Best Young Chef

Chapter 758

After returning from LINGJI mountain, Zhao Zilong spent a lot of energy and returned to his room.

This battle with harpoon brought him many benefits: communicating with nature, absorbing energy, building foundation, fighting against tuberculosis in the later stage, and finally retreating safely, which is really amazing.

In particular, after engulfing the blood of the colorful chicken, the blood snake made another big step in the direction of the fire python. It's not only bigger in size, but also has Python patterns and blood sucking tentacles, which makes it more effective.

In addition, Zhao Zilong's own realm has also been strengthened. Under the guidance of that sentiment, Zhao Zilong felt that he was only one step away from the later stage of foundation construction, and he could make a breakthrough as long as he had a chance.

Previously, in his view, the high harpoon, even if it carried magic weapon, could not kill him. This is absolutely commendable for Zhao Zilong.

But the blood snake was not controlled by him before, and swallowed the blood of the colorful chicken by itself, which made Zhao Zilong feel a bit of crisis.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a knock at the door.

After Zhao Zilong got up and opened the door, he was stunned.

"Sister Jin, why are you here?" Zhao Zilong was surprised.

Jintang is a proud person, but also a lazy person, she likes quiet, like to be alone, never like to communicate with outsiders. Even Zhao Zilong, who studied cooking with her, seldom took the initiative to find him.

This time she appeared at Zhao Zilong's door, which surprised him greatly.

"Why, can't I come to your room?"

Jin Tang tilts his head and asks Zhao Zilong.

"Of course not. It's just a little sudden."

Zhao Zilong sneered and quickly made a gesture of invitation.

After entering his room, Jin Tang looked at his room with both hands on his back, and nodded slowly: "it's not bad, there's no peculiar smell, the smell is very fragrant."

"That's right. Under your influence, I also pay attention to my own cleanliness."

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong scratched his head with embarrassment and said.

"Regular bathing can clean up the dirt and keep the skin clean." As Jin Tang said, he touched his pretty face and pinched it on Zhao Zilong's face. He couldn't help thinking.

"Yes, sister Jin has a point." Zhao Zilong heard the speech and quickly echoed it.

"But why is your skin more delicate and white than mine? Do you eat more psychic food than me?" After thinking for a long time, Jin Tang asked Zhao Zilong seriously.

"Well, where, sister Jin, you are naturally beautiful, and there is a kind of elegant beauty on your body. Where can I equal one in ten thousand of you?" After hearing this, Zhao Zilong could not help but look bitter and ashamed.

At this time, sister Jin compared her skin with him, which made him feel bitter.

A man is whiter and softer than a woman. Isn't that a woman?

"Is that true?" Jin Tang tilted his head and asked.

"Of course it's true!" Zhao Zilong nodded and said.

"So, when you take a bath with me, your frequent rise is also related to my elegant beauty?" Jin Tang's next sentence made a sweat drop appear on Zhao Zilong's forehead.

"Well, yes, the opposite sex attracts each other." Zhao Zilong said.

"So, when you men see a beautiful woman, they have an idea, eager to push her down and taste her?" The more Jin Tang said, the more explicit he became, which made Zhao Zilong a little overwhelmed.

It's a beautiful thing to ask such a sensitive question from another beautiful woman.

But for Zhao Zilong, it was a hard job for Jin Tang to ask these questions.

Because he did not know, the next moment, to meet him is kicking or flying legs.

"Sister Jin, please don't tease me. I swear, I've never thought evil of you, and I don't think about you behind my back. Please let me go." Zhao Zilong cried to him with a bitter face.

Seeing that Zhao Zilong was about to cry, Jin Tang's red lips finally rose slightly.

"For your honest sake, I won't tease you." Jintang nodded and said slowly, "when you see a beautiful girl, please keep it for me. Be careful you can't get out of it."

"I know, I know." Hearing the speech, Zhao Zilong nodded.

"In addition, Guyang is a famous chef. He has a unique understanding of the cuisine, and the level of making soup is the top in the whole province. We must respect such a senior chef. Can you understand me? "

When Jin Tang said this, he gathered a smile and said to Zhao Zilong solemnly.

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong was slightly stunned, and then nodded.

"Well, if I expect it to be good, now the soup made by the colorful chicken is about to be cooked. Later, you can enjoy uncle Gu's incredible level of making soup." Jin Tang says lightly.

Seeing that Jin Tang didn't embarrass himself any more, Zhao Zilong was relieved at last.He knew that the reason why Jin Tang wanted to embarrass him was obviously to regulate his behavior.

He followed her out of the room towards the psychic kitchen on the top floor.

Unexpectedly, they had just stepped out of the guest room area when they saw a group of people watching around the elevator entrance, looking intoxicated. Seeing this scene, Zhao Zilong was surprised.

Just as he was ready to ask, a faint fragrance came.

When Zhao Zilong smelled the smell, he suddenly felt his mind was in a swing.

Usually, when a man smells a woman's body fragrance, he will feel his heart beat.

But at this time, Zhao Zilong was moved by the taste of his nose.

His expression was stunned, and a look of shock flashed across his face.

"How about it? It tastes OK?"

Seeing his expression, Jintang asked with a smile.

"Good smell, this is..."

Zhao Zilong swallowed and asked.

"This is uncle Gu cooking soup. It's just the smell. If you drink his soup, you will know that this old dish gang has super cooking skills beyond your imagination." Jin Tang said and entered the elevator.

Looking at her back, Zhao Zilong couldn't help laughing bitterly.

When he quarreled with Gu Yang earlier, he was annoyed by him, so he scolded Lao Cai Gang. Did not expect that he said unintentionally, but Jin Tang is intended to listen to, at this time even took out to ridicule him.

"Woman, what a sharp animal!" Zhao Zilong followed with a sigh.

They took the elevator all the way to the top floor of Yangzhou hotel.

With the distance closer, the fragrant flavor is more authentic.

They followed the scent and walked out of the elevator to the door of the psychic kitchen, almost drunk. After the taste became strong, it was refreshing, softened cells, and made people feel very comfortable.

Zhao Zilong felt the smell like a small brush, combing his stomach and adjusting his cell structure. The feeling similar to massage made him enjoy himself.

"The soup contains five flavors, warming the heart and moistening the lung. It's really a top-notch product!" Jin Tang is satisfied.

"My God, is that exaggeration?" Zhao Zilong was shocked.

They pushed open the door of the psychic kitchen and went in. They were immediately attracted by the scene in front of them.

The kitchen is filled with water mist and charming fragrance. Through the water mist, you can see that the golden soup in the pot is churning, and a charming rainbow is reflected in the water mist above.

Guyang is busy there, constantly putting auxiliary ingredients into the pot.

Nearby, Jin Zheng, an Shengxue, and four psychic chefs are quietly watching.

Zhao Zilong went over and nodded to the crowd to show his kindness.

"Why are you here now? The process of making qicailing soup by chef Gu is very classic. It's a pity that you didn't see it." Kim was pulling him aside, whispering in his ear.

"Well, you can tell me later." Zhao Zilong chuckled.

"Nonsense, how can it be the same as watching with your own eyes and telling afterwards?"

After hearing this, Jin Zheng gave him a blank look and said, "the ancient chef's handling of food materials and his mastery of the heat can be called classics. It has a kind of unforgettable devotion. How can it be expressed?"

Jin Zheng's cooking skill is superior to Zhao Zilong's, and his words naturally have authority.

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong was slightly stunned and turned to Guyang with a dignified face.

When he was making soup, he did not squint and was absorbed in everything around him. At this time, he is immersed in a lonely world, whistling and waving freely.

He was very devoted. Even when he was a child, he was meticulous.

After filtering all the dregs, the soup is pale gold.

When the soup pot is out of the fire, the rainbow above actually converges into the soup.

For a time, the soup in the pot is strange and colorful.

"Qicailing soup, it's done!"

Gu Yang took off his apron and breathed a sigh of relief.

Pa Pa, the applause rang, and the eyes of the people around were burning.

"Well, here we are. Come and have a taste."

After Gu Yang saw the crowd, he invited him warmly.

When they heard this, they all gathered around and were eager to try.

"Hey, boy, this soup is not yours!"

After seeing Zhao Zilong, Gu Yang raised his chin.

After hearing this, Zhao Zilong was about to get angry, but he caught a glimpse of Jin Tang staring at him coldly. He quickly put down his anger and said to Guyang, "Hey, uncle Gu, what are you doing?"

"You just called me an old vegetable Gang, and now you come to drink my soup with a shy face. Isn't that shameless?" Gu Yang glanced at him and exclaimed without good spirit.

"Haha, that's not angry. Your soup making level is so high that I don't have time to admire you. How can I scold you?" Zhao Zilong wants to drink soup, but he can't turn his face. He has to be patient and explain."You know what's good and bad, little slicker."

Seeing that Zhao Zilong had a good attitude towards admitting his mistake, Gu Yang said.

After that, everyone began to enjoy the delicious soup.

The colorful soup scooped into the bowl, rippling from bursts of beautiful ripples.

Ansheng snow looks like a dignified lady on weekdays, but when it comes to delicious food, she turns into invincible food. She couldn't wait to scoop out a spoonful of soup and put it into the cherry's mouth.

The next moment, her body a shock, the whole person seems incredible.

Then, Jin Zhengduan soup bowl, a half bowl down.

Feeling that the jade liquid Qiongjiang goes down the throat, Jin Zheng is crazy.

On one side of the golden Tang after drinking the colorful soup, also fell into meditation.

Zhao Zilong also took a deep breath, scooped up a spoonful of soup and slowly put it into his mouth.

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