Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 2604: Finale (89)

Gu Qingqing ate almost nothing when drinking, so she poured half a bottle of wine into her stomach. Leng Sicheng was afraid that she would be uncomfortable, and did not dare to let her eat greasy things afterwards. She gave her a bowl of vegetables and fed her a lot of grapes. In addition to the strong aroma of wine in her mouth, it was the aroma of fruits and vegetables.

She was drunk, like a woodpecker, and kissed her one after another. The messy kiss was like a rainstorm, hitting his lips, cheeks, and nose. Her arms were still tightly locked to his neck, and it was not easy for Lengscheng to change his posture. After a long time, he supported the column with his elbows, pushed her waist and abdomen, turned over, and restrained her underneath.

She still had her arm around Lengscheng's neck. After she turned over, she was stunned for a few seconds, and then immediately with force, her upper body lifted up, insisting to kiss him on the mouth. And because she drank too much, maybe because this posture was uncomfortable, so she was twisting all over.

There is nothing wrong with being promiscuous by her, but Lengscheng is also a normal man with her constant ears and temples. There must be a little change in this physical contact. At the moment he finally took off the hand holding her around his neck and pressed it to the side of her brain: "Gu Qingqing, if you continue like this, I can't hold it!"

His threat was very good, Gu Qingqing blinked his eyes instantly, stopped all movements, and then tilted his head.

She fell asleep.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, sat up straight, and feared that she might vomit later, so he lay on her side, and cushioned her head with a pillow. He went back and changed his clothes, turned back, and heard her dreaming words in the living room: "Don't leave me..."

"Why would I leave you?" Lengscheng stretched out her hand to touch her somewhat messy hair, and just touched her cheek with her fingertips. She held his fingers like a conditioned reflex, grasping tightly. As if let go, he ran away.

Leng Sicheng sat on the sofa and looked at her for a while, her long eyelashes closed securely, breathing evenly. There still seemed to be tears on her face, and her eyebrows were still frowning tightly.

When she was asleep, Lengscheng reached out and hugged her back to the bedroom. She has been clutching the finger of Lengs City tightly with her hand, as if a drowning person is gripping the life-saving straw.

Although she said all drunk things just now, there is a saying that she said well and speaks truth after drinking. She really cared about him, was afraid that something would happen to him, but also reflected on what she did not do well, and-really loved him.

Every time I said "love" before, this guy was always stingy. Every time he had to "coerce and seduce him", he would "unwillingly" squeeze the word "love" from his throat. However, she drank too much, but she said so naturally and so bluntly. It is he who is stupid, that makes him feel that he has no place in her heart, and he has to pretend to be sick to test her to have some feelings for him.

Gu Qingqing slept very deep this time.

In the dream, she felt like she had fallen into a river, struggling with all her might, but she was struggling for a long time like a big rock on her body, sinking deeper and deeper, and she could only hold the rock and sink. Shen.

I don't know how long after she woke up, her brain was chaotic like a new world. She got up just about to knock on her weak head, but suddenly realized that she was wearing nothing.

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