Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1551: Exposure (14)

What Nie Zhining thought was that as soon as his car left, a black taxi behind it stopped, and the person who got off happened to be Gu Qingqing's mother, Wu Aimei!

This is the first time Wu Aimei has come to China Central Place. She has always yearned for the life of a rich person. The wife of the Xu family has money to buy a bag for thirty-five thousand yuan, which is still cheap. There is a specially customized version, and a package costs hundreds of thousands of millions, which basically topped her salary for several years or even decades.

Xu Zijin asked her to come over. She also took a bath, dressed up, and put on the most expensive clothes. But when she came here, she still felt like a stubborn bun. Especially after walking around Huamao Tianjie, I didn't find the cake shop of Black Swan. I asked a teller to find out that Black Swan’s shop was in the central patio on the first floor of China Central Place Street.

When she recruited, she saw Xu Zijin sitting alone in her seat drinking coffee and reading newspapers and magazines.

When she first changed the child, she kept her heart and knew that the single maternity room living next door had money and rights. My child has been born for a week, but because the family is poor and there is no milk, the child is born thin and small. Unlike the beautiful child next door, he was chubby when he was born.

She called a doctor for the pregnant woman to give birth to her baby, but because it was a C-section, she was still asleep after taking anesthetics. She walked to the nursery room, which happened to be late at night, and saw that the child she was born a week ago was almost the same age as the child of the wealthy wife's wife.

For what reason, they are all the same children, and even now they are sleeping in the same hospital and in the same nursery room. However, these two children will take two completely different roads from birth to after. The reason, It's because she has no money!

Moreover, she already had a boy, and the arrival of this girl made the family worse, and almost went to the streets to beg for food.

When she thought of this, she didn't know what courage she had in the end. While no one was around, she simply did nothing, and secretly changed the bags of the two children, adjusted the positions of the two children, replaced her daughter with the rich wife, and held that by herself. Newborn little girl.

After changing the child, she paid special attention to that child's name-Xu Zijin. Qingqing Zijin, a very good name, is tied to the baby’s little feet with the names of the parents. The child’s father is Xu Zhongxu and the child’s mother is Li Hongrui. Moreover, it is also specially marked below. These two people are "Overseas Chinese". "!

She had a guilty conscience when she changed children, but she had stayed in the hospital for seven days. If it weren’t for the child’s small size and the need to stay in the hospital, she would not stay here forever. The next day, she informed herself early. Her husband came to pick her up.

When she took the child back and was discharged from the hospital, she happened to meet the father and family of the child who finally rushed to see the child. Sure enough, as she expected, this family is very rich. The child’s father, under the circumstances like that back then, wore a suit and leather shoes, with glasses, and a gentle manner. His family also looked like very He looks rich, if his daughter lives in his house, she must be a little princess, right?

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