Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1979: Looking back again (5)

She came on stage, and from time to time she turned her head and stretched out her hand. From her perspective, he can only see him leaning comfortably on the leather sofa, his long legs overlapping randomly. With one hand resting on the back of the chair, the other hand shook the cup gently, and he could see the top of his refreshing black hair, which seemed to nod with the beat. Obviously, he is very comfortable now.

The woman on the stage also danced Cha Cha. Although she danced closely with another male partner, she didn't have the slightest sense of wretchedness, triviality and eroticism. Although the light in the restaurant is not good, Gu Qingqing can still see this woman with slender waist and slender legs, and her maroon slightly curly hair flutters in the wind with her dancing point, which looks enthusiastic and full of vitality. Confidence-still the type that Lengscheng likes, Xu Zipei's.

When the song was over, she stepped on high heels, sweating down, and walked briskly to the side of Lengs City.

With his back turned, Gu Qingqing couldn't see what Lengsi City looked like at this time, and could only see the woman with a smile on the corners of her lips, chatting all the time. Lengsi City's red wine did not drink a sip, and passed it directly to her, she also drank it with a smile. After that, the two people were still very close, chatting quietly from time to time.

To be honest, Gu Qingqing has such a trace of envy.

She had never seen Lengscheng treat a woman so tenderly, such a gentleman, even in the face of Xu Zipei, facing Chen Wenjie, privately, but the appearance of such an intimate manner on the surface is really unheard of. And it was obviously not the kind of petting to his sister or to his friends. The woman liked his expression, and she could see it clearly after a few meters. He couldn't possibly not know.

Gu Qingqing gave a wry smile. Whom he is gentle with now seems to have nothing to do with him? His girlfriend at this time should be Xu Zipei, right? She has always thought that he and Xu Zipei would be together because of such a difficult time, and she should cherish it even more. Now what...

However, she didn't have so much time to worry about others, and she soon became the focus of the audience. After another song, what was passionate and generous before suddenly turned into a soothing piano song. Behind the white piano next to the restaurant stage appears to be someone sitting in a suit and playing soothing music. After the prelude, a man opened his mouth to sing, the famous "SHE".

"She-may-be-the-face-I-can’t-forget, The-trace-of-pleasure-or-regret..."

This is the theme song of the movie "Notting Hill", a song in which the hero expresses his love for the heroine. This song is also very suitable for ballroom dancing. After the sound of the music, many men and women embrace and dance together. Although this man is not a singer, his voice is gentle and very moving.

But the point is, this is what Nie Zhining sang!

Apart from Gu Qingqing, the one who heard his voice was naturally Lengsi City. He was leaning comfortably, and when he heard him singing, his amber eyes instantly narrowed. The stretched body of the whole person instantly tightened, like a cheetah looking for food, observing the enemy's situation.

Nie Zhining will be here for only one reason: Gu Qingqing, she is also in this restaurant at this moment!

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