Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1935: Three questions (6)

She said again: "Sicheng, anyway, the past is over. My father's death is a foregone conclusion, and I will not seek justice for him again. I will not resent you for it. I hate you and hate you. I just...cannot continue to live with you as a husband and wife. I also believe that without me, your life, your work, and everything about you will be better."

She wondered if Lengscheng was so worried about their divorce, was she afraid that she would divide the property? He also specifically mentioned the divorce lawyer Li Youyou had just hired. Li Youyou was indeed afraid that she would not get anything after the divorce, so he specifically consulted the divorce lawyer on the issue of dividing the property. Gu Qingqing immediately said: "You don't need to worry about property issues. I know what happened when I got married. Even if I get divorced, I won't share your property."

Opposite, Lengscheng had no reaction at all. Gu Qingqing frowned slightly. Isn't this okay? She thought for a while, and added, "I won't talk nonsense to reporters and ruin your reputation... Regarding our divorce, I won't tell anyone outside. You can conceal it. Mom and Dad... I can cooperate with you and keep it from them until I need to speak out."

Speaking of which, in this marriage, the only thing she felt warm and caring was his parents. Since her mother worked in Xu's family and she was also studying in Yancheng No. 1 Middle School, she was mixed with a bunch of wealthy people, and Xu Zijin had not dealt with her from the beginning. These wealthy people have their eyes in the sky. It is good not to bully her and treat her equally. She and Lengs City’s marriage, they accepted it with a supportive attitude from the beginning, they never objected to it, and they never said a word to her.

She had never met his parents who were so kind to her elders. She could feel that they were really good to her. Lengscheng was rude and they even helped her teach Lengscheng from her standpoint. . She usually takes care of her shortcomings as her own child, even if she is in her own home, her own parents are not as good as his parents.

She shook her head, but the city of Lengs opposite still didn't say a word. Is this not enough? How does he want to get a divorce? She thought for a long time, unless... he didn't like Nie Zhining and was afraid that they would be together quickly after the divorce. She added for a long time: "I won't look for the next relationship right away, especially Nie Zhining. I can guarantee that in three or even five years, I won't enter into marriage with anyone again, I..."

"You don't need to say any more." Lengscheng interrupted her again, with a wry smile on her face.

Look, she thinks so much for herself. Don't need property, won't say that he is not, help him conceal his parents, and promise not to marry for five years. Look, what a good condition, as long as he nods his head? She had thought about everything for him, the only thing she hadn't thought about was that she and him continue to maintain the marriage and go on!

Everything has come to an end. What's the point of holding onto a marriage that has ended long ago? No, it should be said that they are all emotional, and from the very beginning, he was a one-man show.

"Sri Lanka..."

"You don't need to say any more." Lengscheng emphasized again, his tone was unprecedentedly low, as if his whole body's strength had been emptied, "If your wish is only for a divorce...I, as you wish."

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