Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1972: After the separation (23)

There is no light on this car. If you don't look carefully, you won't find a car parked here. Only a little bit of red light, like a firefly, was shining in the car, the light from cigarettes.

Gu Qingqing bid farewell to Nie Zhining from the door until he walked in and continued to work. After working late, I packed my things to wash, and at the end I turned off the lights and went to bed. The car remained motionless until a long time later, it drove away slowly. She didn't even know that there used to be a car here, just parked at the street, watching her from a distance.


the next day.

Early in the morning, Gu Qingqing went to the office according to his previous working hours. When she had two meetings today and group discussions, she prepared two large piles of materials. When my colleagues saw it, they all began to joking: "Oh, Brigitte, do you want to be so cautious? Today's case does not seem to be too harsh. These are all old customers who have cooperated with us for several orders. And these orders There is not much money in the business."

The deputy tapped the table with the tip of his pen: "What do you know, of course you must be 100% dedicated to your work, and you must maintain your old customers well."

Gu Qingqing did not speak. She just arranged the work in the small group discussion, and when the general manager meeting was held in the afternoon, she also brought a lot of materials into the door.

Halfway through the meeting, the door of the meeting room opened. Immediately afterwards, Lin Zhouyi and other superiors from the head office and branches filed in. Lin Zhouyi took the lead and walked in the forefront. When passing by Gu Qingqing, he didn't look at her any more. He walked straight to his position and signaled everyone to continue. At the same time, he opened the file bag, and the secretary next to him reported the discussion to him.

Gu Qingqing didn't pay attention to him specifically, but had to pay attention to him because he happened to be sitting opposite her seat. Looking at his expression, it seemed as if nothing had happened before, and there was still a natural and friendly smile on his face. Gu Qingqing couldn't help frowning, and lowered his head to focus on his files.

After the meeting, Lin Zhouyi was surrounded by a large number of people and couldn't walk away. Gu Qingqing has been packing things slowly, waiting for the documents to be packed, and looking at the opposite side, there is no sign of breaking up. She frowned, put the resignation letter in her hand back into her bag, and then picked up the folder and went out. Just turning around, Lin Zhouyi's voice came to mind behind: "Miss Gu, please go to my office later."

When Gu Qingqing turned around, everyone in the room looked at her. She frowned slightly, just about to say that she was waiting outside, Lin Zhouyi added, "I don't have a lot of business here, please wait a while."

Gu Qingqing had to wait aside, and Lin Zhouyi discussed business affairs with others, so she could only stand aside stupidly. Several high-level executives around looked at her with strange eyes, their eyes swept over her several times, and their eyes were quite meaningful. She ignored her, waited for a long time, and finally left the scene. At the end of Lin Zhouyi, the executives passed by her one by one and glanced at her several times. Lin Zhouyi seldom came to the company, let alone get close to other women. In this way, she knew her.

Gu Qingqing was too lazy to explain. She waited until there were only two of them in the entire conference room. She stepped forward and took out a resignation letter: "Mr. Lin, I want to resign."


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