Best Young Chef

Chapter 745

In this whole day, Zhao Zilong has already mastered the six pulse sword's key words.

His five finger wheels spring out, just like the essence of the sword Qi, which is enough to show super power in the effective range of 20 meters, thus causing concentrated puncture damage.

Zhao Zilong was overjoyed to master such sharp and flexible tactics.

"Now even if you don't use the sunshine sword, you can defeat the former Yuzong boy with the six pulse sword. Of course, the premise is that after the boy went back, his strength did not continue to improve. "

Wang Yixian looked at him with a smile, and his voice showed some appreciation.

"Ha ha, it all depends on your guidance." Zhao Zilong said flatteringly.

"Besides, your sunshine knife is good, but it lacks a kind of explosive power. If you inject the vital energy in the form of Qi core, you will gain more powerful power." Wang Yixian nodded and said.

"Well, I see. I'll try if I have a chance." Zhao Zilong nodded.

"Well, go ahead. It's time for that silly boy to wake up from his epiphany."

Wang Yixian looked at the direction of LV Dongfang's standing and said slowly.

Zhao Zilong nodded, turned to leave here and walked out.

At this time, it is the time of night, and all around are engulfed by the darkness.

However, where LV Dongfang stood, a dark light column came out of thin air.

That pillar of light is not very impressive in the dark, but it is very bright in Zhao Zilong's vision. Because the super gas field contained in the light column is far beyond his imagination.

"This big bald head seems to have been strengthened again." Zhao Zilong said.

Perhaps feeling the arrival of Zhao Zilong, the hidden light column disappeared.

Lu Dongfang opens his eyes and looks at Zhao Zilong with no joy or sorrow.

"Hello, old fairy, let me pass you four words!"

Zhao Zilong looked at him and finally looked away.

Lu Dongfang's eyes are so bright that even Taiji eyes can't bear it.

After hearing this, Lu Dongfang's expression finally changed.

With a respectful look on his face, he turned and bowed in the direction of the hut.

Then he turned to look at Zhao Zilong, looking forward to it.

"What are you looking at? I have flowers on my face?"

Zhao Zilong gave him a white look and exclaimed without good temper.

"Didn't the old fairy ask you to pass me four words?"

Lu Dongfang's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, some displeased to ask.

"Yes, but when monk Tang went to the west to get scriptures, he once sent a purple gold bowl to Ananda. Don't you mean it at all?" Zhao Zilong said, rubbing his right index finger and thumb back and forth.

Seeing this action, everyone must know that he is asking for benefits.

However, LV Dongfang has always been addicted to practice. Although he is the first master of the Yang family, he has little contact with the outside world. More importantly, no one has ever dared to blackmail this big killer.

At this time, Zhao Zilong's action fell into his eyes, which made him feel strange.

"What do you mean? What do you mean Lu Dongfang asked in surprise.

"I said big bald, are you pretending to be stupid or are you really stupid?"

Hearing the words, Zhao Zilong turned his lips and cried, "the old immortal's way is not in vain. His four character truth is not so good. No matter how bad it is, you have to leave those two magic weapons."

"Did you say that, or did the old fairy say that?" Lu Dongfang asked seriously.

"What's the difference? Now these four words are with me. What I say is as effective as what the old fairy said, unless you have the ability to see the old fairy. " Zhao Zilong shrugged his shoulders and said triumphantly.

"Besides, the old fairy said that you have gained a lot of benefits from the previous Dharma seal, and the previous Epiphany is the best proof. Next, you get the four word mantra and you can leave. "

"The old fairy is a master in the world. He won't see you as a layman."

When Zhao Zilong said this, he took a look at LV Dongfang and turned away leisurely.

After hearing this, Lv Dong showed his hesitation.

He turned to look at Zhao Zilong's back and the hut where Wang Yixian lived. There was a mysterious force that completely blocked his eye detection.

Finally, with a faint sigh, he turned to follow Zhao Zilong's steps.

After returning to his villa, Zhao Zilong was just in time for dinner.

Seeing his son coming back, Zhao Laicai immediately asked him to take a seat for dinner.

After Zhao Zilong was seated, he did not forget to ask Meili to add two more dishes.

Just as Meili's sister-in-law was surprised, Lu Da bareheaded came in.

He nodded slightly at Zhao Laicai and sat down with him.

"Zilong, is this your friend?" Zhao Laicai asked."Well, it's a friend from the province. He came to see me for something."

Seeing Lu Da's bald face and indifference, Zhao Zilong nodded his head for fear that his father would think.

With the exception of Lu Da bald, the atmosphere on the court was a little silent.

Zhao Laicai politely asked LV Da to eat vegetables several times, but he just nodded slightly.

He didn't talk to him any more.

After eating, he went out for a walk, leaving space for them.

"Hey, LV big bald, can you smile? My father is kind to treat you. You look black. It's as if someone took your girl. It's really boring." Zhao Zilong curled his lips and cried.

"I respect the old immortals, so I connive at you. Otherwise, with your bald head, I can break your dogleg." Lu big bald head raised head Piao he one eye, light ground says.

Although he just said it casually, Zhao Zilong felt that he was covered with sweat.

Although the big bald head looks funny, it's a real killer.

If he really wants to teach Zhao Zilong a lesson, he really does not have the ability to protect himself.

"If you don't call, don't call. Why are you so fierce?"

Zhao Zilong curled his lips. Although he was still tough, he compromised in disguise.

People are like stones. Society is grinding you round to make you go further.

Zhao Zilong has been struggling in society for so long, so he naturally understands this truth.

"Come on, what are the four words that the old fairy asked you to bring me?" After eating, Lu dabaotou threw his chopsticks, turned to Zhao Zilong and asked, "tell me, my magic weapon is yours."

"Well, you're not lying to me, are you?" Zhao Zilong asked with wide eyes.

Hearing this, LV Dongfang gave him a blank look.

"The combination of hardness and softness!" Zhao Zilong said word by word.

"The combination of hardness and softness? Isn't that the way of Taiji? " Hearing this, LV Dongfang frowned: "does the old fairy think that my tactics are too rigid and want me to make a detour and break through?"

"Yes, when he told me to enter the Tao with hard and fierce fighting skills, I needed jujitsu to reconcile them, so as to spiral up. The old fairy really made sense of that!"

Lu Dongfang's eyes lit up while he was talking to himself.

"Hey, here are four words. Where's the magic weapon?"

Zhao Zilong looked at him eagerly and asked eagerly.

Hearing this, LV Dongfang's right hand moved slightly.

I didn't see how he moved, so there were two more things on the table.

It's just that what appears on the table is not the shining magic weapon that Zhao Zilong imagined, but two things that look very common. That style and style can even be said to be earth dregs.

"Well, is this what you call a magic weapon? Isn't that fake? Even if it's deceptive, at least take two things that are more realistic. " Zhao Zilong picked up the gray one in his left hand, like a ring he picked up from a garbage dump. He picked up the light blue belt in his right hand and cried angrily.

"What do you know? Yinghua's introverted is the real magic weapon."

After hearing this, LV Dongfang gave him a white look and began to cry out.

"This ring is called Chuyuan ring. Although its appearance is a little common, it is a rare magic weapon for practitioners in the foundation period." LV Dongfang reached out and pointed to the ring.

"This ring can not only store your vitality, but also make you attack at a critical moment. It can also enhance your vitality recovery speed and your ability to fight a protracted war."

After listening to him, Zhao Zilong's eyes widened. Some of them didn't have to believe their ears.

If this ring really has the functions he said, it's too abnormal.

Storage of energy for standby, in addition to speed up recovery.

This is equivalent to strengthening Zhao Zilong's vitality and prolonging his lifeline.

Although the acceleration of its vitality recovery is only 3%, it is different to Zhao Zilong. Because Zhao Zilong's Qihai branch has been connected, its efficiency will be improved under the overlap of the two.

When Zhao Zilong put the seemingly ordinary ring on the ring finger of his right hand, an aura flashed quickly. At the next moment, Zhao Zilong felt as if he had been wrapped up by the wind, and his whole body was light.

Through the branch of Qi sea, the amount of Yuan Qi converges into the body, which significantly increases the amount of Yuan Qi.

This is like a hundred rivers flowing into the sea, one of which is a surging river.

Feeling the obvious help, Zhao Zilong was overjoyed.

"How do you feel? Is it that your body has lightened a lot and your vitality has recovered a lot faster, and now you still call it a junk?" Seeing Zhao Zilong's expression, LV Dongfang asked coldly.

"Well, I'm just saying it casually. Don't bother me like that?" Zhao Zilong curled his lips and exclaimed, "you know, you are a great master. How about a little grace?""Stinky boy, his mouth is hard." Lu Dongfang gave a bitter smile.

"Well, well, I'm wrong. I have eyes and don't know what to say. I've wronged you, old man. Now I'm here to apologize to you. Is that right?" Zhao Zilong got the benefit, so he couldn't be more stubborn.

Seeing that Zhao Zilong was soft, Lu Da's bald face looked a little better.

"Boss Lu, I know the function of this Chuyuan ring, but what is this belt? What's the function of it? " Zhao Zilong shook his belt and asked him.

"It's called the power belt. It has an energy radiation circuit inside. It can strengthen your strength through your vitality and make you stronger and more aggressive." Lu Dongfang said lightly.

"Oh, it can enhance strength?" After hearing this, Zhao Zilong was shocked again.

"It's true that the increase in its strength is related to your constitution." Lu Dongfang nodded.

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