Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 2001: Farewell (10)

In this case, it’s impossible not to prepare the second set of plans. Gu Qingqing immediately turned off the video. The video was gone. The lesson clicked on the PLAN-B folder. The video inside was deleted, and the background music was still close to that. The voice of men and women whispering.

Gu Qingqing exploded immediately. If the video in the initial file package was wrong, it might be that the staff accidentally made a mistake. But this time there is a problem again, and idiots know that they must be underhanded.

Everyone in the backstage stared at her, besides being shocked, she might have to come up with an idea. Now the background sound outside is still playing, and there is no other audio replacement at all for a while. Fortunately, although the audio is still ambiguous murmurs between men and women, there is still music in the background sound this time, and the rhythm of this music is exactly the same as the original audio rhythm. She immediately stared her eyes: "What are you so worried about? There is no end of the world yet. How to rehearse before, let's go now. Let's start!"

With her voice, the chaotic situation in the background quickly eased. The models changed their clothes on stage one by one casually, and the catwalk continued. Fortunately, the rhythm of the music is the same as the original background sound. Although the beginning is a bit messy, it is finally unpredictable and goes smoothly one by one.

Although the show continued, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but backstage, Gu Qingqing's face became very solemn. She has always processed the previous documents. The only thing she has not proofread is that when she answered Nie Zhining's phone, she was taken away by the other party to revise it.

She is not a fool. At this time, she didn't know that she was being punished, but now she is still on the catwalk. She suspects that it will cause fluctuations in the work team and can only endure it. After the last model was over, Lucy came to the stage to thank and introduce her design philosophy, and she looked to the assistant: "Who just took your USB flash drive?"

The assistant said: "It is the person in charge of the other party who is in charge of the contact. When they gave me it was five minutes before the start, and there was no time to check. I asked specifically before, and they all emphasized that it has been revised. Brigitte, I swear I absolutely didn't mess with this folder, and I don't know why this happened."

This time, the most demanding agreement was signed. If something goes wrong, a high amount of compensation will be required. The assistant is usually a big and carefree person, and the speech is a little trembling at this time.

"I see." Gu Qingqing nodded. The other party directly asked the person in charge to pick it up, clearly telling her that you were scammed by me. Who has such great malice towards her? Is it this LUCY, or... At this moment, he is still sitting down, looking at the stage with a calm expression, where is Lengsi City?

Before she knew it, Gu Qingqing's brows frowned.

Sure enough, the front end of the thanks, and the clearing began. Later, LUCY stepped off the stage and rushed to the backstage with an angry look: "What's the matter? The background sound and display video just now, how could it be like this!"

Gu Qingqing was mentally prepared, but calmed down, but the assistant couldn't help refuting a few words: "Your person in charge took the U disk and modified the file before starting. We were all doing well in the rehearsal before."

The person in charge immediately came out: "How do you say? I am going to modify the file, with the supervision of Miss LUCY, you still put the responsibility on us?"


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