Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1945: One with two wide (10)

It can be connected, which means that at least she has not left. While making a call, Lengscheng looked up at the boarding gate. It was still some distance away from C32. Originally, when the call was connected, he was still walking in stride, but now he strode into trot, and became fast again. When I ran, I almost ran into a pedestrian with luggage, and then quickly changed lanes and went around.

Although the mobile phone was connected over there, no one responded for a long time. Leng Sicheng frowned slightly. Isn't she the one who answered the call? He immediately said: "Gu Qingqing?"

After being silent for a while, someone over there seemed to respond with a dumb voice: "Yeah."

Although there is only one short word, it is indeed her voice. Lengscheng can at least be sure that she is next to him. While running fast, he asked: "Where are you?"

Maybe he has been running, but he doesn't want Gu Qingqing to hear his gasping voice, so when making a call, his voice is deliberately lowered, and it sounds like a serious questioning instead.

On the opposite side, Gu Qingqing answered the call after thinking about it for a long time. Saying that it is not surprised, not expecting is absolutely false, even at the moment when she just made up her mind to press the answer button with her finger, she still had such a momentary trance, did Lengscheng know that she was leaving, and called specifically To keep her?

Even if the divorce is a foregone conclusion, nothing can be changed, but she is happy that he can make this call before she leaves, even if his voice sounds so serious: "I'm at the airport."

Sure enough, at the airport! Hearing this sentence, the speed at the feet of Lengs City was a few minutes faster: "Are you on the plane? Get me down!"

Perhaps because he was a little anxious, his voice was a little urgent, it seemed more severe, and it almost came out with a roar. Gu Qingqing didn't quite understand, she frowned slightly: "Sri Cheng, do you have anything else to say?"

Although she... also wants to see him, she is also grateful that he will talk to her at this time. But his performance was obviously that some divorce procedures had not been completed, and he was afraid that after she left, there would be many agreements that would not be calculated. They haven't officially divorced yet. Is he afraid of her running so far? What if he doesn't recognize their divorce? Otherwise, why hasn't he not even seen her once for so many days since they signed the divorce agreement, but he hasn't even made a phone call. If it wasn't because she contacted the divorce lawyer today and said she was leaving, maybe by now, he won't even call this phone, right?

"If it's a divorce issue, I just called the divorce lawyer, and he is still handling our affairs according to the procedure." Gu Qingqing paused and added another sentence, "Don't worry, if I need to come back and sign it personally I will come back immediately without delay when handling agreements or other items."

Originally, Lengsi City was running fast. Hearing her words, his feet slipped and almost fell. He stretched out his long hand to support the wall next to him, barely stabilized his figure, and almost hissed: "Are you? On the plane? Get it off, right away, right away!"

If it turns out, maybe Gu Qingqing would really listen to him, but at this time, she was already on the plane, and I don’t know why she heard this sentence. At a time, there was only one kind of clutter in her throat, looking back only in a dream. feel. His throat seemed to be pulled by a puff of breath, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.


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