Best Young Chef

Chapter 749

After negotiating with an Shengxue on the specific implementation project of the military dietotherapy order, Zhao Zilong contacted commander li of Yangzhou military division and prepared to carry out dietotherapy project in Yangzhou hotel according to the requirements of the military.

Originally, the military only tentatively put forward such a proposal, but Zhao Zilong agreed very easily. Even in such a short period of time, he had the conditions to implement it, which could be called a miracle.

After friendly negotiation between the two sides, this matter could have been implemented directly.

But commander li of the military division needed about four days to go to the provincial meeting. Without the signature of the great man, the contract could not be implemented, so the matter was put on hold.

However, Zhao Zilong knew in his heart that, according to his relationship with Commander Li, this matter was almost certain and would be implemented sooner or later. There was no need to worry at all.

At the beginning, when he had a conflict with Kinmen, although commander Li didn't come forward. But he tacitly allowed his son and daughter to help, which had already shown his attitude.

After a series of fights and contacts, the two sides have established a good friendship.

Apart from the military's food therapy program, let's look back at the catering pattern of Yangzhou city at this time.

After Yangji Hotel triggered the food tsunami with lingguo set meal, Yangzhou Hotel fully overtook Yangzhou with authentic * * Tongling food material Jintong electric eel, and regained the title of catering king of Yangzhou city.

Tianyuan ecological park, which is supported by tuntian group and Axe Gang, is not outdone. After the two major catering giants have launched a series of Furies, it has also launched Bingdi berry, which has the beauty effect, and captured the hearts of beauties.

The three catering giants compete with each other to show their culinary skills in fair competition. While bringing good news to the public, Yangzhou's catering industry presents an excellent pattern of blooming flowers.

Bai Li, the president of the Food Association, sighs that this is a time of great food.

It was Zhao Zilong who made this prosperous age!

To this end, he also made a special phone call with Zhao Zilong and made no secret of his appreciation. In addition, he also believes that Zhao Zilong's future is limitless, and encourages Hua Ying to get in touch with him and deepen her friendship.

With the deepening of hostility, the competition among the three industries has gradually entered a white hot state.

In particular, Tianyuan ecological park and Yangzhou hotel are barking like two fighting dogs.

At the same time of cooking competition, they even attack and destroy each other.

During this period, the thunder burst once had a Yin move, but Gu Yang was calmed down.

Compared with the intrigue and mutual utilization of Axe Gang and tuntian organization, Jintang, Guyang, an Shengxue, Zhao Zilong and others in Yangzhou Hotel unite as one to fight against the enemy.

After another round of competition, Tianyuan ecological park stands out from the three with a Qingling bamboo shoot. When it starts to shine again in the catering industry of Yangzhou City, Zhao Zilong can't help but worry.

At the beginning, Zhao Zilong and Lei Pao were not rivals. Fortunately, LV dabaotou appeared to help them solve the crisis. To this end, Zhao Zilong ran LeiBao with words, provoking him to see a high and low in the kitchen.

That thunder explodes to rely on to have swallow the sky organization behind this big tree in, unexpectedly really chose this road.

Previously, the two sides frequently introduced new dishes to gamble on this breath.

At this time, Tianyuan ecological park regained the upper hand, which made Zhao Zilong angry.

If you can't fight, you can't beat others. If you can't cook, it's too embarrassing.

Just as he was sitting on the top floor of Yangzhou Hotel, staring at the clouds in the sky, there was a sound of walking behind him. Zhao Zilong didn't look back, but he could hear that the light footstep belonged to Jin Tang.

"Sister Jin, why are you here?" Zhao Zilong turned his head and asked in surprise.

"I'll help you untie your heart knot and eliminate your demons!" Jin Tang says lightly.

"The devil? Where are the demons? " Zhao Zilong shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

"It's rude, sister. I'm here, and you won't give me a seat."

Ignoring his cover up, she came to him, and regardless of whether Zhao Zilong wanted to or not, she took his collar and threw it aside. She sat down on the only chair on the top floor.

"Well, don't be angry. I'll ask someone to add a few seats later." Zhao Zilong said with a dry smile.

"OK, no more nonsense. I understand your psychology at this time." Seeing that Zhao Zilong was still modest, Jin Tang nodded slowly and said, "the reason why you are depressed is because you are bound by your own thoughts."

"As the saying goes, you can't use one heart twice, let alone more." Jin Tang tilted his head to look at him and said solemnly: "people's energy is limited. If you want to do a good job, you must put all your energy into it, just as others say: where the net of time is scattered, where the harvest is."

"If you want to achieve something in the kitchen and reach the expected peak, you have to make unremitting efforts. Don't be bound by some indifferent remarks, which will affect your mood. "Jin Tang's words sounded in his ears like Huang zhongdalu's.

"However, if I can't deal with the current affairs well, I can't be open-minded. How can I go further on the kitchen road?" After thinking seriously, Zhao Zilong asked slowly.

"Cooking is a sacred thing, which is essentially the same as practice. They should have been far away from the secular world, so you don't have to worry about the worldly things. "

"In short, Yangzhou hotel is just a platform for you to practice and improve your cooking skills, not all of you."

"Even if you lose to the other two industries in this competition, you should not have any depression, because this is just a small episode in your growth, not a decisive battle."

"Only by constantly experiencing setbacks can one strengthen one's mind and keep the color of Mount Tai in the front. Only those with this state of mind can achieve more

"For this, your vision should be longer and your mind should be stronger."

At this point, Jin Tang opened his arms and gave Zhao Zilong a smile.

"Sister Jin, you What are you doing? " Zhao Zilong, who was thinking, could not believe his eyes when he saw her strange action. He was stunned and asked carefully.

"Fool, can't you see that? I want you to hug me. Isn't that always your dream? " The green jade fingers of Jintang are shaking, which looks rather playful.

"Yes, but I only dare to think about it. How dare I hold it?" After hearing this, Zhao Zilong laughed, scratched his head and said, "Hey, I want to live two more days."

"One last chance, if you don't come."

Jintang's arm was still open, and there was a trace of impatience in her voice.

Hearing this, Zhao Zilong's eyes turned and came to Jin Tang with some hesitation. When he stretched out his arms and slowly pushed her gentle body into his arms, he was full of emotion.

"Well, has the shadow in my heart been dispelled?"

Jin Tang lay on his shoulder and made a pleasant sound.

"When you're gone, you're like the scorching sun, and you're gone. Now I feel that I have boundless power and fighting spirit, and my whole life is about to burn up. "

Holding her slender waist and smelling her delicate body fragrance, Zhao Zilong felt floating.

"If my hug can resolve your worries, then I don't mind. I'll always give you this welfare." Jin Tang gently stroked his neck and said with some kindness.

"Good sister, I'm so moved." Zhao Zilong cried, lying on her shoulder.

"Now that I'm moved, why don't you go to work and get kicked on me?" Zhao Zilong is trying to find a reason to enjoy tenderness in her arms, but is kicked out of the way.

"I see. It's so beautiful, but it's so violent."

Zhao Zilong kneaded his tummy, and his face was full of helplessness.

"Really, want to see my more violent side?"

Jin Tang listened to his words, can't help but squint eyes, coldly cry a way.

"Well, of course not. I'm just talking about it."

In the face of her instant burst of atmosphere, Zhao Zilong felt a little creepy.

He turned his mouth and walked out pitifully.

"Wait, where are you going?" Asked Jin Tang.

"Didn't you ask me to work?" Zhao Zilong was surprised.

"Yes, you don't want to beat Tianyuan ecological park and stand out in this round of competition. Naturally, you have to work hard." Jin Tang raised his chin and felt a little proud on his face.

"Oh, so you've found a way to deal with them?"

Zhao Zilong listened to this, not from in front of a bright, rushed to her asked.

"Can you calm down a little?"

Jin Tang shakes off his big hand and shouts without good temper.

"Well, I'll calm down." Zhao Zilong took a deep breath and said.

"I remember I told you that there will be a wave of snacks in the near future. Do you remember?" Seeing Zhao Zilong's serious appearance, Jin Tang said slowly.

"Yes, I remember, is there any top food to be produced?"

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong's eyes widened and his face flashed a trace of ecstasy.

"LINGJI mountain, 130 kilometers away from Yangzhou City, is a legendary spiritual place. It's just that an earthquake many years ago destroyed the spiritual veins of the earth's surface and made it silent for many years. "

"The arrival of this tide of food makes the spiritual pulse run through LINGJI mountain and make it shine again. This should be a sign of the birth of spiritual things." Jintang narrowed her eyes and made an exciting sound."Spirit thing, what spirit thing can it be? Is it food? " Zhao Zilong asked eagerly.

"The shape of LINGJI mountain is like a chicken. It's said that it is the image of the Pleiades star official in heaven."

"Every ten years, it will breed the illusory rainbow chicken with aura. This Rainbow chicken is not only endowed with good fortune, but also carries spirit. It is a rare channeling food

"If we calculate according to the classification level of our existing food materials, it has already bred a little aura. It can be regarded as the best of the * * psychic food materials, even more powerful than the golden pupil electric eel."

Jin Tang slowly raised his head and spoke slowly, with a faint smell in his voice.

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