Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1947: One with two wide (12)

As soon as the voice of this sentence fell, I didn't expect that Lengsi City over there instantly pressed the phone!

The sound of the "beep" phone hanging up was like being splashed with cold water instantly, from the top of the head to the heart!

Could it be that he accidentally pressed it down? Gu Qingqing waited until the flight attendant at the back came up and forbade her to turn on the phone, she seemed to recover, holding the mobile phone suddenly looked like something, and immediately made a call. After the call went out, she raised her whole body's only expectation. Waiting, but after waiting for a long time, only "Sorry, the phone you dialed is turned off."

She knew it, she knew it. How could he love her? Maybe maybe or when getting along, there is a little affection, but where does she come from the courage to seek love in him?

He can call her when he leaves, whether it is to talk to her about divorce or simply say "goodbye" to her, it is enough to give her face. Even if he had never loved her before, he didn't put her in his eyes, and even if the two people never met again in the future, she had already painted a lot in his life. No matter whether he will marry Xu Zipei or not, or how many more women he will find, she will always be the wife of his Mingzhong who is currently marrying and spending three years with him.

In fact, no matter what else, she can live with him. She has fulfilled her once dream, and now she has awakened from this dream, completely awake. In the future, he is him, I am me, the dust returns to the dust, there is no need to contact, and I don't want him to disturb her life again.

The corners of her lips were slightly bent, and she evoked a bitter smile, and the phone quickly typed a few words on the phone.


Here, Lengscheng just ran all the way, and finally hit a pedestrian when he was approaching the C32 boarding gate. The man walked back several steps and fell heavily to the ground. The suitcase in his hand was hit by him. Knocked away upside down, all the luggage inside was scattered all over the floor. And here, Lengscheng himself was knocked back several steps, and his mobile phone flew out. He didn't hear the last words of Gu Qingqing. When his body stabilized a bit, he didn't bother to deal with anything. The first reaction was to pick up the phone, look up at the little time left, and continue to chase.

He had just picked up the phone and was about to leave, when the phone in his hand was hit by someone on the ground, Lengscheng was furious, and he looked up and saw that the man who was knocked down by him was angry: "Boy, you hit the ground. People just want to go?"

Leng Sicheng didn't bother to explain to him, the first reaction was to bend down and pick up the phone. It was smashed too hard just now, and it was knocked off by the chopper. This time the screen of the phone was completely broken into pieces, and it was not usable at all. The man still wanted to settle the account, and Secretary Cheng came up immediately: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I apologize to you on his behalf."

"Who asked you to apologize for him, who did you?"

After this interruption, Lengscheng raised his head again. Time was running out. Secretary Cheng was still arguing with that person. Suddenly he was caught by Lengscheng. Secretary Cheng was startled, "Mr. Lin..."

"Where's your phone? Give it to me!" Before Secretary Cheng could react, Leng Sicheng snatched the phone from her hand, and directly changed his phone card to Secretary Cheng's phone and turned on the phone.

Sure enough, as soon as I turned on the phone, a text message popped up, which was sent by Gu Qing:

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