Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1996: Farewell (5)

Gu Qingqing nodded. In fact, the car stopped on the side of the road, got off the car and walked to the front of the house, but only ten meters away, two people one after another, even if the pace is very slow, it takes almost five minutes to get there. When she reached the door, she stopped again, turned her head, and glanced at Nie Zhining, "I'm home."

"I know." He nodded, "I should go to another place tomorrow. I may fly directly to China at that time, and I may not have time to come back and say goodbye to you."

Gu Qingqing also nodded: "Then I wish you success in your work."

Nie Zhining also laughed: "In fact, at the beginning, I could go out of town earlier, but I still want to come back to see you more, and I also thought about setting up the headquarters in Los Angeles. It seems that I won't need it anymore."

Although both of them have talked about it, it is still a bit embarrassing to get here. Apart from nodding, she didn't know what to say.

"Also, you have to be nice to yourself when you go out alone. This is the United States. The law and order is more complicated than in China. Sometimes you will encounter bad people and sometimes you will encounter discrimination. You live alone again. You can meet bad people. Don’t go head-to-head, if you encounter discrimination, don’t swallow your anger."

Gu Qingqing nodded again.

"There is also Xu Zijin. Although she seems to have put down all her grievances this time, who knows if she will continue to deal with you? Don't forget that there is Xu family behind her, and she has always been careful. Be careful with her."

Gu Qingqing continued to nod.

"Also, don’t be alone. Apart from work, stay at home, go out and make more friends. If you have a chance to meet other men, marry yourself out. But you have to invite us before you get married. If you can’t pass our level, be careful that we speak ill of your boyfriend behind your back."

"That's enough." Gu Qingqing was joked by him, "Anything else?"

"Also...not for the time being." Nie Zhining thought about it seriously, then shook his head, "If something happens, I will call you again and tell you in person. I'm leaving."

Gu Qingqing nodded again: "Okay."

"Take care of yourself."

Gu Qingqing nodded again: "So do you."

The two were silent again, and Nie Zhining opened his arms: "I'm leaving now, don't you give me a hug?"

Gu Qingqing raised her head and glanced at him. He smiled amiably, and there didn't seem to be any impurities in her eyes. She thought about it, took a step forward, and gave him a big hug.

At the moment of hugging, Nie Zhining gently kissed her side face. The kiss was very light, and it was on the cheek, and the lips broke apart. However, Gu Qingqing was still taken aback, and immediately took a small step back. Instead, Nie Zhining smiled humorously: "Aren't we friends? That's how foreign friends were before they separated, right? I saw you kiss your company's male colleagues like this before!"

Gu Qingqing had nothing to say, but looked at him with flashes of eyes. Nie Zhining smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, I admit, I just want to kiss you. After all, I have known you for so many years, and I have loved you for so many years. I have to leave some memories for me before I leave. But this time , I really want to leave."

It didn't feel much to hear him say so much before. This time I saw him walk to the car and waved his hand, feeling that half of his body was going to melt into the night.

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