Best Young Chef

Chapter 724

With the intervention of the Snatchers, the quiet atmosphere on the field was disturbed.

The sound of fighting and loud cheers mixed together, making the night full of tears.

More than ten men in black were involved in the attack. They were very powerful and had long knives in their hands.

By surprise, they snatched two baskets of psychic ingredients.

When the food was robbed, the anglers were naturally unwilling and began to fight back.

It's a pity that people in black are cruel and ruthless. Even if they rob things, they still hurt people with knives. Under their attack, many fishermen were slashed by long knives, and blood was spilled in the sky.

Seeing this, other anglers, with the attitude of cold lips and cold teeth, also offered help one after another.

Under their joint attack, the man in black was finally beaten away.

Unfortunately, after this war, all the psychic ingredients in the river have been scared away.

The fishermen had no choice but to pack up and leave here.

Those who get spirit fish are all smiling; those who come back empty handed are decadent.

The Snatchers left, and so did the anglers. The original bustling riverside was full of time and space.

Zhao Zilong is about to say something, but Jin Tang covers his mouth.

He was surprised to see that the people in black had gone back.

The first man in black threw the fish basket aside, and all the first-class psychic ingredients fell out of the basket. When Zhao Zilong saw this scene, he couldn't help looking silly.

It was not until the man in black, the leader, spoke that he understood his real intention.

"Hum, the golden column of light appears, which indicates that there will be at least secondary high-quality psychic ingredients."

The first man in black walked to the river and couldn't help but sneer: "these mediocre people don't know why. They just wait here with a fishing rod. It makes people laugh."

"Boss, you are smart. You took our brothers and played a violent play, which not only scared away those eye-catching anglers, but also scared those spirit fish back to their old nest."

"In this way, you can not only have a quiet time, but also follow the spirit fish and find their nests, so that you can take them all in one pot." A man in black came forward and said with a smile to the leader of the man in black.

"That's right. Our goal this time is to catch them all."

The leader of the man in black narrowed his eyes and laughed, his face showing a ferocious color.

Zhao Zilong was surprised to see that the gang of people in black were arrogant, but they were quite thoughtful. He turned to look at Jintang, want to know the identity of these people in black through her eyes.

But Jintang was lying there quietly, even closing her eyes and sleeping there.

Her strange performance made Zhao Zilong's eyes wide open and a little stunned.

He turned to look at Jin Tang and the leader of the man in black. He was confused.

"Close your eyes, the leader of the man in black is not simple."

Just then, the voice of Jintang rang in his ear.

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong subconsciously closed his eyes, but it seemed to be too late.

Because the leader of the man in black had turned his head and looked at their hiding place.

"I didn't expect that there were people who knew the goods here. After hiding for such a long time, they really had enough forbearance. It's time to come out, isn't it?" The leader of the man in black turned to look at the grass, and his voice was full of coldness.

When Zhao Zilong heard this, he felt a thump in his heart and a chill in his whole body.

He just looked at the man and was found out. Is that too mysterious?

When his whereabouts were found, he felt a little nervous and turned to look at Jintang.

She still closed her eyes and even made a silent gesture to him.

Just when he didn't know why, there was a laugh in the grass nearby: "ha ha, don't the people of your axe gang always regard the axe as their fate? Why didn't you bring it today?"

"And the big man, who was not the axe gang, was dressed just like them, dressed in black, as if he were going home for a funeral..." After the voice fell, a chubby old man stood up.

"Guyang, you are so Haunted!" Cried the leader of the man in black.

"Oh, you actually know me. It seems that you should be a member of tuntian organization?"

When the old man heard the leader of the man in black, he called out his own name and showed his indifference. He stepped 20 meters at a time, stepped in front of the leader of the man in black, raised his hand and cleaved to him.

Although the old man looks very ordinary and doesn't look conspicuous when he is thrown into the crowd, his body method is very fast. Zhao Zilong only felt the breeze, and the man had already gone to the leader of the man in black.

His hand seemed casual, but there was thunder in it, causing bursts of air explosions.

The leader in black took the move hastily with both hands, and his body was blown back three steps.

"Lao Cai Bang Zi, I want to die!"

The leader in black was angry and called his brother to be angry.But unexpectedly, the old man was not hit, and his body was like the wind.

"Hey, I have business to do, so I won't play with you. I'm still waiting for me to enjoy the psychic food." The old man threw himself into the river like a fish, but there was no splash.

"Come on, don't let the old man take the lead!"

Under the leadership of the leader in black, a group of people jumped into the river one after another.

When he heard that the leader of the man in black was actually a member of tuntian organization, Zhao Zilong's heart was full of anger. This mysterious and evil organization is really ubiquitous.

At the beginning, Zhao Zilong encountered members of the tuntian organization when he was hunting white jade toads and flaming mushrooms in Tushan. Each of them had a strange personality and strong fighting power, which made Zhao Zilong feel headache.

In particular, both harpoon and Wu Jingjing had a grudge against Zhao Zilong in the process of hunting for psychic food materials. At this time, Zhao Zilong is estimated to have become a thorn in the eye of the whole tuntian organization. He wants to get rid of it quickly.

With this in mind, he poured vitality into his eyes, unfolded Tai Chi and looked into the river.

Zhao Zilong was surprised to see that all the people in black were very good at water. They swam in the river and went up the stream into a secluded spring.

"Sister Jin, are those psychic ingredients hidden in the spring?"

Zhao Zilong some don't understand, turn head to see to Jin Tang, some uncertain ground asks a way.

"Yes, this hill is just a facade, and there is a branch of blessed land hidden in it. That's where the golden pillar of light came from, which proves that the psychic ingredients are hidden in the mountainside. "

Jin Tang, who is always calm tonight, finally opens his eyes slowly.

"Before, most of the anglers were psychic chefs, not professional hunters. Although they know that there are psychic ingredients here, they don't understand the secret. They only know how to catch some low-level psychic ingredients. "

"The old man and the gang of people in black were our real rivals."

"They not only know the source of the golden pillar of light, but also know that there will be high-level psychic ingredients. They are even ready to destroy their nests at one stroke and kill them all. We must stop them."

When Jin Tang said this, he got up and floated to the river and jumped into the water silently.

Seeing her graceful posture, Zhao Zilong could not help feeling a different kind of surprise.

He looked down at his leather clothes and trousers. He thought that there might be a big war at the bottom of the river. Zhao Zilong couldn't help but wonder. Jin Tang really had foresight.

In my mind, Zhao Zilong also sneaked into the river and went with Jin Tang to the spring.

They are all practitioners and have the ability of internal breathing. With the blessing of vitality, they can hold on for a few hours even if they don't breathe under the water.

Zhao Zilong's Taiji eyes are like two infrared searchlights. Even in the dark water, he can still see the scenery clearly.

Under the river, after years of scouring, become extremely mellow.

There is also a layer of colorful pebbles at the bottom of the river, which looks very beautiful.

After they entered the spring, they felt that their vision became wider and the surrounding space became wider. Just as Jin Tang guessed, inside the spring is the mountainside of the hill.

Just because of its complex internal structure, the interior of the mountain is divided into countless small spaces, and what they are in at this time is just one of them.

As they move slowly in the water, they are constantly alert to the surrounding environment.

With the deepening of the river, the number of channeling fish began to increase.

They are colorful, leisurely in the water swimming, the body's luminous quite dazzling.

At this time, the water began to turbulence, and those people in black with excellent water quality began to drive out the psychic ingredients in the river, trying to get them together and kill them all.

In addition, the front of the cave also heard the sound of fighting. Jintang takes Zhao Zilong away from the fighting place and swims to the nearby cave.

"If I expect it to be true, the master of tuntian organization is entangled with the old man at this time, and the others are carrying out the planned destruction, so we must act in advance."

"The people of tuntian have always been arbitrary and selfish. They have no environmental awareness in the process of hunting. Even if you can't hunt, you will destroy it. It's cruel and cruel. "

"We call it locust After locusts, there is no grass

While explaining to Zhao Zilong in a low voice, Jin Tang takes him to the depth of space.

They want to catch the high-level psychic ingredients before the axe helps the members to finish their plan of catching them all.

Two people silently around those people in black, toward the deepest space.

With their progress, there are more and more psychic ingredients. Not only can we see the first-class psychic ingredients everywhere, but we can also see some second-class psychic ingredients. The many psychic ingredients make Zhao Zilong very excited.Most of these psychic ingredients are gentle, and a few of them will attack them.

Among them, the swordfish with strong piercing force can swim as fast as bow and arrow in the water. In the face of its crazy impact, Zhao Zilong was almost injured. Fortunately, he used Taijiquan to stun him at the critical moment.

In the deepest part of the space, the spring is the clearest and deepest. It is not only warm, but also hundreds of meters deep. What's more, there's a faint golden light flickering below it, which looks strange.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Seeing this scene, Zhao Zilong's eyes brightened.

"This is not only the deepest part of space, but also the spiritual node of that blessed place." Jin Tang came out of the water and said to Zhao Zilong, "if what I expected is good, here is their ultimate goal."

"What should we do now?" Zhao Zilong asked in a voice.

"Now that we have found the Lingmai node, we naturally need to go to that node to bathe in the Lingguang, and then take back the highest level food materials in this snack tide." Speaking of this, Jintang swims to the golden light.

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