Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1955: After the separation (6)

Sure enough, the other party also emphasized: "The advertisement will start shooting tomorrow. If your company has any ideas before the shooting, please send us the specific requirements as soon as possible. After all, our Purple schedule is also limited."

Xu Zipei will come over tomorrow afternoon. Gu Qingqing felt a little flustered. She was too embarrassed to ask if Xu Zipei came specifically for herself, so she nodded: "I see, I hope we can cooperate happily."

When the other party left, the assistants and team members all smiled: "When you just asked, we were almost scared by you. I didn't expect Purple to talk so well. If it's a big company, well-known photographers can certainly be tough, but our company She hasn't been so well-known, nor has such a powerful photographer, and she agrees to cooperate. Are you not a fan of her? How can you talk so hard?"

Gu Qingqing didn't have much to say, she turned around and poured coffee for everyone, and took a cup of her own: "Work is work."

The assistant also laughed: "No wonder you can be the team leader. If Scarlett Johansson comes to us to shoot an ad, I promise to fly happily!"

Gu Qingqing just smiled. If possible, she really hoped that Xu Zipei hadn't caught up with their plan and had better never meet again in the future.

The manager came over and gave her another crit: "We just received a notice, and Huanyu's senior management will also come tomorrow. Since Miss Xu has selected your group, she must take good shots. Maybe this time Miss Xu will go to Oscar Red The carpet will also be shot by our company."

Gu Qingqing shook her hand, and an ominous premonition struck her. Her voice trembled slightly and asked, "Excuse me, who is this high-level person?"

After an ideal thought: "The surname is Leng, should he be the president of Leng's?"

Gu Qingqing made a "slap", the coffee in her hand fell to the place all of a sudden, the hot coffee spilled all over the floor, and the people standing next to him were startled. Gu Qingqing immediately squatted down, took out the handkerchief and wiped it clean carefully: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

After she wiped the ground dry, she threw the paper cup into the trash can and stood up again. Her face was still blushing in a trance, she looked a little embarrassed, and the leader didn't care.

"Manager, tomorrow, can I..."

Before she could say the word "leave", the manager smiled and said, "Huanyu is going to set up a factory in California recently, and it will be necessary to make publicity in the future. If this promo film is made well, it is very likely that Huanyu's advertisements will be used in the future. Leave it to us. You must be up for it."

Still striving, she almost lost her anger when she heard this name. After returning home and turning on the computer, she didn't write a word when she faced the screen until it went out automatically.

It's not that she was afraid of Leng's City—she had never been afraid of it before the divorce, let alone after the divorce? She would not even feel narcissistic that Leng Sicheng would still feel unhappy with her. She just didn't want to talk to him anymore and have any contact with Xu Zipei. The dust returns to the dust to the soil, the bridge to the bridge to the road, and it is embarrassing to meet again. no good no see.

At exactly this time, there was a sudden "cracking" loud noise, as if some glass had been broken. Gu Qingqing was taken aback, ran to the window, and saw that there seemed to be a big hole on the side of the window, as if it had been broken with a stone by a naughty neighbor child...

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