Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1976: Looking back again (2)

He specially prepared something for dinner tonight. If she promised to himself later, he would immediately prepare the "surprise" he prepared. He is not too young now, and it's time to start a family and start a business. If that person is her, it would be better.

Of course, if she doesn't agree to his request, it's - nothing, he has been rejected by her too many times, and he doesn't care about her last time.

The two reached the hotel all the way, and they saw many celebrities coming and going here. Before entering the gate and getting on the elevator, they were confirmed again and again that they had indeed booked a seat today before the waiter led them to the restaurant. The two of them sat down, and Nie Zhining smiled and said, "Fortunately, I made an appointment before. There are so many people today. I wonder if I can see Hollywood stars here?"

Gu Qingqing just laughed: "I want to see a star. Why didn't I see you get a ticket for the Oscars a few days ago?"

One of the reasons she was willing to go out for dinner with Nie Zhining today was that the Oscar awards had ended, and Xu Zipei regretted not winning the Oscar awards. However, the movie she starred in has won several Oscars, and her acting skills have also received unanimous praise. In particular, she was the first Chinese actress to be nominated for an Oscar queen. Even if she did not win an award, she instantly became one of the top superstars of China.

But no matter what, the Oscar is over, maybe at this time she has already returned to China. She returned to China, and it is estimated that Lengs City will also go back in about time. They were not there, as if their throat was choked by fate and finally loosened, finally they could breathe freely.

"You don't understand. Sitting in the audience watching those stars is not the same as meeting them in life. I don't want to see those stars when they are the most glamorous on the red carpet. Instead, I like life. Inadvertent encounters. This kind of real beauty that is not carefully decorated is the feeling of ordinary people living."

Gu Qingqing couldn't help but think of Lengsi City. For her, Lengscheng is the star who shines on the stage that is highly anticipated, and she was deeply attracted by only seeing him once. She naively thought that the distance between them was the short straight-line distance between the stage and the stage. Later, she learned that even if they were married, people who did not match would still be painful together. It's better to let him become the white moonlight in his heart.

Gu Qingqing smiled: "What do you want to eat? I'll treat you, but don't save me money."

"Don't you always want to come here for dinner? Don't you introduce a few?"

Gu Qingqing wondered: "When did I want to come?"

Nie Zhining was a little strange, but didn't think too much, maybe the girl was thin-skinned, the two called the waiter, he ordered a dish he wanted as planned, and the two sat and chatted.

Perhaps it was the reason why Lin Zhouyi did not intervene in this arrangement. After all, she and Nie Zhining's friends for many years, Gu Qingqing also gradually relaxed their nerves.

The dishes came up one by one, and the red wine to accompany the meal was also changed. After drinking for three rounds, Nie Zhining's face was also a little red. With Jiu Jin, he stretched his hands on the table to make a fist and summoned the courage to say, "Qingqing, I have something to say to you."

Gu Qingqing nodded, he took a deep breath: "Actually I..."

Before he finished speaking, the elevator dinged at the door, and a familiar figure walked in...

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