercise. I just like to work on you and let you feel my man's taste." After hearing this, Zhao Zilong gave a bitter smile.

"What to do if you ruin someone else? They are still the girls of yellow flowers."

Yang Ziyu murmured, making a delicate voice, which sounded like a myriad of customs.

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