Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1920: Goodbye (31)

If it were yesterday, Gu Qingqing might still have a little doubt, but at this time, she just nodded: "I know, thank you."

"And..." He just wanted to say something, and then swallowed it in his throat.

"What else?"

"...It's okay." He has already said what he should have said. Gu Qingqing and Lengsicheng's grievance is between their husband and wife. Although he was indignant and tried to stop Lengscheng’s deception yesterday, when he opposed being with Xu Zijin, he had never imagined that he would return to his old friendship with her.

But he also understood that before Gu Qingqing decided to divorce Leng Sicheng, everything was his own fantasy. And he can't force her to make any choices, he can only rely on her.

Gu Qingqing did not speak either. She also happened to receive a follow-up notice from the hospital this morning, which should have been a matter of review after her previous miscarriage. Anyway, she is also in the hospital, so it doesn't matter to go for a review.

Who knew that when the elevator saw the door of the obstetrics and gynecology department, they met Lengsicheng and Xu Zipei who were going in.

In general hospitals, most of the gynecology and obstetrics departments are arranged together. She didn't know that Xu Zipei came to the gynecological examination this time, it was Xu Zijin's suggestion that he deliberately teased Leng Sicheng to come and accompany her. She thought that Leng Sicheng came with Xu Zipei to help her get the fetus.

She was still a little unwilling to give up. She waited for a long time next to the consulting room, waiting and waiting, five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes, Lengscheng had no sign of coming out of the room. Obviously, Lengscheng was with her all the time, and a person who was so impatient would also accompany them to check one by one. Yes, this is the child he has been looking forward to for a long time, and of course he pays great attention to it.

There was a long silence inside, and neither of them spoke.

The city of Lengs outside didn't know what the people inside were talking about. He just saw that the two were close together, their expressions were gentle and smiling, and they thought they were talking to each other for granted.

He clenched his fist. If it was in the past, he would definitely be the first to rush over. He regretted it. Why didn't he use any more strength yesterday and directly killed Nie Zhining!

Every time she is good to her, she is ninety-nine points good, she may only be touched a little bit, but as long as there is a bad point, she will immediately resist with all her heart, and then turn to the opposite direction without hesitation.

On the contrary, Nie Zhining's little bit of goodness, she will remember it in her heart. She threw off the bodyguard by all means, also to meet Nie Zhining. When she waved her fist, she didn't even want to stand in front of him, guarding her day and night. He didn't even know whether she would treat herself like Nie Zhining the day she fell ill? Even if you have that kind of sincerity?

Just at this time, when a doctor came, Leng Sicheng retracted his gaze a little, not wanting people to see his expression. The doctor stepped forward: "Is this Gu Qingqing's family member?"

Leng Sicheng was a little strange, he thought the doctor who came here must be looking for Nie Zhining, but he didn't expect it was Gu Qingqing. He nodded: "Is there something?"

The doctor said: "I am a doctor in the obstetrics and gynecology department. I just found Gu Qingqing for something. I don't know her...

Lengscheng looked up: "You told me it's the same."

He shook his head as soon as he finished speaking, he must be crazy, even at this time, he was still caring about her body.


Downstairs, in the gynecology department, the nurse said: "It was the last time Miss Gu had a miscarriage..."

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