Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1965: After the separation (16)

Even Gu Qingqing is in the United States and occasionally read the newspapers to see the dangers of the Leng Group. Leng Yunting and Luo Qingxue, who have always ignored their sons, are said to be running around for their sons. For a while, there was even a rumor that the Leng Group sold houses. Land sales, the stock market plummeted, many shareholders withdrew their capital one after another, many branches closed down, and they were about to go bankrupt and liquidated.

However, after that time, the Leng Group also started to transform without knowing it. The Leng’s originally started as an energy company. Under the situation of stagflation and depression in the commodity and energy industries, those sectors were not originally considered to have great growth potential. This time, they took advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of many sectors that were not profitable. Abolish.

After vigorously enter the entertainment circle. He is also very smart, using his own resources to open two lines, one is to cultivate popular idols, starting from several years old child stars, starting from the training of trainees, he has launched a male and female idol group, which is very popular. . In terms of film and television, a group of big directors and actors have been enlisted, and they pay attention to quality, but they have produced several popular and popular movies. Especially Xu Zipei's film, directed by a famous French director. Although it is a literary film, it is widely acclaimed and the box office is also good. If it can win the Oscar this time, the entire Emperor Entertainment will take off.

This time Lengsi City came to Oscars. In addition to the opening of the Global Shopping Center, there was also promotion with Xu Zipei. The most important thing was to acquire North American film distribution companies, as well as technology companies that produce film computer technology, to help him enter overseas. ready.

At the same time, the deposit that he was cheated of in Santiago did not evaporate, because the signing of the project was a company recommended by Chile during the cooperation between China and Chile, and he even left when the cooperation agreement was signed. Preferential channels, with the pressure of Huaxia State, even if the money is defrauded, the subsequent Leng Group's investment in South America can take the most favorable channel, but it is a blessing in disguise.

In short, when Lengs City appeared, not only the celebrities, but even the financial media began to pay attention to him. A year ago, I was ridiculed and defrauded of a huge margin. The company was disintegrated. Now I have removed those constrained departments. Although the loss was huge, it gradually got out of the predicament.

Under everyone's attention, Lengs City and other merchants walked in slowly. He had no female companions, but before entering the door, he naturally nodded with Xu Zipei next to him. Xu Zipei smiled and put his hand in his arm. The handsome men and beautiful women entered together, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

In this year, in addition to filming, Xu Zipei also resisted public opinion, no matter how difficult the Leng family encountered, he never turned his back on it. Even when shareholders withdrew their capital, they still vigorously bought Leng's shares and unconditionally supported Leng's decision in the company. Up to now, let alone the Xu family has already wiped out the shadow of treachery in Lengsi City's heart, even Xu Zijin and the Xu family's second room have been re-accepted by Lengsi City, flourishing.

Anyway, Gu Qingqing was in the crowd, wearing the most ordinary work clothes. Looking at the costumes from a distance, the two energetic people were glamorously in the crowd, and a complicated feeling of inexplicable inexplicability came to mind.

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