Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1961: After the separation (12)

"Just send it to the front." Gu Qingqing finally recovered and immediately got up and looked at the block.

Lin Zhouyi nodded: "I know. Turning to the second building ahead, right?"

Gu Qingqing was a little surprised: "Mr. Lin, what are you..." She remembered that Lin Zhouyi was her boss, and maybe the address of her home was asked by him at the company. "Did you check at the company?"

Lin Zhouyi smiled, lowered his head and touched his nose: "I was here last night. I wanted to say hello to you, but I accidentally smashed the glass in your house. If I invite you to dinner today, I will treat you as a compensation. "

"It was you last night?" Gu Qingqing was taken aback. No wonder there were strangers nearby, and she almost wanted to call the police.

"Yeah, I wanted to give you a surprise, but I messed up." Lin Zhouyi was a little embarrassed, "I was almost chased and bitten by the dog next door when I left. Is it embarrassing?"

Hearing these words, Gu Qingqing finally couldn't help laughing. Lin Zhouyi nodded: "That's right. What a big deal, your expression looks like the sky is falling. You haven't done anything shameful, why don't you seem to dare to see anyone?"

Gu Qingqing laughed at first, but calmed down thinking of this place. Lin Zhouyi thought she felt a little uncomfortable again, and immediately said: "Okay, I won't talk about it later. Tomorrow I will change the group for you, you don't have to follow Xu Zipei."

"It's okay." Gu Qingqing shook his head. Can she hide for a lifetime? Lin Zhouyi was right. She didn't do anything to be sorry for others. Even if she really met Lengsi City, she could face it upright.

...Besides, she tangled here herself, perhaps in the eyes of people Lengsicheng and Xu Zipei, it was just a worn-out dress, which she threw away casually. Just a glimpse, it is clear that Lengs City is doing quite well now. He might have forgotten him a long time ago, so why should she be affectionate?

"It doesn't matter even if you meet Xu Zipei? Even if... it doesn't matter if you meet Lengsi City?" Lin Zhouyi also deliberately tried her.

"What about it?" Gu Qingqing chuckled lightly.

"That's fine." Lin Zhouyi nodded and escorted her to the door without forgetting to add: "I live near here. If you have anything, you can call me at any time."

"Mr. Lin, thank you."

"Isn't it a gentleman's duty to send a lady home. If it is sent to stay overnight, it is a benefit, right?"

Gu Qingqing was about to fight, Lin Zhouyi hurriedly slipped away: "Go to bed early, work hard, I will leave first."

As Gu Qingqing watched him leave, the smile on his face eased a lot. To be honest, Gu Qingqing can also feel that Lin Zhouyi's approach to himself may have used a lot of elements, especially in the past. But now, there is always a little real feeling in this utilization. This year, it is worth cherishing to have a little true affection.

Unexpectedly, the next day Gu Qingqing mustered the courage to contact Xu Zipei, but her economic man told her team: "Sorry, we want to change to another team, and we will bear all the losses."

The people in the company were very surprised, but Xu Zipei did compensate for the double loss, and was taken over by other teams, and went directly to the outdoor shooting without the opportunity to contact Gu Qingqing. She soon had other projects and put into work.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would meet Xu Zipei on another more important occasion. This time, there is Lengs City.

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