Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1968: After the separation (19)

Xu Zipei looked back at him. Could it be that he didn't hear it just now, or did he not understand who the "she" was referring to?

But if he didn't hear it, just pretend he didn't hear it. Anyway, it was his business.

Xu Zipei watched him for a long time, from the door to the meeting place, to the meeting, to the subsequent reception, and to the end, Lengs City was nothing strange, let alone immediately leave the job at hand to look for her, even without turning his head back. a bit.

Until the reception was over and the business talks were over, Xu Zipei got in his car, but Lengscheng hadn't gotten into the car yet, and seemed to have a very happy conversation with a Chinese girl outside.

The two said a few more words. When they left, it was like a parting of Europeans and Americans. He kissed the woman's profile and then got into the car with a smile. The girl didn't forget to wave goodbye to Xu Zipei in the car, blinking her eyes, as if a faint smell flashed through.

Xu Zipei also smiled and waved to the man. The girl is the daughter of a wealthy businessman of Chinese descent. She has three generations of immigrants in her family. She has successfully mixed into the mainstream circle of the United States, and she is also studying at Yale. Seeing this, it should be to cooperate with Leng's Group. Looking at the way she smiles at herself, she just feels that she should regard herself as a rival in love, right? Fortunately, she had put down her obsession a year ago, and only regarded Lengscheng as an ordinary friend and partner, otherwise, she would definitely want to look back at the look in her eyes.

The gentleman in Lengs City didn't turn around and open the door until he saw the girl get into his car. Before leaving, she rolled down the car window and waved goodbye to the girl. After the girl's car drove away, he put down the window, pulled off his bow tie, took off his suit jacket, unbuttoned his sleeves, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes.

Xu Zipei sat next to him and asked casually, "I want to cooperate with this company? Tomorrow's cooperative meeting will be their home, right?"

Leng Sicheng gave a "huh", his expression was so calm that he didn't even open his eyes. Xu Zipei nodded at the side: "Yes, this company has some distribution channels in North America, and there is no loss in cooperating with them."

Leng Sicheng didn’t speak, and Xu Zipei said again: “Zijin just arrived today and always said that I want to see you. May I bring her over for the cooperation meeting tomorrow? She is now Xu’s general manager, and these businesses are also It needs her participation."

Lengscheng still didn't speak. Although the Xu family is still in charge of the Dafang, she herself, the heir and spokesperson for the outside world, does not have the time and energy to manage a company at all. In addition to the management of his parents and uncle, Xu Zijin also joined the company and started to work. It's all a family, and Xu Zipeili has to offer some help and help both inside and outside.

"If you don't speak, it's your default." After Xu Zipei asked, remembering something, she said casually: "Tomorrow's meeting, will the girl just come too? However, how I look at it, the girl seems... Have a good impression of you?"

Leng Sicheng still didn't speak, and Xu Zipei tentatively said: "I think she is a bit hostile to me, do you misunderstand the relationship between the two of us? I need to explain to her, are we just ordinary friends?"

Leng Sicheng ignored her, still leaning back comfortably. Xu Zipei also added: "However, it's been a year since you got divorced? It's also time to announce your single news and reorganize your family? Gu Qingqing is just a past tense..."

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