Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1939: One with two wide (4)

This thrust was very strong, and the incident happened suddenly. Even though Li Youyou was holding Gu Qingqing’s hand, because she was wearing high heels and twisted to the front, her center of gravity was unstable. The whole person took Gu Qingqing together, and the two of them were pushed directly. Fell out. She was wearing a skirt, staggering a few steps, and her knees slammed on the floor with a painful sweat. Just turning around and cursing "I...", a car behind him drove past where they had just stood with a whistling sound, and even wiped her back and legs soon. The car didn't slow down, maybe because I knew I was in trouble, I simply drew an arc at the intersection, then turned quickly, accelerated to escape, and disappeared at the intersection in an instant.

After such a big incident, pedestrians around you soon came up to ask the situation: "What's the matter? Are you two all right?" The cars behind also started to whistle, and the street suddenly became a mess.

Li Youyou was stunned, and so was Gu Qingqing. She didn't care about her leg injury. She turned her head and looked at it. It was a big road and people came and went, and she didn't know who pushed her. Moreover, the place where the person pushed her just now was the shoulder. It might be an accident that she was walking in a hurry and accidentally bumped into her. Seeing people coming up, she looked at Gu Qingqing next to her. Gu Qingqing was wearing flat shoes, but he didn't fall heavily, and asked her, "Are you okay?"

Li Youyou shook her head: "It's okay." She tried to stand up, and she made a painful "hiss" just when she got up, her knees were hot, and her skin was worn out.

"I X, which **** pushed me with his shoulder, he is murdering! I want to call the police!" Li Youyou stood up while supporting Gu Qingqing's hand, cursing, "There is also that car, Nima, this is At the big intersection, I didn’t see the green light, so I dared to drive fast, oh my knees-are you okay?"

Gu Qingqing also shook her head, still talking, the green light changed to red, there was a car waiting behind, and she had already honked the horn impatiently. There is no traffic policeman on the street here. Just now Li Youyou said that it was a shoulder bump. There were so many people coming and going. Maybe that person was in a hurry and ran into her quickly. He didn't even see anyone clearly. Who knew he bumped into her? Who is it? The car also ran away, and the license plate number was not clear. Although the two fell into a awkward situation, fortunately, there was no major incident.

The horn of the car behind was not small, and a lot of pedestrians who had originally watched the excitement were also scattered. She frowned and asked: "Yoyou, do we still have to settle the account? Or else, go to the side of the road and talk?"

Although Li Youyou fell horribly, there are cars next to him. This is the intersection and the middle of the road. Even though he is in a bad mood, he did not continue to insist. He rubbed his legs and said, "Go and take a look."

Gu Qingqing limped to the side of the road with her help, and Li Youyou remembered: "Hey, I didn't take pictures just now. Otherwise, the traffic police will come and I won't be able to tell."

Gu Qingqing shook his head: "Even if the traffic police arrives, what are you going to say? Who can push you? Who is the car that ran away? No one can see clearly, and your injuries are not serious. How do you check? The key to convicting that car for speeding and dangerous driving is that the traffic police have to help you check it. Our injuries are not serious, and the traffic police may just prepare for the case. Or do you know someone in the traffic police team? It’s better to do more than to do less."

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