Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1904: Goodbye (15)

When he said this, he slightly let go of his hand, deliberately not holding it so tightly. Isn't the voice so gloomy and serious, but a bit more calm after being suppressed.

Even the expression on her face was not so stern, a pair of amber eyes looked at her quietly, as if waiting for her to make her own decision.

She regrets? What do you regret? He beat people like that, she had to go to the hospital to help him clean up the mess. Whether it was treatment or later, the Nie family asked for an explanation, and it was more appropriate than staying here! If she continues to be here to reason with him who is going crazy, he will regret it!

Just at this time, the ambulance downstairs also heard the sound of a motor. She almost didn't even think about it, and immediately shook his hand and rushed out, chasing down the stairs. When she left, Li You You looked at them and chased them out. Secretary Cheng couldn't walk by himself, so he winked at some of the bodyguards. The bodyguards understood, and walked three or four to keep up.

As soon as he threw his hand away, Xu Zipei was standing next to their husband and wife. She has made up her mind not to participate in the entanglement between them anymore, and it is hard to say anything at this time.

She also knows the personality of Lengsi City, and talking about Nie Zhining at this time will arouse his disgust even more. She is not clear about the cause and effect of the incident. The only thing she knows is that Lengsi City must have been vinegar between her and Nie Zhining. He just ran out to find her in a hurry because she was worried about her safety. Maybe she said after meeting her and Nie Zhining. If something is wrong, he will be beaten like this.

Moreover, she could clearly see that at the moment Gu Qingqing waved away and turned around, the light in Leng Sicheng's eyes was obviously dimmed.

Even his hand kept holding her wrist and stopped in mid-air without taking it back, embarrassingly as if it had been frozen. Although he still had the blood of the beaten Nie Zhining on his face at this time, he did not know whether it was himself or the blood of the beaten Nie Zhining, but his expression at this time was not hideous at all, like a kitten discarded by his master. Like the puppy, some grievances, some loss, and some-poor.

She still took a step forward: "Sri Lanka, Qing Qing's hand is injured, don't you follow it to see it?"

Unexpectedly, Lengsi City, who had just lost his face, almost instantly reduced all the expressions on his face. Although he was still looking at the direction Gu Qingqing left, the regret on his face had disappeared, and it instantly became as cold as winter. It's like a glacier in Antarctica. Not only that, closing his eyes, he condensed all his emotions in an instant, and then opened his eyes, there was a bit more decisiveness in his coldness, as if he was trying to draw a line from the past.

"Where she is going, it has nothing to do with me." After saying this, he stepped forward. Xu Zipei was stunned, and followed out, only to find that he did not go up to chase Gu Qingqing, but got in the car directly and directly ordered the driver: "Go to the company."

Xu Zipei was stunned: "Sri Lanka..."

Lengscheng's expression was flat: "If you don't get in the car, I'll leave first."

"Ah, oh." She had no choice but to follow, and then looked back at Secretary Cheng. Secretary Cheng knew, and ordered the driver to drive away. He turned back to the manager of the restaurant and took out his wallet directly: "We will pay three times the price for how many things we smashed here. As for the incident just now..."

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